Former Minister of Transportation, Yi Huaren, was charged with corruption cases that stirred thousands of waves. Not only did they talk about the Lishicheng, it also attracted the follow -up and attention of regional media and netizens.From the perspective of the controlling details disclosed at present, the case does not involve cash transactions, and at the same time, it also has the perception of the "friendship process": the 27 control -like controls faced by Yi Huuren are related to the business giant Wang Mingxing.Before Yi Huaren entered the cabinet in 2006, the two met and became friends.Yi Huaren has issued a personal statement: "I am innocent and will focus on washing the crimes."

Singapore, as a country ruled by law, the qualitative of the case was finalized after the court was tried. Prior to this, the public should not publish the conclusion that what he considers is "guilty or innocent", but Yi Huaren has resigned from all political positions and exited the action.The party, from then on, has left the half -lifetime politics.Prime Minister Li Xianlong and Minister of National Development Li Zhisheng both expressed disappointment and sadness.

The fourth -generation leader, deputy prime minister, and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai When receiving the joint interview with the media at the National Media Center, the impact of the Yi Huaren incident on civil servants was talked about.Disappointment, shock and sadness, especially those civil servants who have worked closely with Yi Huaren for many years.Another picture that surprised me personally is the deep forehead wrinkles and decree patterns on Huang Xuncai's face. I can't help but turn out the historical photos of him entering politics in 2011. At that time, he was still a young talented young talent.Now that the political experience in just 12 years has become a middle -aged uncle who has a vicissitudes in front of the camera.

It is more difficult for politics to be in politics.Cabinet members basically live in 365 days a year. In addition to the heavy work of their own government affairs, they also need to face the inquiries in Congress in Congress. At night, they will meet the people in the selection and attend various community activities on the weekend.While the ministers have the "three iron people" action and willpower, they must also be good at communicating with the public in the language of the ground.The media conveys the information of "more laughing" by telling cold jokes.

The Singapore Cabinet Minister implemented a salary system. There are no living allowances in various names, no official residences, no bus use, and no privileges. Li Xianlong also needs to queue up.The politics is not an iron rice bowl. The Cabinet Minister must face a general election every five years."Battle of Yuni" left the political stage since then.

As a personal career plan for the top talent, if it is purely a economic return, it will not be as president of the Cabinet Minister as the president of a large enterprise.For example, Singapore's Tiktok president Zhou was funded at the United States Congress's hearing. Its talk and vision are impressive. If any political party can recruit its political stars in the future, it is definitely a political star in the future, but Zhou suffers from Zhou.The annual salary of the president of the capital is close to 130 million yuan, which is 100 times the annual salary of the junior minister of the cabinet.(The annual salary of the junior minister is about 1.1 million yuan)

In addition to the consideration of personal occupational income, after choosing to politics, we must adhere to the almost strict personal behavior and personal affairs related to civil servants and regulations, which also means that we must abandon the past comfortable circle of friends and social methods.Because of this, Zhang Zhixian, a cabinet government, once sighed that choosing and inviting high -quality talents to join the governing team has always been a major challenge for Singapore's previous government.

Many local scholars and political observers believe that the highest moral standards of the political individuals that the People's Action Party adheres to the political individuals and the resoluteness of zero tolerance for corruption make the Yi Huaren incident not cause too much on the party's election in the coming election.Great impact.What is really worthy of attention is that when the DAP will have more promising politicians when the next election comes, whether there is a greater ratio from an excellent candidate from the civil servant system.

The topic of "Minister's High Payment" has always been the attack option that the opposition has repeatedly tried in the previous elections. Without the empathy and tolerance of thinking, related topics can easily fall into the vocal war of populist traps.In secular society, it seems beautiful that "the horse runs and wants to eat the grass", which essentially hurts the future of the country's good politics.

Huang Xuncai has emphasized that the relevant leadership successor plan will not be affected by this incident, and the next election will be determined after the leadership team is handed over.As the leader of the ruling party in the next election, how to solve the concerns of the younger generation of talents "from political difficulties", and how to avoid the "political population" in the Internet era, Huang Xuncai and the core team of the fourth generation of leaders have been reorganized.

The author is the president of the Asia -Pacific Regional Enterprise Group