The Bloomberg News Society website published an article entitled by the Red Sea turmoil on January 24, which brought impact on the global economy.Article excerpts as follows:

In the past two months, the incidents of missiles, drone attacks, and hijacking civilian vessels in the Red Sea have led to the largest diversion of international trade in decades, resulting in an increase in the cost of shipping companies in Asia and North America.The chaotic situation is spreading, causing concerns to have broader economic consequences.

The United States and its allies have launched a multi -round retaliation blow. At the same time, many navy navies were organized to cruise in the waters, but they failed to prevent the Hassy militants from attacking.As the crew demands that wages have doubled and the insurance rates have soared, the shipping company is avoiding this channel that usually carrys 12%of the global maritime trade volume.

The US Freight Agent Councilor Xiebo Company said that more than 500 container ships that had been traveled through the Suez Canal through the Red Sea now need to bypass the southern end of Africa, which will increase the shipping time for two weeks.The digital logistics platform said that the affected ships are about a quarter of the global container shipping capacity.

Vincet Yakpera, a logistics expert from Alba at all -speed departure companies, said: "Since the crisis during the last epidemic period, we have not seen the cost increase so quickly."The fading of epidemic interference has brought a decline in price, but many potential bottlenecks in the supply chain still exist.

Shipping Corporation and Petroleum Transportation Company said that they have made this chaotic situation that will last for months or even more preparations, and some long -distance routes have been reservations to summer.This means that every company that transports goods has more inventory delays during transportation, and more containers are needed to prevent shortage.According to the data of the online industry platform Ai Shijie, the factory that manufactured these metal boxes has made every effort.

Puhua Yongdao Accounting Firm Geopologist and long -term investment expert Alexis Croar said: "So far, many executives and investors have underestimated the possibility of this risk. This may be theBased on a wrong assumption, the conflict between Israel and Hamas is still controllable.

Although there are no signs that the rising cost has been pushed up, the central banks of various countries have begun to warn related risks.The European Central Bank President Christina Lagarda listed the "re -supply bottleneck" as one of the four key risk factors she was concerned about.The decline in the water level of the Panama Canal has led to the slowdown in the circulation of goods.

If the conflict of the Red Sea destroys the supply of oil, the soaring oil price will become another risk of inflation."So far, I think we are lucky to see the oil tanker who have been attacked.""


The Bloomberg Economic Ministry of Economic said that the risk of rising shipping costs may provide another reason for the central banks of various countries to postpone interest rate cuts.Morgan Chase's economists predict that if the shipping crisis continues, the inflation rate of global commodities in the first half of this year will rise by 0.7 percentage points.

Niels Lason, chief shipping analyst at the Baltic International Shipping Association, said that the impact of the Red Sea crisis has exceeded 2021 "Changci" stranded incident.Lasmuson said that if the crisis continues, its impact may be comparable to the Suez crisis in 1956 -the crisis that year led to the Suez Canal closed for five months.

Josh Lipuski, senior director of the Geopsis Center of the Atlantic Council, warned that the tension of the Red Sea exposed the vulnerability in the global supply chain and highlighted other potential risks.(Compiled/Tuyu)