Laos, the only inland country in Southeast Asia, Laos is the chairman of the Asian Wheel Valley this year. This year is also the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Laos and Singapore. Dr. Wei Wen, a Singapore Foreign Minister, recently visited Laos that the local economy has developed in the past few years., Leading to fiscal tightness, hoping to find opportunities to move forward.

The Laos government frankly expresses the situation of its country, obviously wants to help.The history of the contemporary Laos after World War II was similar to some countries in Southeast Asia. It once experienced the difficult process of involving the influence of the United States and the Soviet Union.Since joining Asian'an in 1997, he has become a partner country. It should be found that this regional organization, which is also a small and medium -sized country, has a common development goal, and can also play the valuable role of collectively responding to the pressure of large powers.The source of help can be trusted.

Singapore began in June 2022 in the "Laos -Thailand -Malaysia -Singapore Power Integration" project, and imported 100 MW of electricity from Laos.In the year, whether it is updated this year, it is necessary to discuss further.However, as the tentative project of the Yasanan Grid, this cooperation is of positive significance for long -term energy security.

As saying that Weiwen said, Laos is "a fertile soil worthy of our continued efforts."The country with a population of 230,000 square kilometers and more than 7 million people is rare, and the economy and business are like a blank, with great potential.As a partner country in Asia, in the past 30 years, Singapore has trained more than 16,000 officials for Laos. Now with the profound changes in the world technology and industry, digitalization, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, synthetic biology, and renewable energy sources are new needs.It is not only we can provide further assistance, but also find many space to promote the mutual benefit and benefit of the two countries and carry out more cooperative projects.

At present, Laos is one of the most owed countries in the United Nations list. The main economic and trade exchanges are mainly adjacent to China, Thailand and Vietnam, and also received the development assistance of some international organizations.Although there are wealth of clean and renewable energy such as hydropower, as well as a variety of minerals such as coal, copper, tin, gold, and aluminum, as well as the rare earth resources required by the production of electronic chips and electric vehicles, the small agricultural economy accounts for about half of the domestic GDPThere are eight successive employment opportunities from agriculture.Since the beginning of this century, the tourism industry in Laos has lested. With a large number of natural environmental resources, including the two major world cultural heritages of Langprahn and Vapau Temple, foreign and local tourism institutions have brought rich tourism income to improve some people's living conditions.However, the crown disease epidemic has led to a severe damage in the past few years, and in the face of the impact of inflation in the world, the currency depreciation is serious.

In the process of global development of zero emissions, the carbon credit that Laos can provide with less Laos will have a large market. Singapore can cooperate to assist carbon credit to release economic potential for Laos and develop business opportunities for Singapore companies.Real the result of mutual benefit.In terms of relatively lack of infrastructure, Singapore can also provide construction -related policies and legal professional support.

A large part of the agricultural products in Laos are the rice required by Singapore. If the two countries can actively launch a cooperation plan, Singapore can provide more project training required by the other party, including assisting in improving governance capabilities and forming modern business and markets.Economic operation logic, and cultivating related talents, pushing more industrial categories other than agriculture, and enhancing economic diversity.Singapore can also help build local international market norms and legal knowledge and environment, which also helps companies and other member states of Asians to invest in long -term investment.

The 10 member states of the large family of Ya'an have different economic development so far. Fortunately, they have consensus with each other and take economic cooperation and national construction as the common goal."Aquarius Economic Community Blueprint 2025" hopes to deepen the economic integration of the entire region and enhance the collective economic strength and innovation, including the cooperation of human resources and capacity building.Laos, which is rich in resources but has unlimited Laos, launched a more substantial and in -depth cooperation in Laos, which can not only enhance the local economy, provide employment opportunities, but also increase the source of material demand for Singapore. It provides enterprises with more regional market opportunities.There will be substantial help.