According to Kyodo News reported on January 22, according to the US dollar, the total domestic product (GDP) in the name of Japan in 2023 is likely to fall from third to fourth in the world and be fourth.Germany overtaken.This is due to the shrinking of the yen exchange rate depreciation, and at the same time affected by the Russian -Ukraine conflict, German prices have increased more than Japan.Once Japan fell to fourth, it was the first time that GDP in 1994 became the main indicator of the year's economic scale.

The International Monetary Fund Organization predicted that Japan's GDP would fall to fourth last year. As Germany's release value, the matter was almost a foregone conclusion.

It is reported that the country's economic scale is related to the right to speak in the international community, and Japan's global influence may decline further.Under the process of young children, how to improve the efficiency of labor production at a low level has become a subject.

The nominal GDP of Germany in 2023 was 41211 trillion euros, an increase of 6.3%over the previous year.After the average exchange rate of 2023 calculated by the Bank of Japan is USD $ 45.78 trillion after the average exchange rate was converted to the US dollar.

Japan's GDP from January to September 2023 was 43.64057 trillion yen, and it was converted to USD 3.1034 trillion.To surpass Germany, the GDP from October to December 2023 must reach about 19.0 trillion yen, which is equivalent to an increase of about 30 % from the same period last year (about 148 trillion yen), which is not easy.The Mitsubishi Ri Lian survey and consulting company estimates that Japan's 2023 nominal GDP is expected to be about 592 trillion yen.

Japan will announce the initial value of GDP in 2023 on February 15 this year.

According to the report on January 23, the Japanese Daily News, under the catch -up of emerging countries, the status of Japan's "economic country" is challenged, and now it is the moment of re -questioning the meaning of "richness".

The scale of Japan has always been second only to the United States and China, maintaining its top three status in the world.However, Japan's GDP was overtaken by Germany in 2023, and it has become a foregone conclusion.

Reported that this is not only because, due to the depreciation of the yen, the scale of GDP, which is counted as the US dollar.As the population decreases and the economic growth rate decreases, this is a structural problem that Japan is facing.

The International Monetary Fund Organization predicts that the scale of the Japanese economy will also be overtaken by India by 2026.According to the forecast of the United States Goldman Sachs, Japan will fall to the 12th place in the world by 2075, and worships Indonesia, Brazil and Nigeria and other countries.

The Japanese government deeply feels crisis.Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Kishita actively promotes the formulation of a child's future strategy.The strategy predicts: "If the trend of the population is not stopped, it will have a significant impact on the status of the world's third economic power." On this basis, the strategy emphasizes: "Mobilization must be mobilized and unswervingly adopt declining childization.Countermeasures and promote economic growth "

However, the prevailing countermeasures should be supported by people who want to raise children but cannot childcare.The decree countermeasures are conducive to enhancing the national strength, and the "Abe Economics" that proposes to maintain a population of 100 million and the largest GDP scale after the war.In recent years, the Japanese government has formulated large -scale economic stimulus policies, but it has little effect, and the debt is high.

Kyoto professor Uchida Kyoto pointed out: "GDP is used as an indicator of wealth. This is an indicator of economic activities such as production and consumption.Among them.

It is reported that after the new crown epidemic, the gap between the rich and the poor and the problem of loneliness in Japanese society have long been prominent.Even if the epidemic is over, foreign tourists enter the country, and they cannot solve the problem before.Uchida said: "Money cannot make up for social division, and we are at the intersection of social crossroads that can be transformed into interpersonal relationships."

As an alternative indicator of GDP, the Economic Cooperation and Development Organization released the "Better Life Index (BLI)".BLI is an index that shows the happiness of people such as social relations and life satisfaction.The latest survey results show that among the 37 developed countries, Japan ranks 25th.GDPs in Norway, Denmark, and the Netherlands, the top rankings are small.

Although BLI seems to have nothing to do with the economy, the top national productivity is also higher than Japan.The analysis of the senior economist of Yamato Comprehensive Research, Katsuya, pointed out: "Improve the re -distribution policy, suppress the gap between the rich and the poor, and maintain stability of life. Such a society is more conducive to everyone's ability to play."

Kishida Wenxiong had advocated to correct the gap between the rich and the poor at the beginning, but later he was stunned.In order to cope with the rise in prices, the Japanese government will implement tax reduction policies such as income tax with more than 3 trillion yen in June.However, even if we take fiscal measures repeatedly, if the structure of distortions is not changed, the economy cannot be revived.

It is reported that if you do not persist in the phantom of the "big country" and change to mutual help -mutual society, you should be able to discover new wealth.