Liu Yiting, a "Harvard Girl" who became popular in China more than 20 years ago, has recently been searching for Weibo.An article entitled by Liu Yiting has become an ordinary middle class in the United States. The 25 -year -old chicken scam has been broken on the Internet.The article uses Liu Yiting as an opposite example of high opening and low, and is ridiculed that this star character who has a great ambition and has high hopes, eventually only live a "ordinary middle -class" life in the United States.But how Liu Yiting was "ordinary", but was brought by the article unknown.

From the public information about the public Lingying, Liu Yiting was hired by Boston, one of the world's three major management consulting companies after graduation, and later went to a well -known multinational company to be responsible for mergers and acquisitions. After experiencing several rounds of investment companies,It is currently a partner of hedge fund company.Her husband also graduated from Harvard University, a well -known American legisler, and a partner of a law firm in New York.

It can be seen that although Liu Yiting did not active in the public vision as before, and did not become a shining big man, her resume and marriage status in the United States used the "ordinary middle class" to describe it."Chicken Scams" and "Dream Broken".

The author of the article may not be unaware of this, but he is more willing to believe that Liu Yiting and "ordinary middle class" and "dream broken" can meet the psychology of some parents "chickens".Dream "removing charm, so that the parents of" chickens do not move "get some psychological comfort and get more traffic.

However, many parents "chickens" are not because of the charm of the "American dream", but because their environment in which they are located have changed.

In the 1990s of the relatively lagging information, Liu Yiting could not participate in the college entrance examination, but he could enter Harvard's experience. It did built a "American dream" and "dream of going abroad" for many Chinese ordinary families.

But behind this dream is that China after reform and opening up began to move globally and enter the fast track of economic development. It is a significant improvement in national income and generally increased confidence.

At that time, the Chinese people enjoyed the dividends brought by the global economy, and they had a more positive and optimistic attitude towards the future and the world.They are willing and capable of investing more resources on their children, and support their children to embrace the world and chase their dreams.

Today, more than 20 years later, just as the Chinese economy continues to be sluggish, the employment situation is becoming more and more severe. In addition to the depreciation of the RMB, the investment of Chinese middle -class families in studying abroad has begun to become suffering. In recent years, the Chinese Internet has used to mockery the middle class."Three -piece" "Children Going to Study abroad" are listed in it.

According to Chinese media reports, many middle -class families who have been firmly intended to send their children to study abroad have begun to retreat after calculating tuition fees, living costs and returning employment returns.The once -ambitious chicken army was losing the confidence and confidence that she was supported, and had to make a decision to let go of "dreaming".

In fact, when Liu Yiting walked into everyone's vision 20 years later, her "ordinary middle class" life is still the goal of many Chinese families to fight for a lifetime.The Chinese children from her ordinary family have been reflected in the spirit of the "American Dream" in 20 years.Perhaps, Liu Yiting, who was labeled with the "ordinary middle class" label, could not bring comfort to Chinese middle -class families, but it would look like a mirror, looking out of their longing for the future and the helplessness that is now tied to reality.