Once the operation fails, the mutual loss of the mainstream elites and the general public, and the accumulation of people's grievances to a certain extent, it is easy to give birth to the characters who "do the way for the sky". With a keen political sense of politics, the transformation is generally generally disadvantaged through passion speeches.The political capital used by the people is a political capital used to challenge mainstream elites and replace them.

The new Argentine President Miri, known as "Trump of Argentina", delivered a keynote speech on January 17 at the Davos World Economic Forum in Switzerland, gained extensive attention and debate.Mirley warned: "The West is in danger." Because the main leaders of Western countries who should defend Western values ​​at all, they have given up the liberal model and switched to collectiveism and socialism packaged with compassion.End the historical process of global hunger and poverty.

On January 16, Trump's deity was primary in the first party of the United States Presidential Election of the Republican Party in 2024 in Aiwa., Defeated the second -ranked governor of South Carolina, Heili,; then, in New Hampshire, on January 24, once again defeated Heili with a vote rate of 43.4%.It is inferred from various polls that Trump, who has not been old, has been nominated by Republican Presidential nominations.Because the current US President Biden's support is far worse, the possibility of Trump's secondary palace may not be ruled out.

Trump and those who are described as "Trump of a certain country" are classified as "populists" in general, but they have been used by the media as the populist.What does it seem to be unclear.In essence, populism is the abnormal state of democracy.The healthy and normal democracy means that the affection is basically smooth. The people can choose the representative of public opinion freely. As one of the mainstream elites, the public opinion representatives can generally reflect and implement the will of voters.

Once the operation fails, the mutual trust of the mainstream elites and the general public, and the accumulation of people's grievances to a certain extent, it is easy to give birth to the characters who "do the way for the sky". With a keen political smell, through the time disadvantages of passion speeches, the general resentment is universal.The political capital used challenged mainstream elites and replaced it.As a political amateur, Trump was born in 2016, and it was the banner of "Dancing Washington Political Swamp".The veteran Hillary was caught off guard, and entered the White House by the populous east wind.

Outside the United States and Argentina, Europe has also recently staged similar dramas.The Right -wing Brother Party of Italy successfully arched the first female Prime Minister Meloni in September 2022; the Right -wing Swedish Democratic Party jumped into the second largest party in Parliament in September of the same year;The Liberal Party first became the largest political party in Congress in December last year ... France and Germany, which are two giants in the European Union, populism is also aggressive.France's Right -wing League leader Ma Lin Le Pen voted in the first round of the Presidential election in 2022, and he drove me all handling with President Macron; although Macron won in the second round, the gap was reduced compared to 2017.Due to the discussion of party members' discussions to deport immigrants and "unhelling citizens", Germany's extreme right -wing alternative selection party, which has caused unconstitutional controversy, has stabilized by more than 20%in Quan Germany, and has exceeded 30%in the German region.The Social Democratic Party led by Erz is only 13%in full German.

This intricate political phenomenon does not have a simple explanation.Throughout these political parties, which are called "extremely right -wing", which are increasingly left -tied to the left, the common claims are to emphasize patriotism and restrict or terminate foreign immigrants with a large number of alien civilization backgrounds.The so -called "abnormality is a demon". If populism is the abnormality of democracy, one of the important crux may be in the subject of immigration.He Qinglian, an economist in the United States, wrote in Lianhe Zaobao on January 23 that this year's US election is a dispute between common sense and anti -common sense. It is because "one country must maintain normal development, one is to ensure the interests of the taxpayer of the country.Do not overdo the illegal immigrants with infinite number of their wallets. "

Rob Henderson, an American social commentator, proposed the "Luxury Beliefs" in 2019, a term created by the Institute of Sociology to describe the "moral advertisement" of the wealthy class to use the concept of new differences in the United States.(Virtue Signal), showing off a social status to analyze how the mainstream American elites are seriously disconnected with the general public in cognitive and common sense.At first, the white -collar workers who were out of the same way were debt cards. When they bought a 10,000 -yuan brand -name package to work, showing off their wealth through the luxury houses of famous cars have fallen into the lower.Budget "" open border ", support" sex minority ", especially forcing others to use the strange gender pronouns other than" you, me, him ", advertise the love of" vulnerable groups ", to show off their advanced social consciousness and advanced social consciousness and advanced social consciousness and actionsstatus.

But just as Miller warned, the cost of "luxury beliefs" is expensive.The reduction of police budgets does not affect the rich people who live in the access control community with private security, but seriously threaten the personal and property security of low -income class; open borders allow illegal immigrants to compete for low -income groups to work and lower wages.And increase the crime rate.The most fatal thing is that the grassroots class loses the basic trust of mainstream elites that violate common sense; since democracy fails, the spring of "extremely right -right" populist politicians arrives.

As a democratic country, Singapore must be alert to this phenomenon. On the one hand, on the one hand, any luxury beliefs that violate common sense, such as "Chinese privileges" to prevent micro -duct, on the other hand to ensure the healthy operation of the political system.Response continuously enhanced.