Whether it is to take the opportunity to question high salaries, or to underestimate the severity of the case, it ignores a keyword in the case: "zero tolerance".

Yi HuarenFollowing a high degree of concern, a general view of laughing or questioning is: Didn't Singapore say "high salary to raise integrity"?

This can also be expected. To this day, many people also think that being an official must only talk about dedication and ask for remuneration as immoral; there are also many people who take the opportunity to vent their emotions and only stare at "high salary high salary high salaries.Raising the words "four words, seeing the trees not see the forest.

The so -called "high salary raising integrity" seems to be a proposition. Singapore's high salary to the minister is to attract talents, and raising integrity relying on the system.Wang Anshi, a writer, politician, and thinker in the Northern Song Dynasty, talked about "high salary" from "raising integrity" about 1,000 years ago.He said in the book of Emperor Shangrenzong's words: cultivating talents "to" wealth, to be wealth, to be polite, and to make the law. "(Rao is rich and rich) Gives rich talents, so that they have no concerns of life; restrict their life style with gifts; sanction their illegal behavior with regulations.

Wang Anshi see through human nature.He said that if a person often feels insufficient for money, he "is greedy and everything."The human sentiment is "unbelievable, omnipotent", and then the king formulates the system to formulate a specification for "marriage and funeral, sacrifice, and Yan enjoyment.This remark is also very appropriate today. The red envelopes received by the daughter -in -law and the daughter, red wine, white wine, and a few abalones of tens of thousands of yuan, a luxury rice game of tens of thousands of yuan, European concerts and football tickets, gifts for brand -name items, etc.It can be the form of buying officials.Wang Anshi, the first saying of Wang Anshi, can be described as the first "Sales Proposal for Senior Officials" in the history of China, becoming a waymother diagram of his reform and cultivation of talents in the future.His vision far beyond his time.

Yi Huaren's suspected corruption case officially entered the judicial procedure on January 18.The control refers to the benefits of Wang Xingxing and his company with a business relationship, including foreign stage dramas, football events, and Singapore F1 Grand Prix.Card tickets pay for, and private planes that take Wang Xingxing.These interests are worth 384,340 yuan.

Among the 27 control -like controls he faced, two items refer to his resistance to prevent corruption, and 24 items of control of Article 165 of the Criminal Code.Wang Mingxing, who has business relations, asked for interests.He also faces a control of judicial justice.

The lawsuit faced by Yi Huaren is serious, but it has attracted some perceptions that have lost their severity at home and abroad.

The Malaysians have made a significant comparison of the two Malaysia -New countries through funny ways to create a significant comedy effect.It is simply a "little witch to see the big witch", and the worm sees the big worm. They can't hide a kind of self -deprecation and a deep disgusting to money politics.

Malaysia, who vigorously anti -corruption under the prime minister Anhua, was not as good as "Dun" in the original anti -corruption, enjoys the highest title "Dun" character of the Royal Captive, and has the privilege of being exempted from corruption investigation.Since it is "not as good as Dun", there is a consensus of "children who can't go down", because if they move to "Dun" children, it is inevitable that the old "Dun" is involved.So the Dun Mahathir family has always enjoyed the special status of "Untouchable".

Dunma has recently published the theory of infidelity in Chinese and Indian descent and "assimilation theory". Obviously, it is to create political issues and disperse people's attention.

The response of neighboring countries seems to to some extent affects the social perception of the Singapore folk on the Yi Huuren case.On the one hand, some people think that the government has a small topic, and on the other hand, some people doubt whether the government is "grasping small and big" and deliberately handle it with less crimes.

"The upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked", and the corruption of a country is from top to bottom.The so -called "top is good, and the bottom must be very embarrassed." If the minister thinks that the benefits of greed are much smaller than himself are not hindered, his subordinates will also use the same "not hindered" psychology to get benefits.This kind of "meaning" Xiaohui Xiaoli has less accumulation, and Xiao Tian's head will become great benefits.It is interested in making convenience in politicians, and that a little bit of human investment will not be bribes, and it will become more and more unscrupulous.After being regarded as a lubricant of government -business relationships, it is considered a matter of granted that the official culture and shopping mall ecology that constitutes a collusion between government and business collusion over time.Therefore, Singapore -style strict corruption standards may be difficult to understand by some countries.

The Yi case more clearly reflects the consistent style of Singapore's anti -corruption.Whether you take the opportunity to question high salaries, or underestimate the seriousness of the case, you ignore a keyword in the case: "zero tolerance".If some Chinese people also underestimate the severity of this case, and start breaking through the "zero tolerance", does it mean that some people have softened the position of political cleanliness issues?If the Singaporeans have also begun to accept the transportation of political and business interests, it is a bigger problem that is a "inevitable evil" of social development and is worthy of the government's profound view.

Social development has been developed today, is there a general atmosphere in Singapore's business community. Personal relationships with ministers and ministers have advertised the image of "someone in the middle and China" during domestic or foreign activities?Has the seeds of government and business interests have grown up unknowingly?If it is, any bad seeds must be removed in the bud.Whether there is a gray area in the interactive relationship between government and business is the biggest question and anxiety for us to give us.

(the author is a special commentator in Lianhe Zaobao)