They all sat in front of the "resolute table" in the oval office. They had signed the bill as a law, appointing judges, dealing with foreign leaders, and issuing combat orders to the armed forces.They all know what the person who has the greatest power on the planet feels.

The results of the preliminary election of New Hampshire this week means that they are likely to be in the presidential election.However, this is not only the first time in the United States for the first time that two men who have entered the White House in the White House for more than a hundred years, which also represents two very different countries -Blue America and the respective presidents of the Red United States have begun.

If Niki Heiley cannot win unexpected results in the last efforts of successful opportunities, the final battle between the current president Biden and former President Trump will surpass the freedom familiar to several generations of Americans.Different from the conservative two -party dual.Yes, this is at least to a certain extent, but it is fundamentally related to the race, religion, culture, economy, democracy, cause and effect retribution, and the most important thing is that it may be the same.

The two presidents have two different views on the United States.Except for their age and have been presidents in recent years, they have almost no similarities.In the eyes of Biden, the United States led the United States to embrace diversity, democratic systems, and traditional norms, and believes that the government is the power to improve society in the best circumstances.In Trump's view, the United States led by the system is a country where the system has been corrupted by dark conspiracy, and is a place where people who are not equipped with hard work are more taken care of than ordinary people.

Severe differences within the United States are not fresh.In fact, these differences can be traced back to the era of the United States Constitutional Constitutional Conference and John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.However, some scholars believe that these differences have almost never reached the severity of what they have seen today. Today, the distance between the Red and Blue America in geography, philosophy, economy, education, and information is increasing.

Americans not only do not agree with each other's point of view, but also live in different reality. Everyone has their own self -enhanced Internet and media ecosystem.Their views of their incident on January 6, 2021, either a terrifying rebellion launched by a prototype fascist organization for unconstitutional rights, or a legitimate protest that may be out of control, but it has been used by the other party to let the other party make it allowed to let the other party use it to let the other party make it.The patriot has become a hostage.

The Blue America and the Red United States have very different laws on abortion and guns.The division of the party in 44 states has been deeply rooted. These states actually know which United States they support before the autumn election, which means that they will basically not see one of the candidates, and the candidates will focus on the key points.Put on the battlefield state where six decisions are determined.

In an increasingly blocked society, Americans describe their differences in the nature of incompetence.According to the statistics of the Pew Research Center, the proportion of Democrats, which believes that Republicans who believe that Republicans are immorally since they were elected president in 2016, have risen from 35%to 63%.47%rose to 72%.In 1960, only about 4%of Americans said that if their children married another party, they would be unhappy.By 2020, this ratio has risen to nearly 40%.In fact, only about 4%of today's marriage is the Republicans and the other is the Democratic Party.

"Today, when we think about the United States, the major mistakes we must make is to imagine it as a single country, the Red American and Blue America mixed together like marble patterns."Michael Podholz, the political director of the Trade Union Federation, wrote in an article last month."But the United States has never been a country. We are the Federal Republics of the two countries of Red and Blue. This is not a metaphor; this is the reality of geography and history."

The current division reflects the most significant political adjustment since the Republican Party occupied the south and the Democratic Party occupied the north since the civil rights legislation in the 1960s.Trump has turned the Republican Party into a white labor party that deeply rooted in rural communities and hates globalization.The Democratic Party where Biden is located is increasingly becoming a political party with more educational and economic conditions. These people have become better and better in the information age.

"Trump is not the cause of this adjustment, because adjustment has begun since the early 1990s," Douglas Sosnick, who studied political trends, said he had served as a consultant in the Clinton government.But "Trump won in the 2016 election and he accelerated these trends at the president's appointment; this adjustment was formed to a large extent according to the winner and loser in the 21st century digital economy.Is it a winner or a loser or a loser? "

These two American leaders exercise power in their own way.As the current owner of the White House, Biden has all favorable and unfavorable conditions for the current president.But Trump has always played as a presidential role to some extent. He never admits that he failed in the 2020 election. Police investigations showed that most of his supporters believed that he was the legal president, not the president, not the president, notBiden.

Even without formal title, Trump has developed a schedule for Republicans who work in Washington and the capitals of various states.Last year, after the then President of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy and Biden reached an agreement on the budget bill, Trump touched a Republican internal coup that caused the Speaker to step down.He is still working on how to deal with Ukraine issues that are in a deadlock and U.S. border policy Mike Johnson to the current Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson.

As Trump has almost ensured that he will be nominated by the presidential candidate within the party, many Republican officials (except for obvious exceptions) who have opposed Trump's elections have been unable to show him in recent weeks.As a result, it is difficult to imagine that Washington can reach any major policy agreement this year, without Trump's consent or at least acquiescence.

There is no exact precedent in the current situation in American history.Only two people who had worked twice before were opposed again.Once in 1892, former President Groofer Cleveland won the election in the president Benjamin Harrison again.The second time in 1912, former President Shi Orto Roosevelt challenged his successor William Howard Tafa as the third party candidate (although Tafa was promoted by Roosevelt, the two of them wereThe relationship has become alienated), although Roosevelt's challenge has not succeeded, it has paved the way for Democratic candidate Woodro Wilson.

The two elections have never reflected the epoch -making time that scholars and political professionals saw in this year's election.When historians are looking for similarity, it is often mentioned that during the American civil war period, at the time, the north of industrialization and the south of the farming society were different from slavery.Although the withdrawal from the Federation today is incredible, some Democrats in California and some Republicans in Texas will talk about this issue from time to time. This fact shows how alienation many Americans feel each other.

"Whenever I mentioned in the 1850s, everyone was thinking that we would break out of the civil war," Saine Wirenz, a historian of Princeton University, said.One of the scholars."I don't mean this. I'm not doing predictions. But when the system is weakening, changing or transforming in the way people see, I can observe it from a historical perspectiveEssenceI think people don't know how abnormal the current situation is."

Biden and Trump are both popular presidents in history.At the beginning of the election of the re -election, Biden's support in Gallop's poll was only 39%, which is the minimum support rate of all current presidents since Eisenhower.In the answer to the degree of love, Biden and Trump were not comparable, 41%of people expressed their favor for Biden, and 42%expressed their feelings for Trump.

But the views of different party voters are very different.Although 82%of Democratic voters have a good opinion of Biden, only 4%of Republican voters have a good opinion of Biden.Similarly, 79%of Republican voters have a good opinion of Trump, and only 6%of Democratic voters have a good opinion of Trump.

Sosnick's latest analysis shows that at the beginning of the election year, Bayeng may get 226 votes in the election group, and Trump may get 235 votes.If you want to get the 270 votes required to be elected, one of the two of them must win part of the 77 votes for six states. These six states are Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Both Biden and Trump have been presidents, and Americans already know their views on the two.This will make Both Biden and Trump be more difficult to define their opponents in front of the public. It should not be as President Bush in 2004 to the John Crey and Obama President in 2012 to Mitt Romney.Essence

But this year's unknown factors are also unique.The 81 -year -old president is already the oldest president in American history, while the 77 -year -old president faces 91 felony allegations in four different judicial jurisdictions.No one can say how these developments will develop in the next 285 days. Biden and Trump have begun to carry out presidential campaign during this time.

Although voters may know how people who have entered the White House in the next four years, it is unclear at all that a split country will respond to the victory.It seems possible that refusing to accept, disturb, further divide, and even violence.

As Wirenz said, "The current situation is abnormal. I think people know this is important."

Peter Baker is the chief White House reporter of the Times.He reported on the news of five recent US presidents, and sometimes wrote an analytical article that placed the president and the US government on a more macro background and historical framework.Click to view more information about him.

Translation: Cindy hao