As a result of the Harbin War, a result of a Jewish "victim" narrative in the United States is close to the collapse, and a severe division of the left in the leftist with Jewish as the backbone.

In the past two years, the storms that have subverted the image of the US democratic lighthouse have risen. The most disruptive incident is the "insurance war" that Harvard Presidents spanning from 2023 to 2024.The incident was due to the severe political division of the left camp caused by the Harbin War, which led to the narrative collapse of the Jewish victims, and then Harvard President Claudine Gay was accused of plagiarism by 50 papers, allowing Harvard to sweep the academic dignity.New identity politics based on the theory of the victim is questioned.If you have a little understanding of US politics, you know that the above three are the opening of a comprehensive cultural war. Harvard storms are just outposts of this cultural war.

The first veil of the privilege (DEI) of the victim: The privilege has the size.The new identity politics of the American left is based on the victim's theory (DIVERSITY -Diversity; Equity — average; Inclusion -tolerance, abbreviated as DEI).Whoever is at the top is at the top. In the promotion competition of government, military, academic departments, and even enterprises, it is given priority in accordance with this level, and at the same time, it has more preferred.Since 2020, members of this identity pyramid have increased from "Black Destiny" (BLM), Muslims, and feminism to LGBTQI+(sexual minority).

The top of the Jewish residence victim of the pyramid

However, except for a small number of Americans, most of them have forgotten that Jews lived at the top of the victim's pyramid.The Jewish elite rarely publicly mentioned this because of more than 80%of the Jewish people. The rich people have been the generous funders of universities, academic institutions and various non -governmental organizations (NGOs) for many years.Elite is even strong in the left.After World War II, Jews were the biggest victims of human society to become mainstream narratives.As early as 2004, U.S. President Bush passed the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act through the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act.The top.

But after the outbreak of the Harbin war, there were anti -Juda trend in Harvard University and other famous universities. Many Jewish elites were shocked and closed their donation checkbooks.On December 5, 2023, at the U.S. House of Representatives Education and Labor Commission held a hearing on anti -Semitism, the presidents of Harvard University, MIT University (MIT), and the University of Pennsylvania were summoned to testify.President Elizabeth Magill resigned on December 9.However, MIT made a completely different decision, and the school's executive committee publicly stated on December 7 that the principal Sally Kornbluth, the principal of "full strength and no reservation"; Harvard board stated that he supported the school's principal-Gais, who is a political correct status such as refugees, blacks, and femininia, and the opportunity to declare that Gay's previous plagiarism was only "insufficient", and it did not violate Harvard's improper behavior standards.The school's 700 faculty members supported Gay's open letter to show that "public opinion" was unshakable.

In the US financial business community and educational academic institutions, they all occupy the Jews they want, and their great influence on American politics has no right.The American political circles responded strongly to Harvard's decision.On December 8th, a joint letter signed by 72 Republicans and two Democrats asked the board of directors of Harvard, Binna, and MIT to immediately remove the principal of the school, otherwise it may be regarded as a "anti -Jewie co -conspiracyBehavior".

The result of the Harbin War caused a result that neither Jewish nor Israel was unwilling to see: the narrative of Jewish "victims" in the United States is close to collapse, and the internal divisions of the leftist in the backbone of the Jews are severely divided.A survey conducted by Harvard Harris Public Opinion Company from December 9th to 16th found that 73%of Americans from the age of 18 to 24 believe that Jews were oppressed.

The second veil opened by opening: identity is "correct" higher than academic ethics.Gayo was selected as President Harvard. In addition to integrating multiple political and correct identities, she is also the founder of Harvard Oedib (Harvard Office for Equity, DIVERSITY, Inclusion and Belonging).During the President of Obama, it was widely established among the US government, military and educational institutions.After weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of Harvard's board, she was willing to protect her because she could be called "oppression of white racism."

But there are too many plagiarism involving Gay.As early as 2001, her two political papers were obviously incorrect because of the data, and they were questioned by the Society for Polictical Methodology.When she was nominated for Harvard President 6 months ago, her doctoral dissertation fake problem was accused by multiple people.On December 26, 2023, Victor David Hanson, a well -known historian and a professor at Stanford University, listed 10 reasons that Gay should step down, focusing on her racial prejudice, injustice, academic moralityLow, it is the damage to Harvard's reputation as a plague.

On January 2nd, Fox News Network exposed six allegations of plagiarism from her.Gay was forced to post a resignation letter on Harvard's internal network. In the letter, only her words did not mention her 50 plagiarism. They still claimed that they were victims of a racial prejudice: "Some people questioned me to fight hatred and insist on academic rigorous determination. IAlso face personal attacks and threats caused by racial prejudice.

Jewish elite reflection of identity politics ridiculous

Bill Ackman is a well -known American hedge fund manager and the founder and president of Panxing Square Capital Management Company.He is known for his active investment strategy and blunt style.After the Harvard alumni and donors on October 7 last year, he paid close attention to the Harvard incident.On January 4 this year, he published a long article on X (former Twitter) to explain his thinking about the Harvard incident. Some of them showed that he had realized that the leftist's new identity politics constructed according to DEI theory, but it was just a politics, but it was just a politics.A political propaganda:

"The more I know, the more I feel worried, and I am aware of my ignorance of DEI. I started to understand that diversity, average, and tolerance are not those concepts I originally understood. I always believe that diversityIt is an important characteristic of a successful organization. I am the most extensive form I said here: views, politics, race, age, religion, experience, socioeconomic background, sexual orientation, gender, growth background and other diversity.But what I know is that DEI is not about its purest diversity, but as a political propaganda movement, which means that those who are considered oppressive under the DEI itself.The degree of oppression is determined based on their position on the so -called oppression pyramid. Among them, white people, Jews, and Asians are regarded as oppressed, and some colored people, LGBTQ groups and / or women are considered oppressedAccording to the philosophical basis of DEI promoted by Ibram X. KFC and others, a person is either an anti -racialist or a racist.Neutral state."

I pointed out on X: When most Jewish elites followed the anti -Semitic, Akman pointed out that the fallacy of Dei was a good start.The only regret is that he failed to reflect on the source of this theory is the class compression theory of Marx's identity politics.In today's left new identity politics, Marx's "class" identity is only replaced by identity identity such as race, sexual orientation, and skin color.Mei Yin, a master of legal history in the 19th century, deeply explained: "From identity to contract" is a revolution in social relations. "All the movements of progressive society are the same.The gradual elimination of family attachment and the growth of personal obligations on behalf of them.So far, it is a movement from 'from identity to contract'. "

Regardless of the old and new, it is a great retreat of history. Even if it is popular in the lighthouse country in the United States, it is still a reaction to history.

The author is a Chinese economist in the United States