Source: Bloomberg

Author: Gregory Korte, Stephanie Lai, Greg Stohr

A few weeks before the Aiwa Republican Party Meeting Meeting, the recent legal disputes of former US President Donald Trump may cause Republican primary choices to be confused.

Voters try to prevent Trump from running the election and initiated legal challenges to eventually be handed over to the U.S. Supreme Court to make a decision, asking the judges to quickly take the pressure of actions to calm down legal disputes.

On December 28, the highest election official in Maine ruled that Trump could not participate in the state's primary election of the state because he tried to overthrow the results of the 2020 presidential election, which led to the U.S. Congress Building on January 6, 2021Riot.A few hours later, election officials in California said Trump will continue to be included in the state votes.

Michael Waldman, chairman of the Blunnan Judicial Center at New York University Law School, said that the ruling of Maine has laid the foundation for a "epic constitutional duel".The state of Maine is the second state to ban Trump from participating in the Republican primaries in the state after Colorado.

"This puts greater pressure on the Supreme Court, requiring it to take action and make a decision," Waldman said. "It is indeed necessary to clarify it at the national level."

Trump is facing a lawsuit from voters from all over the country. These voters say that Article 3 of the Constitution's 14th Amendment prohibits him from seeking re -election. The article stipulates that those who "participate in the rebellion" have not qualified to serve as public office.

The questioning of Trump's qualifications failed to weaken his absolute leading advantage among Republican candidates.The average polls of RealclearPolitics show that Trump ’s support across the country leads its closest competitor, Florida Governor Ron De Setis, more than 51 percentage points.Far leading.

Trump's campaign team attacks the prohibition of the former president from participating in the election for political motivation, and Trump insisted that his behavior before the Capitol's hits was within the scope of the president.

Trump's campaign team issued a statement after a ruling in Maine, saying: "We are witnessing the act of trying to steal the election and deprive the citizen of the American voters."

Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of the United States may soon decide whether to trial whether the Supreme Court of Colorado announced that Trump is not in line with a local voting qualification.Republicans of the state have asked the judges to intervene, and Trump himself will appeal on the 29th at the fastest.

Trump's candidates for Trump to run for the Supreme Court to accelerate their actions in order to use non -public meetings on January 5, 2024 to consider whether to try the case.

Even with the intervention of the Supreme Court, it is unclear how to solve this problem clearly.

Waldman said he hoped that the judges would not decide whether Trump participated in the rebellion, but who had the right to decide whether this behavior prohibited him from serving as a public office in the future, so that these decision -making rights to state courts and electionsOfficials.

This legal dilemma puts Trump's future into the hands of the judges. Three of them are nominated by him. This shows that the public's confidence in the Supreme Court is close to the historical low, and the agency is dragged into the agency intoAnother high -profile political struggle.

The Secretary of State of the State of Colorado said on the 28th that unless the Supreme Court refused to accept the case or confirmed the state of the State High Court in other ways, Trump would be included in the votes on January 5 as a candidate.

So far, Trump has successfully won some legal challenges, including the Supreme Court of Michigan, Michigan, a key swing state, saying that he can stay on the votes.