Since the epidemic rays, we have changed from a cultural perspective.It seems that the isolation and uncertainty of years make us understand how important emotional needs are for our overall health.

Now, we pay more attention to our inner world, and we must also take action.Fortunately, everyone can do something to nourish their mental health and find a happy moment.

As we are about to enter 2024, the following is some of our favorite tips last year.

1. Try a effective way to improve sleep quality.

Experts said that sufficient sleep is one of the main programs to ensure mental health.If you are difficult to fall asleep or the quality of sleep is not high, research has found that insomnia cognitive behavior therapy (CBT-I) can play a short-term effect as taking sleeping drugs, and long-term effects are better.CBT-I helps people solve anxiety about sleep and find a way to relax.Looking for related services, please refer to the list of the Association of Sleep Medical Association.

2. Understand how to judge whether your anxiety is for protection or pathological.

Occasionally anxiety is normal.In fact, some anxiety is even beneficial.Experts said that the internal alarm system can improve our performance, help us discover danger, and even encourage us to be more serious.Therefore, we asked Dr. Peters Levonis, chairman of the American Society of Psychiatric Society, to what extent is anxious?

He said: "If you start noticing that worry and fear continues to exist, this is a signal that indicates that you need some help."

Other signs of attention include uneasiness, pessimism, accelerated heart rate, sweating, trembling, and inattention.

3. Block the cycle of anxiety.

If you always think too much, there are some simple methods here to help you control this habit.The first is to disperse your attention: Studies show that diverting attention can help you get rid of everything that puts you stress.Try to play a puzzle game or listen to music, pay attention to the lyrics in the song.

Other times, it is best not to suppress this impulse -but this does not mean that you should be caught in it.Set the timer to give yourself a dedicated time for 10 to 30 minutes for chaos, allowing yourself to think about what you think in your heart.As soon as the time arrived, let go immediately.

4. Practice "Five things".

When you are struggling with mental health, basic tasks such as washing or laundry may make people feel that it is not done.But living in chaos will make you feel worse.KC Davis is a licensed professional consultant, and the author of how to take care of the house when drowning.Beautiful -your home does not have to be perfect, but it should be suitable for living.

The effective way to prevent things from getting out of control is to practice what she said "five things sort out".Treatment of five major types of housework -garbage, dishes, laundry, places to place things and things that have no places -one processing one at a time makes cleaning easier to manage.

5. I am grateful.

Thanksgiving is a positive emotion, when you admit that there are good things in life, and others -or higher power (if you believe it) -to help you realize this kindThis emotion.

Experts say that if you want to really benefit from gratitude, it is important to express as much as possible.This may include writing thanks or listing positive things in your life in your diary.Thanks to friends, lovers, and even colleagues, they can also enhance their feelings.

6. Facing aging optimism.

Studies have shown that mentality is very important for health and can even extend life.A classic study found that people who are optimistic about aging holdings have lived more than seven and a half years than those who have abnormal views.

In order to change the old -fashioned attitude, you must transfer your attention to the benefits of the elderly, such as better emotional health and higher emotional intelligence.Also find an old -fashioned example: the elderly who are active and participating in community activities, or those who have the characteristics of your admiration.

7. Participate in art activities.

Many people know that art can make mental healthy, but they may not be put into practice.

Experts said that they must not have talent to try it.Whether you think your creative geometry, writing a poem, singing or painting can help you improve your emotions.One of the simplest ways is to give some complex things coloring: Studies have found that spending 20 minutes to give a mandala (a complex geometric pattern) coloring, it is more helpful to reduce color than spending the same time.anxiety.

8. Find a little bit every day.

? Sometimes we must remind ourselves to keep in touch with the physical world of the whole.This is the purpose of awe.

Find a walk (you can be familiar or unfamiliar), but imagine that you have come here for the first time.Then focus on your senses.Feel the wind of the face and touch the petals.It is okay to see the sky.The recovery effect of this may exceed your imagination.

9. Stay away from technology for a while.

If you feel difficult to focus on, then it is not your unique problem.Studies have found that in the past 20 years, the average time we spent in a certain transaction has been reduced to 47 seconds, which was originally two and a half minutes.Technology is often considered the culprit.

To regain his attention again, Professor Larry Rosen, Professor Ray Rosen, California State University Doming Goshan Branch, is a strategy he calls "far away from technology".Set a 15 -minute timer and set the phone to the side.After 15 minutes, look at your preferences for one or two minutes -this is the rest time for you to stay away from technology, and then start a 15 -minute working time.The goal is to gradually increase the time away from technology, and finally increase the time to leave the phone to 45 minutes (even longer).

10. Breathing deep.

To calm your body and mind, the simplest and fastest way is to make a slow deep breath.This helps activate your sub -sympathetic nervous system -to offset the pressure response of "war or escape" -and reduce blood pressure and regulate heart rate.

A breathing exercise is particularly effective for relieving fear and anxiety, that is, 4-4-8 breathing, the number of inhalation to four, holding the breathing to the four, and then exhaling to eight.

Christina Caron is a reporter of the Times Healthy Ladies, reporting the cross -topic of mental health, culture and medical care.She had previously served as a parenting reporter, a reporter and an editor in general.Click to view more information about her.

Dana G.SMITH is a healthy layout reporter.Click to view more information about him.

Translation: Du Ran