Be careful to prevent it is indeed necessary, but living in this digital era, because of worrying about being deceived, completely rejected digital technology or mobile phone applications, as if he was scrapped, and made himself an endor of the times.The correct way is to face bravery, study hard, ask if you don't understand, and refuse to surrender.

Recently, in the circle of WhatsApp's friends, some people forwarded a video of Chinese President Xi Jinping using English (another Korean) speech.Some people were surprised. Some people insisted that it was the voice of the translator, but there were usually read newspapers and those who knew "DeepFake" immediately knew that it was just a gadget of modern computer technology.

Carefully compare the pronunciation and mouth type, you will really think that Xi Jinping is speaking in English or Korean.There is such a thing. Generally, the mainstream media have been fired for a long time, and do you still wait for social media to break the news!Such videos are actually very much.For example, American President Biden spoke in the pure Beijing cavity Chinese, American female singer Taylor Swift spoke standard Chinese and so on.

This kind of counterfeit videos use artificial intelligence and deep pseudo technology. Through ready -made software, it can easily give people a "face change" and clone's voice.The so -called deep pseudo, according to the explanation of Wikipedia, is the abbreviation for deep forgery. It is a mixed word for English Deep Learning and Fake, which refers to the application of artificial intelligence -based human image synthesis technology.Technology can superimize existing images or videos to target images or videos.The technology that forged facial expressions and presented to a target film has appeared as early as 2016.

Deep pseudo technology falls into the hands of some people who are full, used to make the above spoof or spoof videos, and deceive the ignorant person to get some pleasure from it. This is no harm.The deceived person only suffered some mental and psychological "losses". He felt that he was injured in self -esteem. How could he live a lot of age and eat so much salt. As a result, he was played by a video circulating on a social media!But the deep pseudo technology falls into the hands of scammers or those who have no heart, and the results may be very different.

Last Friday (December 29, 2023), Premier Li Xianlong specifically posted on Facebook, reminding the public that he was careful to be deceived by deep pseudo videos.He said that recently there were some deep pseudo videos made by his audio to promote the cryptocurrency scam.The scammers used the video interviewed by Premier Li to accept the CGTN host Zou Yun, with fake audio, lied that he had a cryptocurrency investment opportunity for making money, and promoted a Tesla chief executive Elon Musk designed"Revolutionary Investment Platform".

The use of celebrities to set up investment traps to trick people to click on links is now very common.Those who often go to Youtube to find videos will see such deception videos almost every day.Except for Li Xianlong, such as Deputy Prime Minister Huang Xuncai and other political figures of the country, He Jing, chairman of the Temansang Trust Foundation, almost all had been on the video.As for how many people believe that they think they really go to "invest" to be deceived.

Singaporeans seem to be cheating.In October last year, a joint research report released by the Global Anti SCAM Alliance and data service providers SCAMADVISER said that from the one year from August 2022 to August 2023, the fraud gangs were globally in the world.It is estimated that about $ 1.02 trillion (about 1.4 trillion yuan), of which the average loss of victims in Singapore is 4031 US dollars (about S $ 5538), the world's most.Data from these two groups show that global fraud losses in 2020 were about 47.8 billion US dollars, and in 2021, it was US $ 55.3 billion. It can be seen that fraud cases have continued to surge globally.

In the past year, the various fraud cases have occurred frequently. Therefore, it is not surprising that the "fraud" Rong of the fraud "fraud" in the 2023 Lianhe Zaobao "one year".According to data released by the police in September last year, the annual ratio of fraud and cyber crimes that occurred in the first half of last year of the local area was nearly 70%(69.4%), reaching 24,525.Among them, scams accounted for 91.1%, reaching 22,339, an annual increase of 64.5%, and the amount of losses lost by the victims was 334.5 million yuan.Since 2019, fraud has also been changing with each passing day, and fraud has risen year by year, making police tired.I wonder how long this trend will last?

In addition to fraud, deep -pseudo technology is often used to spread false information today.It was also last month that there were people who were afraid of the world. Using deep -fake technology, they used the name of Huang Xuncai to recognize the false news of a certain product, and that the government would restart the crown disease blocking measures.The unscrupulous people use deep -fake technology to spread false news. There may be a variety of motivations. Some may be prank. Some people may have an unspeakable purpose in order to cheat money.Religion and culture are trying to create social division.Before being confused by such fake news, Chinese people must have certain awareness of deep -pseudo technology.

Today, the Internet and mobile phones have become the most convenient tool for distributing fake messages, because they are inseparable from the lives of ordinary people, and any information can be sent through the network between fingers and spreads endlessly.If you use deep pseudo technology, audio or videos containing fake information are more realistic and more difficult to identify.For example, if the other end of the phone comes from the sound of loved relatives, how can people immediately suspect that it is fake?If it comes from emergency information such as help, it is more likely to be fooled and overwhelmed.

The more deeply developing the deep pseudo technology, the difficulty of defense will inevitably become higher and higher.According to reports, a group of researchers at the School of Computing Science and Engineering of Nanyang University of Technology are developing an artificial intelligence technology. Using a face photo to make various facial expressions.If this technology is used in the Yuan universe, it will make the virtual world more realistic.

The development of artificial intelligence technology is unstoppable, and it will gradually penetrate into our lives.Like other new technologies, artificial intelligence can bring us many benefits and uses.But there are also disadvantages of it, such as becoming a new tool for deception.If there is a knife, someone will die under the knife, and someone will die under the gun with a gun. If you have deep -fake technology, someone will definitely be deceived.Excessive negative effects.For example, if there are more and more fraudulent cases involving deep -fake technology, mutual trust of interpersonal relationships will definitely become weaker and weaker.

In the

In the circle of friends, some people are still very exclusive to use electronic payment methods such as Paynow or Paylah! They will rather continue their checks, mainly because they are worried about being deceived, or personal data and passwords being stolen.Many people now refuse to pick up numbers that look unfamiliar.It is necessary to be careful to prevent it, but living in this digital era, because of worrying about being deceived, completely rejection of digital technology or mobile phone applications, it is as if they are scratching food, and they also make themselves outdoor.The correct way is to face bravery, study hard, ask if you don't understand, and refuse to surrender.

Therefore, Premier Li Xianlong sent two information to the Chinese people at the same time. In the above Facebook post, he pointed out that the use of deep fake technology to spread false information will increase day by day. ThereforeWith relatives from such scams to infringement.In the new year's words, he emphasized that the rapid development of artificial intelligence and robotics technology has brought huge development potential to Singaporean enterprises and people. In addition to assisting enterprises to master new technologies, the three parties of labor and government and government will also support each Chinese to improve their self -improvement.And master new skills.In fact, this is the two sides of a copper plate.One side is to be careful of anti -counterfeiting, on the other hand, you have to embrace new technologies and learn to control it for us; the two are in parallelNo case.

The author is a former journalist and a former member of the Congress