According to the Latin American News Agency reported on December 28, the Chinese media reported that the CPC Central Committee issued the revised regulations after the revised Communist Party of China, further strictly strictly made political discipline and political rules, and promoted the comprehensive and strict discipline.

It is reported that the party's disciplinary construction must provide strong disciplinary guarantees for the construction of a strong country in Chinese -style modernization and the great cause of national rejuvenation.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a notice after the revised regulations after the revised Communist Party of China.The notice requires that party committees (party groups) at all levels should bear the political responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party.

In addition, the notice emphasizes that we must conscientiously implement the regulations and effectively maintain the rigidity and seriousness of discipline.It is necessary to include the regulations into the compulsory courses of party members and cadres training to enhance the consciousness of compliance and discipline.

According to reports, the amendment aims to improve discipline and norms with the times, and further strictly clarify political discipline and political rules.

The highest leadership of the Communist Party of China constantly emphasizes the importance of integrity and anti -corruption.

The CCP's leadership believes that corruption is one of the main threats facing the party, and continues to increase anti -corruption efforts, and insist on fighting "tigers" and "flies" together.(Compilation/Han Chao)