Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Li Jinliang

At the beginning of the new year, serious assassinations occurred in South Korea, and this knife was the first to pierce the South Korean co -Democratic Party, the leading Democratic Party, Li Zaiming.Incidents not only shake Korean politics, but also change the situation in East Asia.

According to local media reports, Li was injured and bleed to the ground after the assassination of Li Zaiming, and was taken to the hospital for treatment after an emergency disposal on the scene.It is reported that he was in danger of life and took a helicopter to Seoul University Hospital for further treatment at 1 pm on the 2nd.

Looking at the report, the assassination incident was a bit similar to the assassination of the former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's speech in 2022.Li Zaiming was interviewed by the reporter group after visiting the site of Cadd Island Airport in Busan, South Korea at the time. The 60 -year -old male suspect pretended to be a supporter, and he asked Li in his signature of about 18 cm in the murder.

The suspect who attacked Li Zaiming had been arrested by the police on the spot. What was his origin, whether there was a main ambassador behind, and what was the motivation for crime?These issues are difficult to determine for the time being, but the assassination time occurs only about 100 days from the South Korean Congress election, which is difficult to not be reminiscent of this.

Li Zaiming was assassinated, it was the time when South Korean President Yin Xiyue supported a new low.According to the December poll, Yin Xiyue's support fell to 32%, and the difference was 60%of the new height.

Yin Xiyue's polls have fallen, while Li Zaiming's support has risen all the way. According to this momentum, the Korean Parliament election in April will win.

From the public information, it can be seen that Li Zaiming and Yin Xiyue have different external stances.Li Zaiming has two clear views: one is not to clearly select the side stations between China and the United States; the other is that Japan must apologize for war crimes.Some analysts believe that if Li Zai Ming faction won the parliamentary election in 2024, it can greatly contain the current Performance of the Yin Xiyue government, so this parliamentary election is very important, related to Korea, the United States, Japan, and even South Korea and China relations.It affects the situation in East Asia.

In this big background, if Li Zaiming was unfortunately assassinated and died, Li Zaiming may face the situation of group dragons without heads, which would have a certain blow to election.On the contrary, if Li Zaiming did not die, it was another result.

Liu Lanchang, the director of the Institute of View of the Hong Kong Central View and the current affairs commentator, told Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency on the 2nd that Li Zaiming's assassination at this critical moment may be regarded as a crackdown on the party's unscrupulous party, so Li Zaiming's support will supportIt is bound to rise again. Li Zaiming faction will get more "sympathy tickets" in the Congress election, and the possibility of winning will become higher.More importantly, this Congress election will also affect the South Korean presidential election three years later.