After continuous wind and rain, on January 2 this year, the news of the resignation of Giyi, the president of Harvard University in the United States, finally came.In July last year, when African -American, women, and the left -style DEI (diversity, average, tolerance) course, Gayori, who was the originator of Harvard, became the hot pet of the mainstream media.Now she "early get out of class", with a record of six months and two days, has become the shortest term of Harvard's 388 history in 388. Naturally, she is also the headline of the United States.

It is reported that the 53 -year -old Gay was forced to resign. There were two pressures. The first was the collective anti -Jewie activity on the campus.In the paper, there are 50 plagiarism.However, Gay claimed that his resignation was just to meet the interests of university, did not recognize any mistakes, and hinted that he had promoted social emotions because of "personal attacks" and "racial hatred".

In fact, in addition to Harvard, which involved this time, there are three universities presidents of the University of Pennsylvania and MIT (MIT), all of which are women.Gay was focused, first of all because of Harvard's academic status.Furthermore, within a week after the "Three Presidents Hearing Conference" on December 4 last year, Magil President Magil, Pennsylvania, announced his resignation.However, the 12 -person Harvard board of directors held by the left forces has always helped Gay to cover the wind and rain, and has no concessions and rotate with the conservatives that exert a pressure.

What exactly is the last straw of Gayi?

At the beginning of the whole incident, on October 7 last year, the Hamas regime in Palestine launched an attack on Israel. More than 200 people were killed at a concert.Fire at least 5,000 rocket launchers.Israel immediately announced that he entered a state of war and launched an attack on Hamas's target.The incident caused a student movement in American universities, condemning Israel and shouting anti -Jewish slogans.

34 students from Harvard University participated in this sport. The slogan they shouted included the Palestinian uprising wiped the Israeli country from the earth and drove the Jews to the sea.According to people familiar with the matter, there are indeed troubles in Harvard campus that happened, which caused these Jewish children to hide in the dormitory in fear, and even the library did not dare to go.

In view of the serious situation, Republican Republican members are also Harvard's alumni Stephenic held a parliamentary hearing and questioned whether the three principals "called for the schedule of the Jewish" to violate the school's prohibition of bullying and harassment.The principals of the three defense lawyers were in unison, saying that this "depends on the specific situation."Although it is reasonable, the "specific situation" is as described as described, and its seriousness cannot be quibble.Next, 74 Republican Party accounted for the majority of parliament members to put pressure on, requiring the universities to terminate the positions of three principals, and some Democrats also joined the ranks of criticism of these universities.

But obviously, the pressure of political circles did not make prestigious universities, especially Harvard.Therefore, some comments believe that the key role is the Jewish master who supports these universities.After the incident, the rich Wall Street richest people in the Jewish descent demanded that Harvard schools punish these "supporting terrorism" students.Bill Akman, the founder of Harvard Alumni and the founder of Panxing Plaza Capital Management Company in the United States, claims in social media that the names of students involved should be announced to be announced to avoid accidentally hiring them in the business community.In fact, President Magil, Magil, was stressed in the pressure of resignation in a major donor to disconnect the donation atmosphere.

Analysis believes that Gay was abandoned because he moved the soil on the head of Tai Sui.Needless to say, MIT President Sally Kornbluth is the next goal of forceing the palace pressure.

Someone regrets "Gay's tragedy".In 1970, she was born in an immigrant family in New York. Her father was an engineer and worked in the US Army Workers. Her mother was a nurse.She lived in Saudi Arabia with her father, and then returned to the United States to enter Stanford University to study economy.The first generation of Haiti immigrants can fulfill the American dream, because they believe in traditional values, go to school for progress, and pay attention to children's education.However, the second generation was influenced by the left forces, thinking that relying on the "escort" of gender and skin tone (some people described this as the red five categories of the Chinese Cultural Revolution), regardless of whether the ability is to match, it will achieve results.For example, the heroes and soldiers can also rule the country).

The left with dual standard ingenuity

The allegations of "plagiarism" of Gayi, in fact, started when she obtained a doctorate degree in 2001.At that time, a Society of Political Methodology questioned the data of her two papers.But the left forces have been protecting her, making her the first black female principal of Harvard.No wonder many Harvard alumni, including the Republican presidential candidate Ramaswami after his resignation, said that Harvard chose leaders when Harvard chose leaders based on "performance".Many comments also pointed out that the Dei concept of the left seemed to be, and the diversity and inclusiveness emphasized is based on the standards they defined.The traditional values ​​that they do not agree with "political correctness" speculation are not among the diverse tolerance.Some experts said that during Gayi, Harvard Campus did not have much freedom of remarks.The original word of the "average" of the left is Equity, not equality. The pursuit of stiff results is equal, not to create an opportunity for equal advancement.

It is reported that in December last year, when the palace storm was still fermenting, Harvard Alumni Association said that "the whole" and "no reservation" were left in the office.Harvard Alumni and former laboratory director Tao Rui posted on the X platform that this "all" does not include him.He heard that more than 700 Harvard instructor signed an open letter to support Gay. Only a group of retired professors dared to openly let the principal resign and did not dare to work."The dual standards and terrorist rule of Harvard's management make everyone afraid of their prostitution." After Gay left, Harvard's 69 -year -old academician Alan Garber served as the interim president.Tao Rui said that Professor Gabber, a white man, academic and cross -domain medicine and economy, and he is highly popular. Why can't he be the principal for a long time?Everyone knows.

The author is the local retireor