Hong Kong South China Morning Post website published on December 30, 2023, entitled that West is in vain war, opposed to the inevitable east -move articles of global trade.· Rolly.The full text is as follows:

It is believed that the world is divided into two hemispheres in terms of economy and finance -one is led by the United States and the other is led by Chinese -the recent views often appeared.This is a common but too simplified idea, because the world is increasing and more complicated.

This involves various changes on Eurasia, and these changes reflect the fundamental changes of world trade and dynamic changes.This is an epoch -making transition, which may change the balance of global forces.

This change is not easy to distinguish when observing at close range, but the arrival of the new year is a good time to evaluate what is happening.We may need to review history to take things correctly.

In this recent analysis, the Longzhou Scripture dates back to the origin of the division of the division we are seeing now, nearly 600 years ago, that is, the Constantinople in 1453 fell into the Ottoman Empire.Time.The report said that "it was a bad news for the Christian world at that time" because it means that the Turks will control most of the Mediterranean and the "Silk Road".If Europeans want silk or spices, they must pay high prices.

The founder of the Longzhou Scripture Louis Vinson Together pointed out in the report that unless you can find another route connecting Europe and India and China.Such a route is indeed discovered.Due to the discovery of Spain, Portugal, and Italian navigators, the focus of the world economy was transferred from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic Ocean.

As the report pointed out, "if the trade is blocked in one place, it may reopen in another place and become stronger."It is impossible for the Turks to know this, but by preventing the trade of the "Silk Road", they eventually give the motivation to the modern period and gradually turn the Mediterranean into an economic backward area.

It is easy to see the similarities between the situation occurred in the past few years after the launch of the "Belt and Road" initiative in China.The initiative aims to connect China and East Asia via Central Asia with European and farther regions through a huge network.

As Kent Coses of Johns Hopkins University in the United States said in his new continentalism: the "Belt and Road" initiative in the Book of Energy and the 21st Century EurasiaStrengthening multi -faceted relations between East Asia, the Middle East, and Europe eventually became one of the most important multilateral patterns in the world.

From this perspective, it is easier to understand the opposition of North America and parts of Europe to the "Belt and Road" initiative.However, China has participated in various infrastructure projects in other parts of the world, especially in the "Indo -Pacific Region".

The report of the Longzhou Scripture shows that in the next ten years, "it will be seen more in Eurasia into a economic whole. In this case, almost every month will announce the construction of a new road, Railway, canal or announced a new free trade agreement, thereby linked the various economies on Istanbul to the axis on the Jakarta. "

Of course, the global trade revolution is currently ongoing not only improved the transportation between the country and the continents, but the composition of international trade is under tremendous changes, especially because China has shifted more complicated and higher added value.Manufacturing and high -tech fields.

China has played a role in interconnected countries and its own economy through manufacturing and logistics supply chains.

All of this shows that the focus of global commerce and industry has shifted, and it may continue to be transferred in the next few centuries.It also shows that Western countries trying to reverse this trend of defensive attempts are similar to praying arms as cars.

At the same time, the change of trade -driven trade -driven transformation is much stronger than trying to obstruct its power. It is also in vain.trend.The report from the Longzhou Economic News mentioned that some countries encouraged domestic manufacturers to transfer production from China to domestic or other countries. As a result, China's trade surplus has increased in the past few years.(Compiled/Zhu Jie)