In 2023, Pin School Reading Future International Education Forum, CEO Huang Guozhen led teachers to think about the "reading comprehension" of the artificial intelligence (AI) era.Thirteen teachers from Singapore, under the leadership of Singapore's reading comprehension push, flying from the north latitude to the north to fly north of 25 latitudes, and in the cold Taipei, they met the value of reading in the AI ​​era with Taiwanese teachers.Within two days, everyone listened to seven speeches and two conversations, and discussed the reading and reading teaching of the AI ​​era from different perspectives.

AI brings unprecedented convenience. We can now quickly obtain and process a lot of information, but this does not mean that our learning efficiency is also improved.

In fact, as the speed of input and output increases, we don't seem to learn faster.We even rely on generating AI to help us read and summarize text information.If you hand over more and more cognitive processing to machines, we will be sacrificed when we read, which may weaken our knowledge construction ability to a large extent.This can't help but remind people of an idiom "picking people's teeth". What is even more worrying is that this "person" is still a "robot".

"The only thing that can be certain is uncertainty." In the two -day discussion, the common keywords of the seven lectures are probably "uncertainty."Whether AI is empowerment or negative energy is actually full of uncertainty.Regarding reading ability, everyone thinks that the rapid development of AI technology today has brought about the convenience of knowledge acquisition, and it also brings a challenge to human deep reading ability.We cannot just rely on AI's fast information processing, but we should pay attention to the taste and learning in reading.Through detailed reading, we can not only understand and absorb information, but also cultivate critical and creative thinking.

This year, the development of AI is very rapid, and the changes brought about them suddenly, but the educational forum hosted by the end of the year at the end of the year is timely thinking about AI and reading.In the AI ​​era, reading is no longer just a simple information receiving process, but a process of in -depth interaction with the external world, which is the process of personal growth.We need to find a new balance point in reading, that is, while quickly obtaining information, we also do not lose the ability to deeply excavate knowledge and personal thinking.

In the end, I want to pay attention to Huang Guozhen of the Academy of Pin School. In the past 10 years, the Reading and Concerning Magazine of Pin School has adhered to PISA reading literacy as the orientation, and has worked silently to improve the reading of Taiwanese students.The reading of the Future International Education Forum in the Pin School is not only a knowledge exchange, but also a spiritual touch.In the cold Taipei, we felt the temperature of reading.This temperature comes from every teacher's love for reading and resonance with the desire of reading teaching knowledge: In the AI ​​era, we need to read Chinese and learn Chinese, thin texts, and the academic formula!

The author is a lecturer at the Chinese Department of Nanyang University of Technology