Cultural heritage is the soul of a nation.Today, Singapore can prosper and prosperity. It is not entirely a miracle. It is our founding and establishment of the country in the adversity and exclude all difficulties to establish it.The story of Nanyang University is an example.In the future, we must not forget history, and we can continue to survive.

Recently, the discussion of the graduates of Nanyang University in the Lianhe Morning Post and Speech Edition due to the strong wind of the movie.I want to express their views from a more comprehensive macro perspective so that the new generation of Singaporeans have a correct understanding of Nanyang University.

Nanyang University is a private university in Singapore.It started from 1956 to the last graduate of 1980 and survived for 25 years.This is the only local university with Chinese language as a teaching media, and the only Chinese university outside the world at that time in Greater China.

Nanyang University was initiated based on the needs of folk.In an immigration society, in a difficult living environment, people need to rely on their own culture to take root to survive and reproduce.Therefore, the founding of Nanyang University soon won the support and sponsorship of Southeast Asia, especially the Most Chinese people in Singapore and the Malaysian Federation.Southeast Asian Chinese people, to billionaires, to grassroots people, including tricycles, Dushi drivers, ordinary clerks, teachers, students, workers and even dancers, etc., contribute money, raise funds, raise NTUYes, it is magically established.This is a sensational and unprecedented historical event.

Singapore is a typical immigration society.The population of the vast majority of the Chinese people has made great contributions in the process of founding. They attach importance to the education of descendants and generations. Therefore, the Chinese education system has become an important pillar of Chinese society.

With the support of the colonial government, the Chinese community founded Nanyang University self -reliance.In its 25 -year history, nearly 1200 graduates have been trained.They have performed well in various professional fields, and many of them have become outstanding talents, including entrepreneurs, bankers, official administrative officials, university professors, scientists, educators, teachers, lawyers, cultural workers, etc.make a contribution.

Today's Nanyang University of Science and Technology developed on the basis of Nanyang University.If this is not the case, Nanyang University of Science and Technology will not be able to rapidly develop into today's scale and achievements in just a few decades.

The administrative building of Nanyang University (now the Chinese Pavilion), the archway of Nanyang University, and the monument in the Yunnan Garden have been reserved by the State Administration of Cultural Relics in 1999 to become Singapore's national monuments.Nanyang University is a precious history in Singapore. It is worth cherishing, reserving, and even carrying forward, and inherited to the next generation.

On August 29, 2005, Premier Li Xianlong once said at the 50th anniversary celebration of Nanyang University of Science and Technology: "The spirit of the Nanda is as practical as ever. We should maintain its flames.In our other local universities -Singapore National University and Singapore Management University, and even the entire society, help cultivate a strong spirit of community consciousness and social support.

On October 29, 2012, then Deputy Prime Minister Shang Daman also said at the 40th anniversary of the death of Mr. Chen Liuzhang (founder of the South University): "We must try to re -discover, embrace and enhance this kind of this kind.Giving back to the spirit of Society."

The author feels that the historical event of Nanyang University also brings some important practical significance to Singapore.

First of all, under the difficult conditions of Nanyang University under the hard conditions of immigration, as well as the extreme adversity under the hostility of the colonial government, it showed the "spirit of hard work" and self -rescue and self -reliance.Nanyang University's motto: self -improvement, striving for progress, inspiring and creating a lot of outstanding masters and doctors, making their contributions at home and abroad.Today's Singapore faces larger external uncertainty, variable geopolitics, and deducts the decoustal chain caused by globalization and protectionism.Singapore living space with basic national policy.At the national level, the spirit of hard work in Nanyang University in adversity is of practical significance for Singapore.

Secondly, the establishment of Nanyang University benefited from the donation of hard work, tricycles, laundry women, singing and dancing girls, etc. at the bottom of the society, showing the "dedication spirit" of the strong community consciousness and mutual support of the Chinese immigrants at that time.There is a strong desire to provide Chinese higher education.Today, the fourth -generation leadership repeatedly emphasized that Singapore needs to update social contracts. Singapore's movement movement moves to condense all Singaporeans together, strengthen unity, advocate the spirit of community mutual assistance, and use more effective community contact measures to strengthen the disadvantaged families.Aid to further enhance their social liquidity.Just as Premier Li Xianlong's speech and above, isn't the "dedication spirit" displayed by Nanyang University that year, isn't it the urgent need for Singaporea today?

In addition, in addition to Chinese higher education, Nanyang University retains the traditional Chinese, language and culture.Nanyang University has trained many Chinese teachers to continue and promote Chinese education and Chinese culture in Singapore, Malaysia and Southeast Asia.For example, today Malaysia has nearly 70 Chinese independent middle schools and more than 2,000 Chinese primary schools.

Over the years, the economic and trade relations between China and Asian'an have achieved fruitful results, and China and Asians have also been an important source of investment and destinations.China will also expand the mutually beneficial cooperation with Asian'an in all aspects to build a closer community of China -Asia's Destiny.Chinese education in Nanyang University supports Singapore's bilingual policy. Bilingual policy has become Singapore's strategic advantage in the context of China's rise, effectively integrates the wisdom and culture of China and the West, and provides economic value for China and Asia.Deputy Prime Minister Huang Xuncai said that the development of the local Chinese culture will help form a unique Singaporean culture and identity.

The spirit of hard work, dedication, and self -reliant the determination and community cohesion in Nanyang University can also play a demonstration role in the international community, and even the important universal value of the survival and development of a vulnerable community or small country.A community or ethnic group in the story of Nanyang University strives for survival, and inherit its tradition, language and culture to the next generation, which is inspiring to how many immigrant ethnic groups fight for survival and development in adversity.

Cultural Heritage is the soul of a nation.Today, Singapore can prosper and prosperity. It is not entirely a miracle. It is our founding and establishment of the country in the adversity and exclude all difficulties to establish it.The story of Nanyang University is an example.Our future descendants must not only have strong will and beliefs, but also do not forget history. We can continue to survive.

Nanyang University has passed. We don't need to tangled and stay in history, but we must look forward.In terms of promoting Chinese education and Chinese culture, Nanyang University's original willingness was consistent with today's national interests and should continue.