Vietnamese Government News Network announced the latest issue of the latest issue of the "government regular meeting resolution" on December 20. Among them 17 of the resolution content on national defense security, the Vietnamese government clearly stated that "keep in key sea areas, islands, and adjacent sea areas.Bing force configuration, closely pay attention to the investigation and test activities of countries in the region; prevent and drive vessels that violate the waters of Singapore, and prevent the formation of 'gray areas'. "

What is the investigation and tentative activities of the "country in the domain"?What are the surrounding "countries" that are capable of conducting investigations and tests in the Vietnamese waters?If you look at the area map, the answer may not be blurred. China, Malaysia and Thailand may be the target country that has not been named in the resolution.In fact, Vietnam also often generates different seas with the severity with China, Malaysia, and Thailand.The dispute between China and Vietnam is obviously more prominent and dangerous, and both sides are currently rapidly promoting the island reclamation project in the South China Sea, which will inevitably launch hidden dangers for possible conflicts in the future.

On the afternoon of the day when the Vietnamese Government News Network issued a meeting resolution, Major General Wu Zhongjian, deputy commander of the Vietnamese Maritime Police Command, and Watanabe Yasunori, deputy commander of the Japanese Coast Guard, co -hosted the Vietnamese Maritime Police in Tokyo, Japan's capital Tokyo.The 10th bilateral meeting with the Japanese Coast Guard further discussed the cooperation of bilateral offshore guards together.The cooperation between Vietnam and Japan has a long history of cooperation about maritime security forces.

This status quo is a typical expression of Vietnam's "bamboo diplomacy". The characteristics of "bamboo" are both tough and flexible.At the level of maritime police, Vietnam uses the power of the Japanese Coast Guard to check the power of the Chinese, Malaysia and Thailand in the domain.At the naval level, Vietnam has also significantly strengthened cooperation with the US Navy, and the target country is also obvious.Earlier in September, the bilateral relations between Vietnam and the United States further heated up and improved to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

It is undeniable that China and Vietnam can obtain this relatively peaceful bilateral relationship, which is extremely difficult, because this peace is based on the sharp collar sea and territorial disputes based on both parties.However, it is precisely because it is based on such a pill -medicine barrel, which leads to many uncertain factors in the future of bilateral relations.In May 2014, Vietnam's conflict with China ’s South China islands caused a typical example of the 513 incident that local Chinese enterprises were smashed by violence.In early 2022, Vietnam had the same nature of the same nature; thanks to the common restraint of the Chinese and Vietnamese governments, the situation did not further deteriorate, but the general anxiety and panic caused by local Chinese enterprises were obvious.

But this kind of peace maintains the current Sino -Vietnamese relations, and how long it can last under the trend of "bamboo diplomacy" in Vietnam is worthy of close attention to local Chinese enterprises.There is a huge common economic interest between China and Vietnam, temporarily covering up huge contradictions between the two parties.

Vietnam's current flexibility is largely based on its own strength.There is a saying in China that wealth is thick. Once Vietnam can develop at a high speed according to the current situation, it is difficult to ensure that it will continue to endure humiliation in the future.The business security of the enterprise brings uncertain factors.

China is the largest trading country in Vietnam and is also the second largest source of investment sources in Vietnam. Bilateral economic and trade relations have made great development in recent years.While further expanding investment in Vietnam, Chinese enterprises should also pay close attention to the possible changes in the investment environment.

The author is the founder of Fujian Law Firm China