Throughout the world, merchant advertisements have been removed or attracted to attract attention because of drifting green, which has emerged endlessly in the past two years.Last month, the beverage brand Coca -Cola, Danone and Nestlé beverage packaging caused trouble because of the "100 % recycling" slogan.European consumer organizations stated that this would make consumers mistakenly believe that the one -time plastic bottle was "sustainable" and sued the European Commission.

In order to sell products or packaging brand images, companies often work hard on advertising, and even use creative use of some marketing words to make advertisements more convincing.In the past, I believe that ordinary consumers can accept it.However, in the case of the information explosion of the Internet era, people have generated new demand in identifying authenticity of information. The original standards or regulatory methods of advertising must keep pace with the times to protect and empower consumers.

Nowadays, when you buy things, you should often see that the goods or services are labeled with different green labels, such as "ENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY"Reusable, etc.How long have these vague words have been used for a long time? If it is not attached with credible data proves, it has begun to become much meaningful.Especially in the Asian consumer market, such marketing techniques are not too strictly controlled, and their pressure to avoid realistic is not so great.

This month, after receiving a public complaint, the Singapore Advertising Standard Administration warned that the electrical brand PRISM+, saying that its advertisements contain "Greenwashing" information and misleading consumers, which violated the advertising rules.After reporting by various media, this news received widespread attention. One of the reasons is probably that the product spokesperson is the "XIAXUE" that many netizens are familiar with.

Another reason is that this ruling is of iconic significance, because the official release of such judgments by regulatory officials, warning that merchants should not drift green, it is believed to be the first in Asia.

The so -called drifting green refers to the practice or impact of merchants or products on environmental protection, but adds a "green" coat to the packaging to declare that it is environmentally friendly.The most abominable behavior of such behaviors is that often "deceived" are some consumers who really want to practice environmental protection. They hope to support merchants with environmental awareness, but they cannot make correct consumption decisions.

In the short video that was uploaded to the social media Instagram, "Snow" first received special tasks on the phone, and then chose to use PRISM+to "save the earth" to adjust the temperature to 23 degrees Celsius andEnergy -saving is high and has "five hooks" air -conditioning.In this regard, the Administration of Advertising Standards believes that advertising uses vague and exaggerated ways to mislead consumers. Generally, the audience will confuse the concept of environmental protection of "energy conservation". Merchants say that using air -conditioning can save the earth is green.

Some people may ask: Why is this advertisement be warned?In fact, the PRISM+spokesman also told the media afterwards that he did not agree with the ruling of the Advertising Standard Administration and insisted that the company did not make a false statement on the energy -saving function of air -conditioning.To maintain friendly relationship, decided to remove the advertisement.

Words and deeds have always been famous for their spicy "snowing". They also published a video with their own social media accounts because of dissatisfaction with the focus of the Advertising Standards Administration and the media.She was pushed to the cusp of the wind, and mentioned some other different air -conditioning or appliances advertisements, all of which also used the same fuzzy eyes such as "energy saving" and "environmental protection".She asked, "Why is there no problem with these advertisements?"

Do not pay attention to the problem of drifting green

But it is precisely these reactions that reveal that ordinary Asian companies, people, and Internet celebrities with media influence have not paid much attention to the problem of greening and do not know much about the problem of greening.The example of "snowing" is precisely that there are still many businesses, in fact, they are using the gray zone for misleading green marketing.Looking at the incident from the perspective of corporate drifting from the world, it may be more understandable. The ruling of the Advertising Standard Administration is not a spokesperson for a company or a product, but a response to consumer demand according to the complaint.Decisions.

Throughout the world, merchant advertising has been dismissed or attracted to attract attention because of drifting green.Last month, the beverage brand Coca -Cola, Danone and Nestlé beverage packaging caused trouble because of the "100 % recycling" slogan.European consumer organizations stated that this would make consumers mistakenly believe that the one -time plastic bottle was "sustainable" and sued the European Commission.This month, the advertisements of a number of airlines were also ordered by the regulatory authorities for exaggerated environmental protection information.In order to protect consumers' rights and interests, government agencies in many countries have begun to examine how to increase supervision in cracking down on advertising.

"Snow" advertising incident, on the one hand, highlights that consumers can play a positive role in preventing enterprises from drifting green marketing and promoting relevant officials to tighten advertising specifications.Not too high.According to the Advertising Standard Administration, it is the first time that it has received a complaint related to Drifting.

The issue of advertising drifting has attracted attention, and it has also involved the joint responsibility of Internet celebrities and even public relations, advertising companies, and media institutions.This year, the social media platform Tiktok and China Xiaohongshu, Douyin and other platforms all set off a wave of "Deinfluencing".This phenomenon called "grass" (relative to "grass") in the Chinese context means to eliminate the desire to buy, and also refers to the exaggeration of infrequent content in the recommendation of net red products on the social media platform.EssenceTo a large extent, it reflects that netizens ’s“ shopping guide ”behavior of inferior content of Internet celebrities and flowing for traffic is tired, and the overall values ​​of the network ecology may be transformed.

Opposing green or any advertisements containing false information is not to completely prohibit advertisers from mentioning the benefits of products and services.If the specifications can be tightened, merchants can be marketing properly in an open and transparent manner, and I believe it can more boost real green consumption.

The author reads a very favorite description among the New Yorkers in the United States. It means that drifting green is like a traveler who came to a strange city. After getting in a taxi, he found that the driver deliberately wrapped around the road.I think everyone knows how annoying such behavior is.In the face of climate crisis, we should all need to solve the problem in the fastest and most direct way; enterprises and merchants should not be a stumbling block in the fastest and most direct way.

The author is regional environmental media and consulting companies

Assistant Director of Editor's Editorial Department