Source: China News Agency

The central government of the Mainland Government has recently issued a revised Chinese government disciplinary punishment regulations (hereinafter referred to as regulations) and issued a notice.The notice states that the regulations have further strict political discipline and political rules, driving a strong signal that the discipline is comprehensive and strict, and the more strict signal of the rear.

The revised regulations have a total of 3 and 158 articles, and will be implemented from January 1, 2024.

In the general rules, the regulations point out that the party's discipline construction must adhere to the guidance of Marxism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping theory, and "three representatives", scientific development concept, Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Adhere to and strengthen the comprehensive leadership of the party, resolutely maintain the core position of General Secretary Xi Jinping's Party Central Committee, the core position of the entire party, and resolutely maintain the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the core, promote the spirit of the great party, adhere to the self -revolution, implement a comprehensive and comprehensive implementationStrictly govern the party's strategic policy, implement the general requirements of the party's construction in the new era, promote the solution to the unique problems of the Great Party, improve the system of strict and comprehensively governing the party, and comprehensively strengthen the party's discipline construction.Fuxing Weiye provides strong discipline guarantee.

According to the regulations, party organizations and party members violate the party constitution and other party regulations, violate national laws and regulations, violate party and state policies, violate socialist morality, and endanger the interests of the party, the state, and the people.Or the punishment must be investigated.


Regulations are clear, focusing on investigating and punishing the party's eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, no convergence and incurables. The clues of problems reflect the concentration of concentration, the public reflection of the masses, and the interweaving of political problems and economic issues, and violate the spirit of the eight regulations of the central government.

In the division part, the regulations shall from the punishment of violations of political discipline, punishment of violations of organizational discipline behaviors, punishment for violations of integrity discipline, punishment for violations of mass discipline behaviors, and sanctions against work discipline behaviors.Standardized the punishment of violations of life discipline.

According to the regulations, the dining management of dining in business activities, unit cafeteria dining management work or incorrect performance of publicity, education, supervision and management responsibilities will cause waste of catering and cause serious adverse effects.Or severely warned the punishment; if the circumstances are serious, the duty punishment within the party will be revoked.


Regulations propose that in violation of social order, good customs, and improper words and deeds in public places and network spaces, which causes adverse effects, give warnings or serious warnings;To be expelled from the party.


Regulations are clear that the party committees of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities may formulate single implementation regulations in accordance with the actual situation of their respective work.

The central government of the Mainland Government issued a notice, requiring party committees (party groups) at all levels to take the implementation of the regulations carefully, and discovered that they resolutely investigated and dealt with party discipline issues to effectively maintain the rigidity and seriousness of discipline.