Human nature and the country have duality of gods and beasts, and "seven alienation" further strengthened in 2023.Where to go in 2024?Only when more and more people are awakened, watched to help each other, and concentrate on their own rights, safeguard their legitimate rights and public interests, be brave to supervise the ruling party and the government, be willing to provide help to others, and to promote the improvement of the system., Create a better -sharing world.

There is no great security after the epidemic, no great joy after the great tragedy, and no Da Kang after the great injury. This is China's 2023 and the world's 2023.

I. Alienation of labor. The labor after alienation is no longer a means of pursuing happiness. Instead, it is a dominance of human beings. Workers become "unidirectional people."Class curing, revenue reduction, consumption shrinking, social injustice, and grassroots survival are more difficult.Young people are still working hard but less opportunities. The city cannot stay. Back to his hometown is not willing, either struggling or lying flat.Life is short, you ca n’t live in peace, you ca n’t be happy.Where is the future?

China's economic downturn is first reflected in the downturn.According to data from the State Administration of Statistics, in June, the unemployment rate of labor town from 16 to 24 years old reached a record of 21.3%of the record. At least one of the five people was unemployed, indicating that the employment pressure of college students was huge.The data is too ugly. On August 15th, the National Bureau of Statistics simply announced that it has suspended the release of urban survey unemployment rates in cities and towns in the country.

I look forward to the extension of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Mainland Government for more than half a year. I hope the theme is reform and opening up.In today's economic situation, consumer vouchers are far less enough to boost confidence.

II, alienation of technology. The flood application of technology, forming path dependence, weakening the subjectivity and energy of people.Human beings have been alienated technology control and become slaves of machines, algorithms, others, or their own desires.This double -edged sword effect is particularly prominent in the Internet industry, such as: addicted to mobile phones to swipe screens and virtual space; indulgence consumerism and hedonism; cybercrime and infringing privacy defense;Desire and so on.

In 2023, ChatGPT swept the world.The security risk of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought severe challenges to global governance and human survival. Climate change requires hundreds of years and thousands of years to accumulate. The probability of AI breakthroughs and out of control is in this century, so threats are greater and urgent.Human beings should really pay more attention to AI risks than climate change, adhere to the development of development with security, synchronization of science and technology and ethics, synchronization of capital and supervision, and international synchronization.

Three, alienation of power. State power comes from the transfer of citizenship rights.Foundation and the interests of the people.

A few months after the renewal of the State Council of the Chinese State Council, foreign ministers Qin Gang and Defense Director Li Shangfu suddenly disappeared and removed from time to time.The biggest highlight of this year's institutional reform is to promote the separation of supervision and development responsibilities and clarify the government and market boundaries; the biggest highlight is the continuous expansion of the central government of the mainland government.The ruling party of the Science and Technology Council and the Central Hong Kong and Macau Work Office is still the "boss".

After Poliger's successful, Russian President Putin will not retire, and members of the vested interest groups who follow him and control Russia for many years are unwilling to retire.After changing another person to serve as president, even if it is Medvedev, he will support his relatives. At present, the power of the reign is not only glory and wealth, but there is no asylum for the highest power.On December 8, Putin really announced the 2024 presidential election.

The power of the

The operation of the developed countries is not essentially different.The largest faction of the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party, Abe's secret political contribution scandal, has intensified, dragging the cabinet's support rate nearly 20%of the "steps to the stage". Prime Minister Kishida is forced to break his arms for life.minister.

4. Alienation of the industry. For more than 20 years, the Chinese economy, especially local governments, has seriously relied on real estate. Many places are land finances, mainly relying on the central government's transfer of payment and land sales revenue.The real estate industry starts with high leverage, high turnover, high debt, and high -risk Cyclone leap forward model. The implicit premise that can be played is that China's economy and real estate must grow high.Until China and the United States' conflict, crown disease epidemic, and real estate "three red lines" supervision, the bubbles finally pierced, and heavy losses were borne by the country and the whole people.

On September 28, Evergrande Group announced that the chairman of the board of directors Xu Jiayin "was taken for compulsory measures in accordance with the law", and China's richest man fell into "first negative".By December 31, 2022, the total liabilities of Evergrande's liabilities were about 2.4 trillion yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 444 billion).Enemy country.Xu Jiayin must be investigated in violation of the law, it deserves it.But is he artificially such an abnormal enterprise and industry?Is he the responsibility of him alone?Who is the financial attribute of residential financial attributes?Who is the people and capital crazy speculation?

For three years in China, the front -line medical staff rescued the wounds and sang and wept. It is indeed the cutest person in the new era.However, it is not allowed to deny that the evil of human nature and the evil of the industry will not take the initiative to disappear because of the virus; the contradictions between doctors and patients, the medical treatment of medicine, and the treatment of the doctor are expensive.The rebate is not a secret, but a stubborn illness.After the epidemic prevention and control was lifted, the problem of corruption in the national pharmaceutical field was finally unveiled. The goal was to achieve systematic governance of the entire field, full chain, and full coverage.According to the incomplete statistics of, from January 1st to August 17th, at least 184 hospitals and secretaries in China were investigated, and the number exceeded twice the year (about 75) in 2022.On November 11 and December 24, the director and deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Health and Health Commission were dismissed.

Five, alienation of political achievements. China's economic rebound is not as good as expected. The official data practice conveys the positive and optimistic signal at the macro level.The feelings of the people and private enterprises at the micro level are the two days of ice and fire, and they lack confidence in the future of individuals, industries and countries.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in November decreased by 0.5%year -on -year, the largest decrease of three years, and a decrease of 0.5%month -on -month., The decrease of the decrease from the previous month lasts for 14 months; the purchasing manager index (PMI) is 49.4%, which is less than 50%of the glory line, and a decrease of 0.1 percentage points from the previous quarter, indicating that the economy is still shrinking and recession;The total profit of corporate profits decreased by 4.4%year -on -year.According to Chinese customs data, from January to November, with the US dollar as a unit, the national export value decreased by 5.2%year -on -year, and the total value of imports nationwide decreased by 6%year -on -year.On October 20, December 5, and December 13, the Shanghai Index lost 3,000 psychological lines three times.Moody's rating company has adjusted China's sovereign credit rating outlook from "stability" to "negative".

Local debt crisis has become a major hidden danger of China's economy, revealing that in the past, there was a lot of water.According to data from the Ministry of Finance, by the end of 2022, the statutory debt balance of local governments across the country is 351,000100 million yuan, the national government's legal debt ratio was 50.4%.However, this statistical caliber does not fully cover the hidden debt of local governments, especially the local financing platform company debt, so it must be below the 60%of the international warning line.

6. The alienation of justice. The American party is fighting offline, and both parties are popular with "judicial weapons".Former President Trump was criminally prosecuted in the four states this year and was unprecedented in American history.The Democratic Party's Ticket Warehouse Corporal Supreme Court ruled on December 19 that Trump did not have the qualifications for the preliminary election of the presidential election party in the state in the state, and it was the first time in American history.

As a revenge on the Democratic Party's investigation against Trump, the Republican House of Republican House of Republican House has initiated an investigation of the Biden family (focusing on the second son of Biden Hunter).Trump will declare that if you win next year, he will soon comprehensively compete.In order to continue to use emperor -like presidential power (such as exemption and pardon rights) to protect themselves and family interests, they are passionately put into the presidential election.

On February 6, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake occurred twice in southeastern Turkey. President Erdogan claimed that Turkey suffered "the worst disaster in a century", and was killed 50,000 500 people on April 14.The biggest subjective reason is that the standards of building are not up to standard, laws are not dependent on, and law enforcement is not strict. This is a typical human disaster.Erdogan has only taken care of economy and safety since he served as Prime Minister and President in 2003. He has not strictly implemented the building earthquake -proof inspection system established in 1999. As long as the fines are paid to increase government revenue, illegal buildings that cannot meet the seismic specifications can be legalized., And use it normally.

Seven, alienation of faith. Whether it is Orthodox or Christianity, whether it is Islam or Jewish, they will not confuse believers to kill civilians, especially children.However, after the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, the Russian army continued to attack the civilians and civilian infrastructure.The Harbin War caused a large number of civilians and injuries. Both sides had terrorist atrocities, and both were suspected of war crimes and anti -human crimes.On December 4, the Israeli National Defense Force acknowledged that every time a member of the Gaza Strip was killed, about two civilians would die.The United States still favored Israel without any concealment, and frequently vetoed a resolution that called for immediately stopping the fire at the United Nations Security Council.The United States has not cared about the life and death of Palestinian civilians in 76 years. If you really care about it, the Palestinian issue will not be dragged until now, and it will not care about the life and death of the local civilians during the Iraq and Afghanistan.

Human nature and the country have the duality of the beasts, and the "seven alienation" was further strengthened in 2023.Where to go in 2024?Where to go in China?Where to go?

There are no perfect individuals, no political parties have innate immunity, and no country does not have a perfect theory and system.The wealthy and noble are noble and clever than civilians. They think that they are promoted to the most of them. They are expected to be compassionate and "gifts" to benefit the people.

Only when more and more people are awakened, watching each other, and helping to protect their legitimate rights and public interests, be brave to supervise the ruling party and the government, be willing to provide help to others, and to promote the improvement of the system.Du people, create a better world.

Taking China as an example, many people remember the death of Li Keqiang, Kissinger, and Gao Yaojie in various ways. Whether it is the height of the temple or the far from the rivers and lakes, the people have a while in the hearts of the people.The contribution of a good life.Taking Gaza as an example, more and more countries, people, and the media pay attention to civilian casualties, continue to speak to Israel and the United States to exert a moral pressure, forcing the collective punishment of Gaza civilians to converge.Essence

The author is Chinese current affairs commentator