Read Lin Renjun Enter the old age, embrace this elf an article(Lianhe Zaobao December 16) It is quite impressive.Will artificial intelligence (AI) accelerate the path of human beings to self -elimination?This article uses human nature as a starting point to explore the impact that AI can bring.

People are wise, and I also believe that the ancients said that "cleverness is always wrong."The most fatal thing is the word "greed" in human nature. It is the main reason for the corruption of the country, society, and individuals.It is not too much to say that humans will be controlled by AI one day to eliminate the road.Lin Wenzhong mentioned the AI ​​villain character HAL 9000, which has the possibility in reality, and the probability is quite high.

First of all, the development of AI wants to improve the quality of human life, but this is not the original intention of developers, but accidentally discovery.Almost all humans need to think and learn with brain. With such a convenient tools such as AI, you don't need to think and analyze.Young people do not have to remember and think about their heads. After a few generations, they start to degenerate without having to do their heads. The speed of speed may be unexpected.Regardless of whether it is positive or negative, the application of AI will cause "institutional stupidity" to humans, which depends on AI and loses its ability to dominate the survival.

This phenomenon has occurred.One day the child asked me, "Didn't the chicken buy it in the supermarket, why should you still kill it?" Although this is not directly related to AI, it shows that the younger generation's awareness of life is lacking and incomplete.I thought the chicken came from the supermarket instead of the countryside, and I named this phenomenon "supermarket effect".In the future, AI is widely used, and the supermarket effect will become "AI effect".Most people inadvertently lose their thinking ability. This is the process of devastating effects on human survival ability, and an alternative statement of degradation theory.

Chatting with her daughter, she said that the company had to submit a report. In the past, a similar report was used from collecting information, first drafts to modification and other steps.She tried the ChatGPT and entered the theme of the report. Within a few minutes, the first draft was presented in front of her.very happy!

It is undeniable that AI is a great application tool with fast speed and high efficiency. Especially in data collection and application, it is all -encompassing. It can be described as the intellectual, allowing users to greatly improve efficiency.The only value of the user may only have the correct theme information input, and check and ensure that the content of the report meets the requirements.For a long time, if the content can be guaranteed accurately, the check steps are also saved.As an employee and supervisor, think less, and lack the value of injecting the existence of your position, can you become a robot!My so -called "supermarket effect" will extend to all levels, affecting the general public.

In the process of moving towards industrialization, the starting period is engaged in uniform, shoes, toys and other industries, providing people with thousands of job opportunities.But in reality, this job is quickly replaced by automated machines.This is also the beginning of the development of scientific and technological development to human life.Robots do not complain, do not ask for salary increases, and do not make trouble, which is what the boss expects.After a period of time, the people faced the suffering of unemployment, and the country faced challenges again.

I don't want to degrade the positive contribution of science and technology, but it is a fact that it has the negative impact on employment.AI's research and development will accelerate this type of effect, and it impaches to all walks of life and even professionals.

Why do I think the AI ​​technology is the beginning of the gradual stupidity of human beings?It is undeniable that AI has contributed to many aspects of the present and the future world, but it also hides long -term side effects.

Almost every industry may be replaced by AI.Perhaps it did not happen in the short term, but it would definitely come to the end of control of people's lives.The affected incidents of banking system interruptions often occur.Our lives are controlled by systems, and the phenomenon of outset systems is accelerating. This is no longer solved by bank apology and fines.

It may not be the original intention of human beings, which may not be the original intention of AI pioneers, but from the perspective of broad sense and practical application, it is not difficult to understand that it does have a impact on human survival.

First of all, it will make people feel indifferent to the basic way of learning.Rather than looking for answers by yourself, it is better to ask AI, humans will lose interest at all levels of learning, as long as you learn how to make cloud search.This is also the beginning of the degradation of the human brain.For example, with all contact numbers with smartphones, except for several commonly used numbers, other numbers depend on checking mobile phones, so don't remember.In the 1960s and 1970s, the number of watches was the basic skills of the students. Today, the children will say, wait, I will get a computer.

Those who grow up in this environment will lose the basic common sense of thinking and survival, lose their learning motivation, start to degenerate, and slowly become stupid, and everything depends on AI.This is the beginning of AI to lead mankind, changing the essence of man, and similar to the historical foolish policies.

The above discussion is only the impact of AI on daily life, and the impact on various industries is far -reaching.Imagine that AI controlled stock transactions, which is the day when traditional stock transactions closed.

Finally, talk about the word "greed".Recently, there are reports that countries should formulate codes for the development of AI. I hope that this is not empty talk, but it is very difficult to really implement.Because the greed of human nature is the source of trouble, a person is greedy for wealth and greed, gets the family rupture, loses his officials, and the state is greedy for hegemony, and the war continues.In today's international situation, we have ghosts.It is not easy to achieve benign results in AI control.Some politicians always talk about one set, and may have been conspiring with AI development agencies in private to use AI for their opponents.Under the cheering of AI, it is widely used for the ruthlessness of strength.

The biggest challenge of human control AI is that AI is controlled by some ambitious people.They may be politicians, entrepreneurs, and scientific researchers who are fighting for their names, and they will use AI to seek personal gain.Don't forget that AI itself is also self -improvement. The ultimate point is that it has got rid of the control of the personnel and becomes the driver.In good cases, let's not talk about it, the bad situation is out of control, and scientific researchers have no countermeasures to the uncontrolled AI system.

Look at the history of human development, find oil and pollute the earth; invented plastic and pollutes water; industrial automation, gives work opportunities to machines; will AI research and development be washed away human wisdom?Time will be witnesses.

Human beings are amazing animals, but in the end, because of their own intelligent products, all around the surroundings include their own direction.

It is a bit pessimistic about it, but from the perspective of behavior science, AI will bring revolutionary changes, including that the wisdom of human wisdom towards gradual stupidization is logical reasoning.

The author is the director of operation before the new post