Since the beginning of this year, ships that have arrived in Singapore's ports have exceeded 3 billion tons on Christmas Day, and once again have written a new record.The total ton (GROSS TONNAGE) refers to the total internal volume of the ship, and the industry generally measures the ship's flow of ships to stop the port.Singapore's total tons of Hong Kong all year round was 1 billion and 2 billion in 2004 and 2011, respectively.That is to say, in the past 30 years, a total of 1 billion tons have been increased every 10 years.

Considering that the world's sea transportation industry has experienced heavy dangerous twists and turns in the past few years, the breakthroughs in the port of Singapore can be described as valuable.Although this has a lot to do with the close cooperation between the three parties of the labor and government and government, the same key is the high efficiency and reliability of the Hong Kong affairs established on the basis of this collaboration.In the competition of the World Harbor, this is also the victory of Singapore's port.

The development of Singapore's port over the past few decades is a process that has continuously improved energy and efficiency, including the expansion, automation, and digitalization of the terminal.Today, the port of Singapore has become an important hub in the world of sea transportation links. In the uncertain world situation, the port of Singapore is the most reliable one -stop port, and it is also a replica port to make up for the delay of transportation for ships (Catch-up port).These advantages are difficult to copy.

When speaking at the celebration ceremony held on December 26, Xu Fangda, the Minister of Communication and Minister of Finance of the Ministry of Finance and the Minister of Finance of the Ministry of Finance, made this landmark achievement of Singapore's port, and was particularly attributed to close cooperation between labor and government and government.This may seem obtrusive for some outsiders, but it is easier to understand for Chinese people.The development of the port of Singapore is a process of continuous self -renewal and improvement. This requires a large number of government investment and long -term planning. There are also devotion cooperation between the workers and capital to adapt to new changes.This is difficult to do in places where other investors and unions are often opposed.Other countries may have strong financial resources to copy hardware facilities, but it is difficult to copy Singapore's "software".

The overall advantage of the port of Singapore can be summarized as 3C, that is, Connectivity, CapaCity, and Competitivity.We have now established a connection with more than 600 ports in more than 120 countries in the world.There are more than 200 ship companies using Singapore ports.This global connection is one of the successful factor in Singapore's hub in the world.As a shipping hub, it is indispensable for Hong Kong affairs facilities and safe and reliable services, while those who can maintain advantages in fierce competition are high efficiency and high productivity.Therefore, it is not accidental to win the reputation of Asia and the world's best harbor.

The overall advantage of Singapore's port can also play a very prominent role in a very time or turbulent time.This is the role of replica port.For example, in the case of a crown disease epidemic that caught many ports in the world, the port of Singapore continued to operate 24 hours a day.This provides a helping hand for many vessels in the ship's period, allowing them to quickly go and down and transfer goods here to make up for the delayed time and reduce possible losses.

As an important hub for maritime transportation between things, the port affairs and routes of Singapore's ports in many places are being disturbed and interrupted in many places.The Panama Canal and Red Sea, which are also important and busy maritime trade channels in the world, have recently occurred.The Panama Canal caused a sharp decline in water levels due to drought weather, and had to limit the traffic of cargo ships.In the Red Sea, the Yemenhase Armed Forces have recently launched several drone and missile attacks on merchant ships in the Manda Strait, forcing many freighters to suspend or bypass.It is certain that many shipping companies will suffer inconvenience and losses.These may bring Matthew effects to the advantages of Singapore.

However, in the short term, Singapore's port also faces new challenges. After the world economic epidemic, recovery is not as good as expected. In addition, global high inflation continues, which greatly cracks down on consumption and production needs.The uncertainty of the world's economic prospects is in the needs that may affect world shipping.However, we believe that as long as the port of Singapore can continue to strengthen and exert its overall advantages, coupled with the gradual completion of the Grand Port, and the gradual recovery of the world economy, the prospects are optimistic.