The contradiction between doctors and patients is not unique to Singapore. Some people are purely like the Internet celebrity and lack the most basic family education and school education.In addition, it may be the emotional pressure of patients and family members, coupled with the lack of medical resources, or obstacles in pure communication, which makes the entire medical system a victim of such negative emotions.

A major news in the local October was a big news in the workshop. It was an unlicensed Internet celebrity accompanying the wine girl in Singapore's Central Hospital and abused the nurse and police.This incident eventually ended with legal sanctions, but there was a rude incident of medical staff every other time, but it was difficult to end.According to reports, the incidents of local medical staff have been abused, rough and harassed, and have risen year by year, and it is urgent to deal with this problem.

Our ordinary people generally do not have the importance of medical care until life and death.In early October this year, I was diagnosed with crown diseases. I usually have been healthy. I basically recovered after two days of fever.Unexpectedly, in the middle of the night of the 17th, an emergency suddenly occurred. The heart problems caused by crown diseases woke me up from my dream. Fortunately, I woke up my family before fainting, and made an emergency phone number of the civil defense forces 995.The ambulance personnel have arrived at the door to rescue.One week after being rushed to Chen Dusheng Hospital, I fully realized that the medical staff had a professional and meticulous care.

In the past three years, due to the epidemic, the frontline ambulancers such as Singapore and the world's medical staff and civil defense forces have faced unprecedented high -intensity and high -risk workload.What they suffer is often the fatigue and collapse that ordinary people are unimaginable.But it is the sense of mission and dedication of these people that the entire world today, including Singapore, slowly get out of the haze of the epidemic.But human forgetfulness and self -centered, it is easy to forget the sacrifice and efforts they have made.

The contradiction between doctors and patients is not unique to Singapore. Some people are purely like the Internet celebrity, and lack the most basic family education and school education.In addition, it may be the emotional pressure of patients and family members, coupled with the lack of medical resources, or obstacles in pure communication, which makes the entire medical system a victim of such negative emotions.

Due to the huge gap between doctors and patients, some controversy will also lead to some disputes.This is because the professionalism of modern medicine is thousands of miles a day, and the distance between ordinary people and professional doctors is getting farther and farther.From the very humble medical occupation in the European century, it has become a highly scientific and social chain at the top of the social occupation chain. The status of doctors and patients has changed significantly.Therefore, in addition to the need to strengthen communication with patients, patients should also take the initiative to understand and understand the particularity of medical care, so as to solve many problems caused by information asymmetry.In short, patients should believe in science and modern medicine. Medical staff should also understand that the patient is in the passive position of the medical information channel, so he should pay attention to providing information and communication.

It is difficult to completely eradicate the unpretentious behavior of medical care and civil personnel. Basically, it is still necessary to start from laws and regulations and severe execution.The Ministry of Health announced in the middle of this month that the new framework and standards for the implementation of the legitimate rights and interests of medical staff will be implemented by June next year, which is very necessary and timely.This can not only define violence and harassment behaviors, but also clearly stipulate the measures taken by related behaviors. In the case of ensuring the protection of patients' rights and interests, it also supports and maintains the personal and working environment of medical staff.

In addition, establish a more open and flexible doctor -patient exchange mechanism to further improve the efficiency and quality of medical services on the basis, especially using new technology or other methodsMedical resources can also objectively reduce dissatisfaction with medical staff.Of course, this should not be just a unilateral effort for medical staff, and the cultivation of patients themselves is equally important.At least, patients should appreciate the importance of medical work and the hardships of medical staff.This is the important ideological basis for truly understanding and respecting frontline medical staff, as well as the work of civil defense personnel.

The author is a local literary and historical enthusiast and religious researcher