Inventory 2023, politics continued to be stable, and the economy rose from the bottom of the valley. Compared with many countries, we are very lucky.I hope it will be better in 2024.It is also hope that in 2024, people who are experiencing war, hunger and poverty to bring fate can bring fate.

Old colleagues made a lot of time in the chat room. There are a few even gathers. In addition to asking you how many grandchildren, how about health, it is inevitable that "occupational diseases" will have a "career disease".A happy.Although it is not in its position and does not seek its politics, there is still a family and state feelings in the old age, which can also be called a spirit.

Over the past year, the world has become more chaotic.The two major powers of the United States and China endlessly, I do n’t know that Yi Yu is in the bottom of the Hu Dan; from February 2022 to the current Russian and Ukraine War, the two sides have countless deaths and injuries, the same prospects, no signs of ceasefire; suddenly Hamas and Hamas and Hamas andThe conflict of Israel has been extended for more than two months. The number of civilians and injuries in Gaza has continued to rise, and humanitarian disasters are getting deeper and deeper.In the South China Sea, the friction between the Philippines and China also became more and more rigid with the President President Markis's onto, and the possibility of wiping guns on fire was getting greater.


Three -year -old crown disease epidemic seems to be over, but the remaining poison is not exhausted, and the world it has changed will never return to the state before the epidemic.The world economy is scraping, just like the popularity of Spanish flu in 1918. It not only seized the lives of tens of millions of people, but also exacerbated the wave of globalization and anti -globalism.All countries set off a wave of anti -immigrants, implement measures to discourage the chain, and disappear with each other.Today, after the crown disease epidemic, Sino -US relations have deteriorated, and it is obviously that it cannot be returned.

Meizhongjiao has become the greatest attention of everyone.Public opinion seems to be increasingly unfavorable to the United States.Regardless of whether it is Chinese education or an English education background, everyone has unanimously pointed the spearhead to today's "super independence".This country that should have been responsible for maintaining the greatest responsibility of world peace and multilateralism, but now it is digging the corner of the wall, destroying the world order established by the world after World War II and multilateral organizations such as the World Trade Organization, and the poor soldiers are in the world.It is disappointing and regrettable to create a military tension atmosphere.

The Russian and Ukraine War, the Harbin War, the establishment of the "Asian version of NATO", the sale of nuclear power submarines to Australia, etc., all have the United States.However, the economic and trade cooperation that Southeast Asian countries are struggling to seek, but the White House seems incompetent, and it is interested.Talking about the American guy, although there are many opinions and a lot of things, but there are somewhat regrets that hate iron and steel.The decline and internal consumption of American political parties are particularly sighing.

The Russian and Ukraine War, everyone's opinion seems to be increasingly inclined to the discussion of John Mearsheimer, that is, NATO under the leadership of the United States, regardless of Russia's repeated opposition and warning, continuously promotes the expansion of NATO, stepping on Russia's red line of Russia, Make Ukraine the victim of the agent war.This is not justified for Putin, but that the agent war was originally avoided.

When it comes to the conflict of Yiha, Muslim compatriots are difficult to hide.This is not only the emotion of religion, but also humanity.The terrorist attack of Hamas must be condemned first, but the Israeli army continued to bombard the Gaza Strip, which caused many innocent civilians to die and wounds. Even if it was obvious, no one seemed to stop it.It is just that everyone understands that in Singapore, such things touch the sensitive nerves such as race and religion, and must be treated very cautiously.We must maintain the maximum calmness and rationality.

pulling the lens a little bit is closely related to Singapore's future.In the past year, in addition to facing foreign challenges, Ya'an has also suffered from being unable to help solve the Myanmar problem.How this issue will evolve and it is unknown how it will affect the internal unity of Asia.But I believe no one dares to take everything for granted.The route of Matco now is against China to do it with China, which is not wise.If one day, unfortunately, the sea, the United States, Japan, Australia, Britain, and Canada are involved in the vortex, which will inevitably drag Yajia'an to the water.

In the fierce game of the powers, Asiansan is the cornerstone of the security of all member states, and maintaining unity is especially important for Singapore.This regional organization allows us to have an important vocal platform internationally, and also allows Singapore to use it to exert its influence far greater than the land area.But if this unity is destroyed, the situation may turn sharply.Therefore, the unity of Ya'an cannot be regarded as a matter of course, but it must be very careful to maintain and consolidate it, and link everyone's interests more closely.Therefore, the process of hoping for economic integration can achieve further development in the coming year.

In the new year, what changes will happen in Indonesia's political situation is worthy of our attention.President Zoko has expired.The fierce competition for the next presidential election has begun.Whether the new president will continue Zoko's policy, no one knows, you can only wait to see it.Although the modern government has the form of collective leadership (such as the cabinet), the personality and ideas of the government's head (prime minister or president) will always have a great impact on national policies.The personal background of the current Philippines's current and ex -presidents mentioned earlier has led to a lot of interesting foreign policies.It is possible to become the current president of the President Plaboor, who is a soldier, and the background is very different from Zako.

In Malaysia in neighbors, the case is the same.Mahathir gave Singapore a lot of trouble during the administration, replaced with Abdullah and Murdin, and the situation was very different.The current Prime Minister Anhua took one year, and the relationship between Xinma remained stable.However, in recent years, the Malaysian Political Bureau has changed a lot in recent years. Whether there will be unexpected changes in the new year, we can only wait and see.Many people are paying attention to the "green tide" that has appeared in recent years. Has it has gradually become a tide?If so, can Anhua turn the tide to both?

Pulling the camera back to China, it has indeed been in color for a year.There are peach -colored incidents involved in the people of the court, there are black and white houses involving the Cabinet Minister, and the corruption incident of the Minister of Transport ...But the biggest thing is that Prime Minister Li Xianlong (also the Secretary -General of the People's Action Party) announced at the DAP Conference on November 5 that before the next national election, he will give a stick to the deputy prime minister and the Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai.The party strives for the people's commission in the coming election.The leadership can be successfully transferred and transitioned steadily, which is essential for the continuous stability of Singapore's political situation and future development.At one time, Liu Danhua was now, and Singaporeans could be more assured.

Inventory in 2023, politics continued to stabilize, and the economy rose from the bottom of the valley. Compared with many countries, we are very lucky.I hope it will be better in 2024.It is also hope that in 2024, people who are experiencing war, hunger and poverty to bring fate can bring fate.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress