Religious leaders as political Islam began to realize that the militia relying on religious fanatics cannot win long -term military confrontation, so they have begun to promote the formal construction of the army.People were surprised to find that their reforms and evolution seemed to have known each other, and they had almost transformed themselves into the Bennin -style political parties with an ideology.

The Harbin conflict brought people's attention back to the ethnic religion and geopolitical contradictions in the Middle East, which is extremely complicated and difficult to understand the previous life and future evolution of the war conflict.The foundation of order, that is, the "impossible triangle" created by a modernity:

1. Those with force have no public opinion -such as the old Middle East leader Saddam, Old Assad, Mubarak and other secular dictators, often religious or ethnic minorities; second, people with no modern people without modernSex -Religious leaders cannot accept modern democracy and modern state organizations; 3. Third, modern people have no force -secular intellectuals are treated by military dictators as western -supported dissidents.

This "impossible triangle" has determined that since the First World War, the social contradictions in the Middle East have been extremely prominent. After the second war, Israel is deeply embedded in the core areas of the Middle East after the World War II, which has formed the complex social contradictions in the Middle East, making the West at any time at any timeInterference in the start of the situation in the Middle East.

When paying attention to the contradictions between the Middle East society, many people often only mention that there are many national religions in the Middle East, and they are contradictory. However, they have ignored the history of many religion and peaceful coexistence in the Middle East since ancient times.Since the 20th century, the main reason for the continuous cruel war in the Middle East is Western colonial -the Cold War -new colonial order.

Why did the Arabic nation have not been able to complete modernization in the 20th century, people look for the cause from them, ignore the elephant in the room -Western interference: After the World War I, British and French melon divided the Arab world, laying the Arab nation politically in politics in politics.The foundation of division; in the past World War II, the West had unprecedentedly assisted Israel with unprecedented efforts. The defeat of the Five Middle East War led to the decline of the left -wing movement of the Arabia, the decline of the pan -Arabic nationalist movement, and the division and disintegration of the modern power of the Arab Revival Socialist Party.The former Arab Revision Socialist leader has transformed into corruption and brutal military dictators.

Lao Tzu's saying in the Tao Te Ching has the saying of "the counter, the movement of the Tao; the weak, the use of the Tao", which means that changing the development in the opposite direction is the movement of the Tao; the weakness is the role of the Tao.Blacks often move towards majesty, and life will gradually die.Lao Tzu sees the situation where things depend on each other and disappear.The West and Israel did not realize that in the war that stretches for a generation, ethnic contradictions, religious contradictions, and class contradictions that can be used in are intensive, but they are also resolved one by one.

The "impossible triangle" is disintegrated by its internal tension. Specifically: First, most of the worldly military dictators of a few groups have been overthrown, and a few of the Sada government such as Syria also rely on resistance aggression to obtain public opinion to obtain public opinion.The foundation; the second is that the secular intellectuals of the West in the process of acting as an agent for Western interests, with a terrible level of governance and corruption, completely smashed their signboards, so that Western modern ideology and political solutions lost their attractiveness in the Middle East in the Middle East, Afghanistan's former Gani government is the most vivid example; the third is that religious armed forces have been evolved in the blood that fights against the front line of the West. They gradually realize that to fight against the modern war machine in the West, it is not enough to use religious enthusiasm alone.More advanced organizational forms, science and technology, and social foundations.

Upgrade and Evolution of Political Islam

Since the new century, people have seen Taliban, Hussean, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, and the Lebanon Allah's Reform have opened up. They have upgraded their organizational forms, collective leadership, democratic centralism, distinguishing politics, teaching, and military.At the same time, they began to set up grass -roots organizations to penetrate the bottom of the society and provide public services. For example, the Taliban established a multi -ethnic political alliance, anti -drug, water repair, and organizational grain planting in the control area;Primary military industry, educating education, and tracking advanced military technology; Lebanon Allah has established a series of departments such as the Civil Affairs Commission and the Women and Children's Committee to engage in infrastructure and social security.

In addition, the religious leaders of politics Islam began to realize that the militia relying on religious fanatics cannot win long -term military confrontation. Therefore, they have begun to promote the regular construction of the army.His special forces, such as Alme, the Lord of the Lord, and the Special Forces of the Better Martyrs of Taliban.

People were surprised to find that their reform and evolution seemed to have known each other, and the most stressful True Party and Hussean armed forces have gone the farthest, and they have almost transformed themselves into the Bennin -style parties with ideology as ideology.The reason is very simple. It is accurate to put all the seas from the bottom of the underlying level of weakness. In sociology, the general truth is compatible with social reality. This is a war from the war.The Lenin -style religious armed forces that were armed by advanced organizations and military technology successfully won the 18 -year -old war and Afghan war in South Lebanon.

The advanced evolution of religious Islam to political Islam has greatly improved the organization and resistance of the Arab and Islamic world, coupled with the attention and use of new military technology, and no lack of internal and external world assistance. ThisEverything will make the Western control of the strategic Wuhai and Three continents and energy highlands of the Middle East and become extremely difficult.

The author is the CEO and Senior Researcher of China Zhendan Think Tank