I have lived in the United States for more than 20 years, and my time is close to the years I have lived in China.I have to say that all Chinese and Asian people living in the United States must face the problem of the United States' multiculturalism and ethnic politics.I have to admit that I am in the subject of ethnicity, especially the problems involved in African Americans, that is, black people, and the feelings of most Chinese people.Misunderstanding.

Ethnic politics is essentially the discourse and institutional tools caused by the majority of ethnic groups.In the United States, the classification of races and ethics (Ethnicity) itself is formulated by the white elite.While many white elite human scholars think they are the spokespersons of Chinese ethnic minorities, they seem to never consider the division of races and ethnic groups in the United States. For non -white people, they are also blurred and troubled.

Several problems that often encounter personal backgrounds when filling out the form: why Asians are often subdivided according to their original nations, European -American white people are not subdivided according to their original countries.All the forms must ask the forms separately whether the format is "Latino or Hispanic".In fact, I had two Jewish colleagues who could not see the appearance in private that "I am a Jewish" in private.It is a white man who is absolutely peaceful.But even if most local Americans may not think about the doorway here, I can only say that all classifications are politics.

At the same time, when the American anthropologist (almost no exception is a white elite scholar from a prestigious school) to China to do the field, it is particularly keen to provoke the ethnic minorities interviewed, including minor students, to go to go to go to go to go to go to go to go.Think about the "contradictions" that their ethnic minority identity and the existence of the Chinese, and their wishful thinking in the precedent.For example, some scholars must ask Chinese ethnic minorities students, do they think they are "people" or "Chinese", and they are completely ignored in the hearts of Chinese ethnic minorities.The question is a very natural identity that merged together. This does not talk about the issue of social science ethics that violates the academic ethics of the United States during the period.

"Professor Professor" cannot get rid of attributes

This kind of "Chinese ethnic minority spokesperson", I have seen strong resistance from ethnic minorities at least twice.The first time when I interviewed a Guangxi Zhuang scholar, the Zhuang scholar mentioned that an American scholar almost yelled when the Zhuang nationality was "created".The other time was in a related WeChat group. When a Miao scholar said that when he was in a meeting in Europe, he met a scholar who had to think that the "Miao" was the concept of the "Chinese"."Paralyzed on the sofa."

The problem exposed here is that the white academic elites in the United States do not care whether the domestic and ethnic groups are divided into whether they are completely reasonable in the eyes of ethnic minorities.It is still the label of the "Faculty of Color" (Professor of Colored People), and the colleagues who are not interested in the label of the label are accepted, thank you, or resist.In short, "Professor Professor" is like a non -ferrous metal and cannot get rid of its own attributes.

I have seen Yang Yang proudly telling how he reprimanded black students, and said "others dare not provoke you but I'm not afraid of you" Chinese female professors, but also want to know that when she must also be "facultyOne of the members of "of color" accepts condolences, or eats a pizza lunch that only a colored professor attended. How do she view her identity?Because she is also a colorful race, she thinks that she dares to break through the "political correctness" taboos of Professor White, and drink the head of black students?Or is it out of discrimination in the heart?

What I want to say is that all population classification politics and identity label politics, run to China to make the moral gesture of sympathy for ethnic minorities.Moral highland gameplay.It's very simple. When they want to be hit by the Chinese ethnic minority spokesperson by the Chinese minority intellectuals, they should think about whether it is the Chinese ethnic minority elites that can represent their own national words, decide their own identity, or still decide their own identity, or they still agree, or they still agree, or their own identity, or they still have their own identity.Summer vacation goes to investigate. Mandarin may be okay. The national language only learns white American anthropology professors for a few months.

Higher educated blacks are more sincere

In this case, African -American is actually under the rule of white people's absolute advantages and authority for a long time.Only to win a place for African Americans and a certain degree of moral guilt.But even so, invisible discrimination is still everywhere.I have heard a retired white female professor who lamented from a gender perspective how it was not easy to become a "female history professor".feel.Here, the female professor was a gender discrimination victim of the year in the gender sense, but when she also made a good merit, when she would retire, she also stood in a superior race.In her heart.The black historian himself does not deny that driving on the highway is more likely to be intercepted by the police, let alone the stereotyped image that laughed in the black history of black people, and sometimes it must be set up from society (essentially in terms of society (essentially in nature (essentially in essence (essentially in nature"Cool Pose" expected by White Elite).

Even if only the information of the media spreads, it can be noted that the public security cases involved in blacks in the United States are related to riots and economic conditions.Many times, black people will shoot a Chinese student tragicly for a computer, and they will indeed plunder the goods of the mall, but most of the large -scale no -differential shooting producers are white, that is, they have already enjoyed in this kind.Among the considerable invisible privileges, it is still not good, and the anti -society white extremists.

However, the looting property and large -scale guns are still different.From the perspective of response strategies, if the robbery is just to get a computer to sell money, the victim can abandon the computer to save their lives (of course, each student and scholars must be backup of their important documents and data), but a large scaleThe shooting is invincible. In the meantime, the strong anti -social pathological hatred, and the mentality of the gangsters who plunder the property due to poverty, are not the same.However, many Chinese people seem to only see the harm of robbery and murder, and do not think about the terror and prevention of large -scale shooting. Some Chinese elites are still standing on the perpetrator to sympathize with the sense of loss and mental pressure of the whites.

Back to the Chinese historic female professor to scold the black students and think of my courage, I can say responsiblely that in my 17 -year American teaching career, the most entangled, rogue, the most, the mostThe aggressive is also white students in the United States.In this high school, white students are overwhelming, even if black students are not academic, at least they generally show a more cautious, sincere and respectful attitude.They cherish their learning opportunities and have a real interest in content. Even if they have objections, they can maintain their grace. Some students have written very high -quality research papers.I never think that existence or so -called so -called low points for black students, otherwise it will not be "correct" or worry about the other party. Instead, white students like to entangle 1 or 0.5 points.It should be said that as long as the evaluation of the students is reasonable and fair, all students will accept it, and deliberately "take care of" black students politically.For white students, it is also unfair.Moderate praise and encouragement to black students is more positive than scolding.

Among those who have also received higher education, my personal feelings have always felt that it has always been more sincere, authentic, and reliable than white people who have been educated higher than higher education.But many people do not seem to observe at this level, just staring at the riots of black people at the bottom of the black people, thereby comparing the white middle -class clothing, tongue lotus.If the underlying white people compare the bottom black people, the middle -level white people compare the middle black people, the college students compare the role of college students, and pay attention to the role of educating this variable. I think I will get out of the misunderstanding of the hot spots of the news and get a new perspective. After all, the news will only stare at explosive events.It is not too deeper to study the subtleties of daily life.

The Chinese community should reflect on their racism, Mu Qiang psychology, or a tendency to "community (club) (Ervin)" in a sense.At least, as a "vice -white" self -identity, it will be awakened by labels such as "Colored Professor".

The author is an associate professor at the Department of History of the Academy of Academy in the United States