The Taiwan United Daily published on December 24 that the Corruption DNA entitled by the Democratic Progressive Party was deepened from the new trend's editorial.

The editorial said that in the 2024 election, the biggest cover of the DPP is black gold and corruption.The Democratic Progressive Party candidate Lai Qingde claimed that the black gold corruption was tolerated.EssenceHou Youyi also shouted that "the" new trend 'is not scattered, and Taiwan is half. "Ke Wenzhe, the candidate of the people, also "'new trends' will not fall, Taiwan will not be good."Both point to the "new trend" issued by Lai Qingde, which is an important representative of the Corruption of the DPP.

The editorial said that "new trend" is one of the most important factions in the DPP, and it has been established earlier than the DPP.Since the DPP's second governance, the wind of corruption is strong.And Lai Qingde from the mayor of Tainan and the head of the administrative agency to the deputy leader of the Taiwan region.He said that it was humorous for the corruption of Black Gold!

The editorial pointed out that Wu Nairen Wu Nairen, who was once the Secretary -General of the Democratic Progressive Party, was involved in selling land during the period of serving as the chairman of Taiwan Sugar.When he was in jail, Lai Qingde not only did not retain his trust, but also rose step by step, and of course, the "new trend" also involved more corruption under the indulgence of many parties.

Recently, the "new trend department" is the main point. Lai Qingde's election director Pan Mengan and the deputy chairman of the MAC were kicked and checked in a luxury mansion of NT $ 50 million;He has also been named the representative of 18 Green Energy Company; even the security department in Lai Qingde's hometown illegally built the "Lai Pi Ling" to set up a whistle of 360,000 yuan (NT $ 1 is about 0.23 yuan -this website's note) restriction.It is also a special assistance of Lai Jinlin's daughter and the DPP's public opinion representative Lai Pinyu.Following Lai Qingde, with the "new trend" drifting, it may be the end of the southern shortcut of promotion.

The editorial then said that Lai Qingde can defend his hometown illegal construction, and of course everyone will imitate to be exclusively controversial."New Trend" and the close confidences around Lai Qingde have repeatedly passed down illegal disputes, including Zheng Wencan, deputy head of the administrative institution, Liang Wenjie, deputy chairman of the Taiwan MAC, and Lin Zhenghong, former director of the DPP Organization Department.The evidence is conclusive, and some explanations are unclear.

The editorial also said that Lai Qingde's 88 shooting in Tainan's Benzhong District has so far, let alone the entanglement of the interests of "optoelectronics", "scum" interest, speaker election to buy tickets, etc."(Fiction cities in American comics are famous for corruption, poverty, insect pests, pollution and crimes -this website note).

The editorial pointed out that as long as Zheng Wencan involves the controversy of the epidemic prevention, and the "chaos of eggs" detonated by Lin Congxian, the former chairman of the Taiwan Animal Property Association, can know that if Lai Qingde was elected, "new trend" will only hand in hand.Cover the sky.

The Kuomintang's Zhao Shaokang criticized that corruption has become the Democratic Progressive Party DNA.The "new trend system" of strong wolf nature has eaten the jealousy inside the party, and it has become a non -green enemy.