Hong Kong Asia Weekly published an anti -orgasm article entitled by the Sino -US supply chain game on December 25. The full text is as follows:

The China -US supply chain game appeared in 2023 (referring to the plot that did not appear Mdash; mdash; notes on this website).The United States thinks that it will make every effort to sanctions and suppress it, and be enclosed in Europe, Japan and South Korea, which can suppress China's economy.However, things contrary to their wishes have made China strengthen the toughness of the supply chain. Not only did they not lose the key position of the global supply chain, but instead replenished the chain and strong chain.

Because the United States has worked hard, the development of a friendly supply chain must be concentrated in China to Vietnam, India, South Korea, and Southeast Asia, but in practice, almost all the raw materials of the supply chain come from China.The measures of the United States are only to stimulate many manufacturers to move their industrial chain outside China to Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam, but the raw materials and technology of the entire supply chain rely on China, but the original supply chain is long.

In particular, the infrastructure of India and Southeast Asian countries is not good. Even if the goods are manufactured, how to transport it out is a problem.This has led many factories in Vietnam to move back to China in the end, because in the export channels, Vietnam often loses the last mile.India's problems are similar. The factory created products to the West and cannot overcome the infrastructure of domestic conditions. It is equivalent to increasing costs. In the end, it still depends on China's industrial chain to remedy.

For the sanctions of key technologies, the United States has also encountered unexpected development, because it has stimulated China to play a national system and implement the entire industry chain.

2023 is also a year for China's global power pattern to counterattack.China announced a thunderous land that Saudi Arabia and Iran shook their hands to peaceful, smiling and resentment, changed the situation in the Middle East, let the United States have a long -term layout, and can no longer rely on the disputes between Sunny and Shiites to get rid of the air, take the advantages of fishermen and collect the advantages of fishermen and collect the benefits of fishermen.To favor Israel.This has increased China's status in the Middle East, not only to achieve the upper hand in geopolitical politics, but also makes it difficult for the United States to conduct a strategy of provoking separation in the Middle East.develop.

One of the major diplomatic achievements in China in 2023 was to host the Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forum. A total of more than 150 countries participated, which is equivalent to a quasi -United Nations meeting, showing that the world's high recognition of the vision of the human destiny community in China is also true.The international pattern of only me in the United States is dissatisfied.In the country participating in the Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forum, at the Beijing meeting, more cooperation models are discussed, and the top priority is the establishment of the local currency transaction, which is equivalent to paving the way to the US dollar and developing a non -US sanctions.The supply chain becomes a subtext.It is necessary to establish a free, tolerant international trade pattern, promote the equality of international power, and thoroughly get out of the power pattern of imperialist Yu Xu, and move towards a new platform beyond the hegemony of a large country.

By the fourth quarter of 2023, the International Import Expo held by China attracted guests from 154 countries, regions and international organizations around the world to participate, and more than 200 American companies participating in the meeting showed that American companies should get rid of Washington's restraint and strengthen the strengthening of Washington and strengthen the strengthening of the Chinese DC and strengthen it.Investment in China shares the dividend of China's huge market.

The China International Supply Chain Promotion Expo, which was subsequently held in Beijing, was even more valued by global entrepreneurs.

This is the diplomatic summary of China in 2023, that is, with its own strong innovation forces to counterattack the US sanctions.And Chinese companies have also established a stronger and stronger base in the United States. Behind this is China's digital power. It uses digital power to reverse the Qiankun, show the wisdom of the Chinese, not afraid of the western congestion.Difficulty, strive for the final victory.