The identity of "Southern University students" or "Chinese school students" is carried on the imagination of too many others. Many people's own burdens have already been put down.In this identity.

Watch the wind blowing at the Golden Theater, and the time flows back to the 1970s and 1980s.

The scene I watched was a Monday afternoon game. There were not many audiences. Everyone saw the end quietly. After listening to the ending song autumn wind, this version has a very strong Qiushe and 怅.It was sung by arranges and singers, or the movie itself created.

Go out of the theater to see that the audience is middle -aged or below. Basically, there is no old Chinese school student described in the movie. When you hear some admiration, you can imagine that this film will become a temporary talk.Screen.

However, I have a thin air, which is not able to breathe smoothly. On the one hand, it is heavy and depressed.Suddenly remembered decades ago, the old theater in the same period watched the unspeakable depression after watching the life that was unbearable in life.By the way, it is the kind of unbearable light.

The movie is shot well, my layman cannot comment like a film critic.Basically, from the smooth narrative, the skills of the actor and the mastery of the camera all belong to a good local movie.But I am not sure if I should recommend the elders around me to see. I think their feelings must be deeper than me, and I do n’t agree with the twisted emotions performed by the film.

Lianhe Morning Post published Li Yuanjin "unrelated one year"——The scars filled with gray and sad colors and What? After the two views, the two of them are graduates of Nanyang University in 1971, one is the Department of History and the other is from the Department of Political Bank.

Both of them do not want the image of "Southern Lord" to be represented by "Lin Chengshun".Although Li Yuanjin also acknowledged that there were some unsatisfactory in the workplace, disappointed with life, and resentment with unexpectedly, but she was worried that the "South Adult" image described in this movie was understood by the younger generation of understanding.For a group of poor people who failed, the gloomy people, or a generation of stolen generations.

Liu Peifang is also worried that "those younger generations who have grown up in the English education system and have become increasingly low in Chinese. I watched this actor with a sommelist movie. What are the perceptions in my heart?" Nanyang University was closed when I was in elementary school, but I grew up in a family of pure Chinese schools, so it should be Liu Peifang said that the emotion and cultural psychology of Chinese school students did not go through that era.People understand.

The character of the actor really blessed me. He did not dare to change his position at home, dare not accept the goodwill of young colleagues, and dare not face the departure of his wife. Finally, he chose to betray the company and even look at his brother's house.On a cloudy day, with two nephews to catch tadpoles in the lyric mine, what did the screenwriter and director arrange such a scene to convey?

I hope this is not to cover up the basic justice and morality of a person in order to cover up the extreme cowardice of my heart.If so, how could anyone be willing to be represented by people like "Lin Chengshun"?

In reality, there are indeed some people being devoured by anger, hate, and jealousy to destroy everything that is valuable in life.EssenceIf you can't get out of sadness, you lose your rationality, which is actually his own victim.

I want director Tang Yongjian to try to use the impact of tragedy to emphasize a group of people who were sacrificed. He didn't want them to be forgotten, so he wanted to say their loss.

In fact, the generation of NTU has not been forgotten, and many of them work and contribute in their respective positions.There are indeed some unsatisfactory among every group of people. There are also such encounters among the elders I know. Their misfortunes may be because they encounter snobbish bosses, unfriendly colleagues, or their personality is not good at self -expression.

But more of them lived with their own optimism and efforts.They even tirelessly mentioned the years when they felt sacrificed, and they were unwilling to complain about licking their wounds on their own.The identity of "Nanda students" or "Chinese school students" is carrying too many other people's imagination. Many people's own burdens have long been put down. The burdens of others, including dissatisfaction with the past and the present, have been superimposed on this identity.

Director Tang Yongjian said that his father and his parents -in -law were both Chinese students. He wanted to shoot a show that reflected the journey of Chinese school students more than 20 years ago.When a British student saw the sacrifice of the previous generation of Chinese school students, he was willing to record for them, which is worthy of support.Unfortunately, the film only reflects the dark side of this group, which cannot cause this group to resonate, but causes a lot of positive response outside this group.

I wondering is to understand this group through a understanding of a deviating understanding. It is not true whether it is sympathy, recognition or compassion. Is these emotions necessary?

When it comes to deviating from reality, Li Yuanjin and Liu Peifang reminded that Nanyang University has no architecture department, and the architects of "Lin Chengshun" are very unnatural.

I want to make a small mistake in the use of another music.The actor once drove to the construction site, and the car was played on the car was the recording of the erhu concerto.Perhaps the data collector found that this work was the work of the composer Liu Wenjin in 1978. The actual draft and premiere were in 1982, and the tape was later available.If the background of the film was set in 1979, the Great Wall had not come out yet.These background and detail errors have further discounted the persuasiveness of the film.

Regarding the generation of Lord Nan, Chinese students, Chinese education, and a generation of people who have been sacrificed or lost, history must be recorded, but even if many people have lost or sacrificed, they have not repeated their sorrows and caught in the eternal cycle.middle.With the spirit of self -reliance and toughness of NTU and Chinese school students, they moved forward proudly.

I think this movie still has a certain meaning, perhaps more suitable for those who think that Singapore has "Chinese privileges" to see why the elders who point to the family say that when they have privileges, it is a generation of Chinese school students when they have privileges.Deeper damage.