Source: Bloomberg

Author: zheping huang

After China's tightening of some industry restrictions last week, the market value of several major game stocks was applied to $ 80 billion, but it approved 105 domestic game versions on Monday, which seemed to be the latest signs of softening.

The publishers of these games include Tencent and NetEase. Both leading game publishers have been impacted by new rules.Xinhua News Agency reproduced an article on WeChat on WeChat by the Audiovisual and Digital Publishing Association's game work committee that the new domestic game version number was approved on Monday, which strongly demonstrated the distinctive attitude of competent departments to actively support the development of online games.

The State Press and Publication Department of the highest game supervision agency issued a draft comments draft on the draft online game management measures on Friday, including the limited amount of unspecified consumption settings for adult players, re -ignition the market's concerns about the new round of industry rectification.

New drafts also require online games to set up inductive rewards such as daily login and forbidden for compulsory battle, and shall not include content that endangers national security.

The market value of Tencent and Netease fell sharply on Friday. The National Press and Publication Agency announced the approval of 40 imported games during the Hong Kong transaction, including games operated by these two companies.But it is not much helpful for restoring investor confidence.

Analysts such as Citi and other companies said shortly after the introduction of the new rules that Tencent and NetEase should not be too affected, and the stock price of the two still suffers in US transactions.

The National Press and Publication Department said on Saturday that it will further modify and improve the management methods of online game management on the basis of listening to the opinions of relevant departments, enterprises, users and other parties.

On the last trading day before Christmas, this move made the industry people and investors caught off guard, reminding many people the severe rectification against the technology industry in 2021.At that time, many regulatory authorities strengthened regulatory efforts to e -commerce, entertainment and other industries, and the online education industry was also severely damaged in heavy boxing rectification.