Realists pay the principle of strength, and believe that existence is reasonable. They are rational and harsh, and they will not adhere to any morality and conscience.Ordinary, or to seek some stable homogeneous pattern by ease, as for the small nations and weak nations, in their eyes, it is just a chess piece of more grand struggle or trading.

Tell a small story first.

Around 1998, I forgot it for a long time.One day suddenly received the mission, saying that the Singapore Government Investment Corporation (GIC) announced that it was at the Shangri -La Hotel.

There were no Google and Internet media in the beginning of that year, and there was no concept of transparency. GIC was particularly taboo. What did you invest in, rarely reported to the Chinese people.Although I am a reporter, in addition to knowing that the biggest head is Lee Kuan Yew, the perception of this agency is completely blank.

I was confused to the press conference. A row of tables in the small hall faced a few chairs under the stage.The staff first issued a two -page press release. After reading it, I learned that it was a large company in GIC and the United States. I joined forces to invest in a hydropower project in China. I guess it is the host of the United States. I was anxious to tell the world.

As soon as the press release was finished, the door was suddenly lively, and an old man walked in.Oh my god, I recognized Kissinger at a glance!

At that moment, I do n’t know what other people feel, I am full of fantasy and shock.This is a long time in the 1970s in the 1970s, with Nixon, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and others, and often saw the characters or appeared on TV. After the highlights, they left politics.In the vision that I can do, because there is no Google or online media, he is dead, alive, and what is doing.Unexpectedly, there would be such a day, without warning from the historical map, and sitting in front of me for an interview (and I am just a shallow reporter).

Investing in power plants is actually not much news. It is a few hundred words the next day. The entertainment is published in an inconspicuous corner of the Inner Page Finance Edition.Its content, even where the power plant has been forgotten in China, but when I interviewed Kissinger representing the US capital, the kind of "if it was over the world", the unrealistic time and space feelings are still fresh.

The earliest "Angel Investor" of the Communist China

Entering the new century, the information came in hand, and was surprised that the veterans had not died, nor had it been hidden. For more than 40 years, he had been pointing to Jiangshan (interview), stimulating the text (book).Good.Until a few months ago, he also celebrated his 100th birthday, and finally, he finally resigned with the world last month.

The news that he wrote a power plant for him was a pediatric department at that time, but now it is much more difficult to set the coffin to make a coffin.After all, this is a scholar diplomat who has leveraged geopolitics and changes the fate of hundreds of millions of people -including scholars who become better and bad, and are controversial.What I can do is just the sky, and the record points will follow and observe.

The praise of Kissinger is particularly prominent, that is, it is different from the two sides of the Pacific Ocean.

It can be said that Kissinger is the earliest "angel investor" in Communist China.It is necessary to know that he ordered the ice -breaking operation in 1971 and 1972. When the Lianzhong Anti -Soviet Anti -Soviet, the Storm of the Cultural Revolution was weakened, but no matter what standards used, it was still crazy.Kissinger can completely put aside the ideology and reflect the "morality on both sides and the middle of the word" he represented.The most impact of among them is the indirectly created conditions for the Chinese people. In the end, it has followed the trend and closed out of the 40 -year reform and opening up.

However, at that time, Kissinger was not at that time, and the old conspiracy could not be deeply "contact and cooperation". It was that hundreds of millions of people eventually got rid of the poverty and were liberated in their minds.The road we have taken.I think this is the real vicissitudes.The right "partner", after the Soviet Union, also became the most powerful and comprehensive opponent in the United States. This is even more likely that he and his White House boss had foreseen in the "big design".

In any case, it is not difficult to understand why he is respected as the "old friend of the Chinese people", although sometimes there is no wishful thinking, or with a little utilitarian, for example, when his life is fast, he will ask him to invite himI went to Building 5, Diaoyutai State Guest House, and re -played the prop.As for ordinary people in China, I believe that he also thinks that he is in his own nation, and objectively has the grace of reconstruction. At least he feels that he and himself have some fit in viewing or even rejoicing. For the death of this Americanfrom inner heart.

But this is the perspective of China.In the United States, there are very few sorrows.The retrospective articles on the mainstream media are more negative, and the public opinion field is like a breeze gently, and only a little ripples are glowing.

It is necessary to say that the early anti -war people have to say that many of the actions of Kissinger are very disdainful. For exampleIn 1975, he made a embarrassed "Saigon Moment", and sacrificed more than 20,000 children's life.For example, the Cambodian bombing, which started in 1969, began, and killed at least 100,000 people. The greater consequences were indirectly promoted the tragedy of the Khmer Rouge and the 2 million people were slaughtered.

Other diplomatic defeats include in 1971 that it is said that in order to please China, it supports Pakistan to target today's Bangladesh's independence movement.Pakistan was finally defeated, but on Bangladesh's land, the most conservative estimation of 300,000 people was killed and 10 million people became refugees.

For example, after the end of the Vietnam War, it immediately encouraged the Indonesian army to invade East Timor.The most clearly revealed is that on the eve of the war, US President Ford, Indonesia President Suhandor and Kissinger also met.In the decryption file, Kissinger fully supports this operation. The only concern is "using American weapons when invasion, which will trigger public review."Like Bangladesh, East Timor was finally independent, but it was more than 20 years later, and the cost of more than 100,000 Turks was killed or starved to death!You know, the population of this country was less than 900,000 at that time, so almost every household had a victim.

That is a bloody hand!

Today, the United States left, regardless of the universal value of Kissinger's diplomacy, and human rights, and has no good reviews, including that he does not have a bottom line, and is a downright Makiaville self -interest.

It is not surprising that Democrats are hostile to him. In the Republican Party he belongs, he does not give emotions and ignores historical situations.Then there is the biggest lobbyist and "comprador" who criticizes his profit as a picture.Calculating and reinstallation, under the main theme of the current anti -Chinese, undoubtedly extremely political incorrectly.

Right or wrong evaluation, because it often depends on where you are standing.

The Vietnam War is the pain of Americans and shame, but from the stance of non -communist Southeast Asian countries. The Americans have been standing for a few more years and did not let the bone card fall quickly. It is a valuable time difference for everyone.When mainland China has also "changed the world", realizing that development is the last word. Following class struggle and output revolution is fundamentally tossing. After deciding to join the ranks of red and red fire, the Asian century began to be truly compiled. The waves are magnificent.The process began to accelerate. First, there were little dragons, and then there were little tigers, geese, and wild geese.In this regard, Kissinger is also a "meritorious person".

However, in Asia, if you are Cambodia, Bangladesh or East Timor, a little historical feelings will not forgive Kissinger.In Latin America, he has also had many leaders who overthrew socialist candidates and supported soldiers and dictators.Cai records, so the whole generation of people there, thinking that he had escaped the international trial, and today it still gritted his teeth.Some foreign media even compared him with Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Bobo, and Uganda. This should be the most extreme point of view.I thought that in the local area, young people were unsightly. I didn't expect to put an old photo soon on my IG Express, and then the leader of our country was shaking hands with the "murderer"Yan Huan, said that it was a bloody hand!

It seems that there are five, five or six, or those who think he is good and bad.Such complicated and polarized people are rare in history.

When Kissinger's career was at its peak, realist diplomacy was almost worshiped as Gui in the US system.This client is mainly derived from Europe in the 19th century, helping Bismarck to achieve the German unified RealPolitik treatment and diplomatic wrist. Later, it was absorbed, studied and revised by the Anglo -Saxon, and gradually emerged in the decision -making circle., Implementing a larger world.The iconic characters earlier or later than him, as well as George Kenan, Bujetzinski, Mills Heimer, etc.After the World War II, Kenan issued a "long telegram" from Moscow, and then published a famous "Mr. X" in diplomatic magazines, advocating to comprehensively curb the Soviet Union. Since then, he opened the cold war and "famous history."

Realists pay the principle of strength, and believe that existence is reasonable. They are rational and harsh, and they will not adhere to any morality and conscience.By looking for a stable balance of equity, as for the small country and weak nations, in their eyes, they are just a chess piece of more magnificent struggles or trading.

The idealist forms the control group with realists.The concept of this camp is different from early internationalism to subsequent human rights and diplomacy. They take the mission of promoting democracy, freedom, and equality, oppose power, that is, truth, and insist on eliminating dictatorship.Intervention in his domestic affairs.The beginning of the idealism can be traced back to the good thinkers of the Enlightenment. After that, they have been inherited and developed all the way. Whether in the European or Britain and the United States, whether in the left, middle and right of the political spectrum, there are support and practitioners, like the United States after the First World War in the United States.President Wilson, the British academic community Taidou Joseph Toninbi, is the leader of this "Datong" faction. In their front and back and contemporaries, the dazzling names still have a long string.

Diplomacy can have moral packaging but should not have moral cleanliness or enthusiasm

These are just the two major camp division methods. If you study carefully, the side branches and mutations are still very complicated.In general, the idealist diplomacy in recent years seems to have occupied the upper hand.On the one hand, thanks to the trend of the times, the other is at a moral highland, and the innate has a strong appeal (who doesn't like better reputation?).Another is that in 1989, the Berlin wall fell down. After the free world won, the world generally believed that the lack of determination to defeat the Communist world, and the Kissinger who wanted to obtain mildness and their realist diplomacy could rest.

However, my view is reserved for this.First of all, even if Kissinger had misconduct, he even messed up some things. He still played a resistance when the Soviet Group was the most powerful, and did not destroy the nuclear war.Then from today's vision, history is actually not the end. In 2014, Russia and swallowed Crimea, which has indicated the beginning of the New Cold War. Following China and the United States to launch a game, global reversal, arms race restarted, and then to the current Ukraine agentHuman war makes people doubt whether liberal diplomats are too excited, and they are too optimistic about the arrival of Datong's vision.

Recently, the most lively example of trampled on the idealist diplomacy is that Ukraine was invaded and was rejected by the United States when the most vulnerable and most needed for funding;What is the moral of delivery?

The most core of the diplomacy is the benefit. In practice, it is mainly the set of cold realism, and this is the secret that cannot be said in business.Of course, if it is convenient, it can put a good -looking moral coat, and it is best to do the correct surface kung fu on the correct politics, so that it can often meet the expectations of domestic voters and win votes.Isn't it said that "diplomacy is an extension of internal affairs"?Just engage in diplomacy, you can have moral packaging, but it is not appropriate to have moral cleanliness or enthusiasm.

At this moment, Kissinger's veterans are dead, but realistic diplomacy is far from exiting.If young people embrace idealism, it is very good.But if you want to be a diplomat, in most countries, it is estimated that the first interview will be brushed off.

Ideal is full, and the reality is very skinny.After all, the sinister diplomatic jungle has no naive little white rabbit.

The author is the deputy editor -in -chief of United Zaobao