China CCTV's two personnel news in the past week, China CCTV, the past week's two week of personnel news, China CCTV, the past week's two week of personnel news, China CCTV, the past week's two week of personnel news, China Central Television, the past week's two week of personnel news, China Central Television, two week of personnel news, China CCTV in the past week, two week of personnel news, China CCTV, and two personnel news news in the past week, China CCTV.It attracted a lot of attention on the Internet.One was Li Sisi, the youngest female host in the history of the Spring Festival Gala and the "post -80s" Li Sisi; the other was China's most authoritative official news program news broadcast to usher in a new face -the first "post -90s" anchor Wang YinqiEssence

Let's talk about Li Sisi first.

As early as the end of last year, some netizens broke the news that Li Sisi had left CCTV, but she never responded positively.Until this Monday (October 9), Li Sisi issued a post on the social media to let him resign or not.

Li Sisi took a photo of life and wrote: "The difficulty is the most day; the willow willow is the best of the Dongfeng;

This article and picture of her actually did not directly confirm her rumor to leave CCTV.As a result, some netizens couldn't hold back in the comment area and asked, "Did you leave?" Li Sisi replied, "Well, start a new challenge", and accompanied by the sun's smiley symbol.

The news of the departure immediately rushed on Weibo to search. People's attention to Li Sisi can be seen, and to a certain extent shows that the outside world is surprised by the news after all, and many audiences feel reluctant.

Public information shows that Li Sisi was born in Changchun City, Jilin Province in 1986, and was admitted to Peking University at the School of Journalism and Communication in 2004.The following year, she participated in the CCTV Variety Channel to challenge the host program as a freshman and became the first eighth female owner in the history of the show.In 2006, she participated in the challenge of the host of the host of the host of the host, and won the third place, and was officially seen by CCTV.

In 2011, Li Sisi began to host the challenge variety show happy hero launched by CCTV Variety Channel.In 2012, she became the youngest female host in the history of the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 26, and served as the host of the Spring Festival Gala venue five consecutive times. Since 2018, she has been the Spring Festival Gala host for four consecutive years.Essence

Although Li Sisi has worked for CCTV for more than 10 years, it is only 37 years old this year. The future can be described as unlimited. At this time, he suddenly announced his departure without disclosing specific reasons and future whereabouts, which naturally triggered the speculation of the outside world.

Li Sisi transformed into a live broadcast anchor?

Many people speculate that Li Sisi will transform into a live broadcast anchor after leaving CCTV, and even reported that she has opened an account for this.According to the Daily Economic News, some media found that the next day she announced the departure, and found that an account called "Li Sisi Selected" was quietly launched on Taobao live.Moreover, her personal Douyin account identity label is "host Li Sisi" plus "high -quality e -commerce author", and in the past year, she tried to open out of short videos and some business promotion.

However, Taobao officials immediately responded that the live account number of the Internet was not Li Sisi himself, but the account number of the same name registered earlier, and also made up the sentence: "Of course, if it is intentional, we welcome it at any time."

Some people have speculated that Li Sisi will change the battlefield to enter the field of self -media, and continue to show his feet in her familiar communication career. There are also cases of Chinese overseas media who once again revealed that she may have involved a case of corrupt officials.I hint that her resignation is related to this.

Some rational netizens analyzed that behind the bright and beautiful work of CCTV host is the hardship and high pressure that few people know, and Li Sisi has two children who are going to school.The focus of her life turned to the family, and her praise of the speculation of netizens in the social media seemed to confirm that leaving was to spend more time to accompany the children.

Some people also judge from the perspective of corporate management. Li Sisi gradually faded out of the screen after the Spring Festival Gala 2022, and there was no very eye -catching performance.To give way to the newcomer, once again highlight the new and old alternation and inheritance sticks are the development laws of all enterprises.

The first time the news network ushered in the "post -90s" anchor

Coincidentally, the CCTV News Broadcast of 45 years has been launched in the past week.The show on the evening of October 5 was unveiled.On the day of this topic, it was on Weibo hot search first, and the reading volume quickly exceeded 100 million.

新闻联播10月5日迎He came to the first post -90s anchor Wang Yingqi (left).(Video screenshot)

Wang Yinqi, born in Xinghua City, Jiangsu Province in 1991. He studied dance, vocal music, and painting from an early age. He has always been the backbone of the school.Essence

It is reported that she planned to apply for a clothing design major on Jiangnan University on the eve of the college entrance examination.But when she graduated from high school, the head teacher who knew her well suggested that she apply for art colleges.She later obeyed the teacher's opinion and was admitted to the top 20 national results into the Broadcasting and Hosting Arts of the School of Arts of China Communication University of China.

Although it is the new blood of the news network, Wang Yinqi has actually been tempering for 10 years.As early as 2013, at the age of 23, she successfully passed the assessment and obtained the qualification for the appearance. She served as anchor in the news live room broadcast at 3 am.

After Wang Yinqi, he has experienced the various programs on various CCTV channels. In the blink of an eye, in addition to hosting daily news programs, she is also responsible for live broadcasts of various new media. For example, at the Hangzhou Asian Games just endedDuring the period, she participated in the special show of countdown.

Before CCTV, Wang Yinqi accumulated experience in different places. For example, at the age of 20, he used the summer vacation to go to Hunan Satellite TV for internship, and served as a reporter and dubbing in the news network.The following year, she was a new anchor at Yunnan Satellite TV News Information, and she officially opened her hosting career.After that, she also said that she was a internship reporter on the public channel culture and entertainment programs of Jiangsu TV.

Even if the experience of news broadcast is quite rich, Wang Yinqi did not dare to be sloppy before the anchor desk of the news broadcast.According to reports, she received several months of exercise under the guidance of her predecessors before she was officially played.

The first show on October 5 has received praise from many people in the industry.Wang Yingqi's predecessor and leader Kang Hui also sent a message to her: "Successfully." Although there are only two words, she has a heavy burden.

Wang Yinqi (second from left)On October 5th, the first show was well received by many people in the industry.(Internet)

Netizens also generally affirm her first show, thinking that although she is only a young "post -90s", she shows stable and dignified and generous confidence that surpassed her age.In the face of the camera, she is also very natural, the typhoon is stable, the play is stable, and the performance is remarkable.

For the "post -90s" newsbound, many people have surprised CCTV's attitudes and standards, and affirmed that "news networks are getting more and more young people."Some comments believe that under the development and development trend of new social media such as short videos, the attractiveness of traditional news programs is not as good as before, and the joining of young people at this moment will add youngNew vitality.

The anchor and host of CCTV have changed quite frequently in recent years. Now they have boldly reused the "post -90s", showing that the management is aware of the urgency of

This week, the two female hosts of CCTV officially retreated, and one person gradually became on, indicating that the rise of the new generation.The front wave of the Yangtze River is an inevitable development trend. It is expected that in the short after, the "post -00s" will also become the main force.However, who is an anchor or host, of course, the news, narrative stories, the content and connotation of the news, the content of the news, and the content and connotation themselves may be equally important or even more important.Chinese officials have often demanded "telling Chinese stories" and "spreading Chinese voices" in recent years, and the premise of achieving this vision is that there must be an objective, fair and true "good story" and "good voice".