Source: Southern Daily

"No crazy buying and buying, I bought a few necessities of life." "I used to buy a lot of European and American brands, and now I think domestic cosmetics are also very 'fragrant'." This year, "Double 11" promoted to enter the first one.In 15 years, from only one day to the "front" stretch, from direct bargaining to complex reduction and exemption, buying regression rationality from low prices, from snapping foreign big names to pursuing domestic products ... Extend the time line, "Double 11"Many changes reflect the changes in consumption.

Consumption is one of the main drivers for the recovery of macroeconomics.In the first three quarters of this year, the total retail sales of Chinese social consumer goods were 342.10.7 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 6386.8 billion), an increase of 6.8%year -on -year; the final consumption expenditure contribution to economic growth was 83.2%, and GDP increased by 4.4 percentage points.As an important window for observing the consumer market, what new trends have "Double 11" this year?How to further drive consumption?The reporter visited merchants, platforms, and consumers to feel the economic pulse behind e -commerce promotion.

The market sinks consumers more rational and cautious

"'Double 11" Great Promotion has begun! "" Everyone quickly increased! "" The pre -sale period is more intensive! "... As early as October, the" Double 11 "promotion has begun, and various platforms"Drinking" is constantly -Vipshop, Pinduoduo will open advance purchase on October 20th, will start the "Double 11" promotion on the 23rd, Tmall launches pre -sale on the 24th ... major e -commerce platforms have been released one after another,Further fry the atmosphere.

With the entry of "players", this year's "game rules" are gradually clear.Like the initial purpose of "Double 11", the low price is still the core of the "play" of major platforms this year.

For example, Taitian Group shouted the goal of "the lowest price on the entire network"; Taobao set up "the same period, the lowest price in all e -commerce platforms" products, and the single product was directly descended by 15%, no need to make a single order, etc.rule.

"Our overall activity will last until 10:00 on November 14th, setting up the opening ceremony, category rotation period, and climax period. The price of hundreds of explosive products will drop to the lowest price of 5 daily lows within 30 days.The relevant person in charge of "Vipshop said.

Low prices are also one of the "killers" of Pinduoduo. Among them, more than 100 brands spike activities are launched every day."We launched the annual price reduction list, brand discount, and direct 100 yuan activities, and at the entire daily time, it issued an additional 50 yuan coupon for consumers." Said the relevant person in charge of Pinduoduo 10 billion subsidies.

In addition to continuing the promotion nodes, as always, the platform has launched a great consideration for the platform to launch a great discount -consumer money is not so profitable.

"I only bought a daily necessities and pet supplies such as paper towels, laundry fluids, cat food, and so on. While there was a discount, it was used for cat food.In less than 300 yuan, a bunch of gifts were also given.

Data reveals this trend more intuitively.The global consumer insights released by PricewaterhouseCoop by 2023 show that 51%of Chinese consumers are reducing non -essential expenditures, and for necessities, people start to choose a lower price purchase way.

"It can be found in recent years. With the return of consumers rationally, in the face of some big promotion nodes such as 'Double 11', everyone is not so 'crazy', buying things is more practical and just needed." Guangdong Finance and EconomicsWang Xianqing, chairman of the South China Business Think Tank and President of the Guangdong Provincial Commercial Economics Society.

But this does not mean "Double 11" "cooling"."It is undeniable that the 'Double 11' is still very attractive and consumer -scale promotional activity nodes." Wang Xianqing said.

From the perspective of the amount, although the "Double 11" has not announced the specific turnover, from the public data, the specific turnover of the past years has continued to rise.In 2009, the turnover of the entire network was only 52 million yuan, and by 2022, it had a scale of over trillion yuan.QuestMobile data shows that the first wave of "Double 11" was sold from October 31st, 2023 to November 3, and the number of daily active users of Taobao APP exceeded 500 million consecutive days to break the historical record.

Live "Fresh Wind" head anchor no longer "one family"

This year's "Double 11", e -commerce live "Battlefield" is still hot.Li Jiaqi's first live broadcast of the live broadcast room reached 9.5 billion yuan. Simba's first game "Double 11" single product link has a cumulative payment of 1 billion yuan.Of the three live broadcasts of the "theme, GMV sales reached 85 million to 150 million yuan.

Look at the absolute value, the number is still eye -catching.However, from the timeline, taking Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room as an example, this year is the lowest result in three years. In 2022, the first day of the "Double 11" score was about 21.5 billion yuan, and in 2021, it was about 10.6 billion yuan.

Corresponding to it, the independent live broadcast room of many brands has ushered in traffic rising during the promotion period.In the live broadcast room of Tmall's "Double 11" on the first day, 37 transactions increased by more than 100%year -on -year. For example, the live broadcast room of Huawei Tmall's official flagship store became the first live broadcast room with a turnover of 100 million yuan.It broke 100 million yuan in 15 minutes.

In this regard, Mo Yanqing, director and senior analyst of the Internet Retail Department and senior analyst of the Internet Electronic Commerce Research Center, believes that this year's brand self -broadcasting is fully opened, and the head anchor is no longer "one -family".The harmonious development of the business format relieves the survival space of small and medium -sized anchors and long -tail anchors.

"The head anchor is gradually decentralized '. For example, in addition to Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room, the" all girls' live room and 'all girl's wardrobe' live rooms are also deployed.Diversify the resources of the head anchor.Cao Lei, Disposal Disposal.

Behind the fiery live room, questioning continues."Brother Boyang criticized Li Jiaqi to hold the merchant" and "Li Jiaqi responded to the lowest price competition" ... The topics related to live broadcasts frequently "on the hot search", and the supervision of live broadcasting business has become higher and higher.On October 30, the "E -commerce Capital" Hangzhou issued a draft of obedience to the quotation of the live broadcast e -commerce industry, and proposed that the live broadcast e -commerce practitioners must not require merchants to sign specific regulations such as the "lowest price agreement".

Liu Xu, a special researcher at the National Institute of Strategic Research of Tsinghua University, suggested that when consumers are no longer satisfied with low prices or large quantities to purchase homogeneous products, the live broadcast industry also needs to consider more brand cooperation with offline chain storesBy promoting some ways to redeem from store discount coupons or points vouchers, it is more flexible to promote the differentiated products of brand manufacturers, meet consumers' personalized needs, and enhance consumer experience.This may be more conducive to offline integration and development.

Wang Xianqing also has a positive attitude towards the development of live e -commerce."The protagonists and scenes of the live broadcast may be upgraded iterative. More professional technicians and R & D designers will become anchors. The live broadcast scene is no longer a virtual live broadcast room. Instead, it will be in the workshop and field.Understand the design of the product "

The new generation of domestic goods has gradually become the main consumer

Chinese domestic brands are occupying a shopping cart of "Double 11" young people.

"I was snatched as soon as I was put on the shelves! Who was robbing with me?" On the evening of October 24, Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room was snatched as soon as it was launched. Many "Perlaya girls" exclaimed "It's harder than robbing train tickets. "

<<> No longer superstitious international big names, not easily brainwashed marketing, and no longer follow the trend -as the new generation gradually becomes the main consumer, domestic goods are becoming more and more popular among young consumers.Douyin E -commerce Double 11 Pre -sale brand live broadcast hot list data shows that from October 20th to 30th, there are many domestic brand brands in the live broadcast room of GMV over 100 million yuan, such as Polia, Wuliangye, Huawei, etc.Especially after the popularity of the live broadcast room, many brand live broadcast room viewing and sales have increased significantly.

Many platforms have also discovered the consumption power of young people.According to the relevant person in charge of Vipshop, the categories such as smart home appliances, health care, and household products are favored by young consumers. Domestic brand brands and young consumers have become highlights of this promotion.At the same time, the "post -95s" became the main force for consumption, and the consumer market has shown a fiery scene.From the perspective of categories, the sales of ground washing machines increased by nearly 10 times year -on -year, and the sales of electric toothbrushes and smart watches increased by more than 30%year -on -year.

The relevant person in charge of Pinduoduo 10 billion subsidies said that compared with the promotion of last year, the brand commodity pool of 10 billion subsidies this year is expected to increase by 110%year -on -year, especially Chinese goods such as beauty, washing, stationery, clothing, cleaning, etc.The growth is the most significant.

The changes in the concept of consumption of young people have brought many domestic products to "wealth of the sky".

"Take ColorKey Claki as an example, the brand occupies the top 20 of domestic makeup on the first day of the" Double 11 "pre -sale this year. In lip glaze, each platform list has maintained a leading position."Li Qinya, the founder, chairman and CEO of Meishang (Guangzhou) Cosmetics Co., Ltd., introduced.

"It can be seen that more traditional domestic brands this year have actively entered the track of 'Double 11' Promotion and live marketing. This is also related to local governments' guidance and support for old -fashioned and old brands." Liu Xu said.

Wang Xianqing believes that the popularity of domestic goods has gradually become the main consumer."They have not worshiped and obsessed with foreign brands. In addition, many Chinese -made products also fit their consumption habits. I believe that this trend will become more and more obvious in the future."

Available, returning rationally.As one of the main drivers for supporting macroeconomics, the role of consumption is very important."To keep the 'Double 11' to continue to be hot, in addition to e -commerce 'players' to continue to work hard, we must also strengthen effective supply and expand demand. While catering to consumers' preferences'Combining boxing', let consumers have money and rest assured. "Wang Xianqing said.