Source: Ming Pao

U.S. President Biden recently proposed that you can apply the "Israel Model" on Ukraine, that is, as in the United States with advanced military preparation and technology to Israel for many years, and ensuring that it is not threatened by the Arabic -listed power, so that Ukraine has not been afraid of Russia before joining the NATO.The military advantage of invading.Many experts tend to tend to be a more feasible solution, but some experts have questioned.

Researcher at the US think tank urged Georgia for mistakes

Max Boot, a senior researcher at the "Council On Foreign Relations", pointed out that Russian President Putin chose to attack Ukraine instead of the Baltic Sea 3, the former Soviet Union to join the Republic of the Soviet Union.The country is very important. The latter belongs to NATO. Putin does not want to touch the fifth of the NATO's relevant collective self -defense rights.

Therefore, as the war is still ongoing, he believes that NATO cannot accept Ukraine to join, but it may make a clearer statement that explains the promise that allows Wu to join after the war.However, this may also make Russia even more stop war to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO.He pointed out that NATO must avoid repeating the same mistakes in the 2008 Bologast Summit. At that time, NATO said that "welcome" Ukraine and Georgia to become a member of NATO member states, but there was no consensus in exactly.As a result, Putin even hoped that before they joined the NATO "first -to -pre -system" -the 2008 Russia invaded Georgia, and in 2014, he annexed Crimea in Ukraine.

Peter Feaver, a professor of political science and public policy at Duke University, wrote on Saturday on Saturday that Putin obviously distinguishes NATO and non -NATO's former Soviet members of the Soviet Union.Non -NATO's Ukraine settled.He pointed out that although the "Israeli model" is more feasible for the West, there are still many problems.He pointed out that the strength of the Israeli Air Force is enough to conduct in -depth blows against all neighbors in the region. Ukraine currently can only use small -scale attacks by drones or destroying the group's attack. The strength of both parties is difficult to compare.

In addition, the "Israel Model" has been supported by the American government for decades, no matter which party ruling.In contrast, the United States Democratic Republican parties do not have the same position to support Ukraine.Furthermore, Israel has a killer in self -defense, nuclear martial arts, and it is difficult to imagine that West will let Ukraine support the nuclear.

Insufficient "Israel Model" doubt

Senior researcher at the Atlantic Council and former US Department of Defense, NATO and European Deputy Assistant Minister, Ian Brzezinski, also pointed out that Israeli and Ukraine's rivals are simply the same. Israel's Arabic enemy was notThere is no nuclear weapon in the world.

In addition, many of the Arab countries are now supported by Western economy and military support, so that the West can have regional affairs and actions to a certain extent.Ukraine is facing Russia in a strong country. In the West, Ukraine will get a security support similar to Israel, and the financial resources they have invested far beyond imagination.