Source: Taiwan United Daily

Author: Liu Jincai

Cross -Strait routes have become the core topic of the Taiwan election.Recently, Hou Youyi, a Kuomintang presidential candidate, publicly acknowledged that "the 92 consensus in line with the Constitution of the Republic of China" was publicly acknowledged to unite pan -blue political forces.The DPP candidate Lai Qingde proposed the "four peace pillars" to establish cross -strait relations with Taiwan's deterrence, enhance economic security, establish partnerships with democratic countries, and stabilize and have principles."Proposal, so as to ease the" suspicion of the United States ".All this has triggered discussion on public public opinion.

Regarding how to maintain the peaceful and stable development of cross -strait relations, any political party that comes to power is the first priority.During the election, Hou Youyi and Ke Wenzhe chose the "He Zhongbao Terrace" route and the "Heyoumei" strategy, but Lai Qingde took the "anti -China -China" route and the "United States Anti -China" strategy.

The Chinese government claims that it will not be rejected by the "one China principles" and "1992 consensus" for the rotation of different political parties in Taiwan.The two -strait discussion of the three candidates has its own characteristics and limitations.

Hou has completely constructed its cross -strait route and policy system, claiming to follow the Constitution and the Regulations on the People's Relations of Cross -Strait, and define the "two districts" of the "two districts" on both sides of the strait.Publicly stated their respective horses, pursue their cross -strait routes, and accept the "92 Consensus of the Constitution of the Republic of China", the 1992 consensus against the one country, two systems, and the 92 consensus of Tsai Ing -wen.With the integration of pan -blue political parties and voters, it highlights the advantages of cross -strait policy and cross -strait governance capabilities.

Hou Zhi's cross -strait discussion not only emphasizes the condensation of the emotional identity of the cross -strait nationality, but also proposes the "symbiosis relationship" of "Republic of China" and Taiwan.The initiative to "one family on both sides of the strait" has the role of attracting deep blue voters and consolidating the basic disk, and echoing the mainland government's "cross -strait family".The proposal "Cup Water Theory" defines "the Republic of China" and Taiwan as a "symbiosis relationship".It also advocates "four persistence on both sides of the strait", "replace confrontation with dialogue", "to be peaceful and not war", echoing the mainstream public opinion of Taiwan's society and helping to ease the tension on both sides of the strait.Under the premise of peering, dignity, and friendship, restart cross -strait exchanges to make the two sides more stable.

Ke said that the "1992 Consensus" already exists, and it means that "respect" is not "accepting".It is proposed that no one in the world believes that there are "two China", understand and respect the mainland's insistence on the "1992 consensus", and respond to the mainland's "one China principle" with the Constitution.Promote cross -strait cities exchanges, identify the concept of "a family on both sides of the strait", and put forward issues such as "five mutual each other" and "one -five new views"; at the same time, issues such as "restarting goods trade, service trade negotiations" and "restore the two sessions" and other issues.Although the Cross -Strait discussions and routes are extremely open, it is mentioned that "do not have the sovereignty of Diaoyutai, which causes fishermen to not fish." He also denied that he had opposed the cross -strait service trade agreement, highlighting the contradictions between cross -strait discussions and the front and back of the route.

Lai announced that it follows the route of Cai Yingwen's cross -strait and advocates maintaining the status quo.Proposal "Practical Taiwan Independence", "Taiwan is not part of China", "cross -strait is not affiliated with each other"; labeling "1992 Consensus" is equal to "one country, two systems", and launched the "Peace -Baozai" as an anti -mid -line line;Feeling the crisis mobilization, stigmatized blue and white discussion, and severely criticized the cross -strait exchangeers.Recently, the "Four Great Peace Pillar" was released, but the "1992 Consensus" pillar that lacked the key of the core was contrary to the goal of "Peace Baozai".

Ke and Hou all responded to the concept of the "cross -strait family" of the mainland initiative, especially Hou acknowledged the "1992 Consensus", and its cross -strait route was the most feasible.Regardless of whether Ke or Hou is elected, you can restart the cross -strait negotiation dialogue, restore exchanges, and break away from the threat of war and diplomatic suppression.However, if you are elected, cross -strait relations may worsen and it is difficult to maintain a peaceful and stable relationship structure.

(the author is an associate professor at the Department of Public Affairs of Taiwan Fo Guang University)