Source: Xinjing News

Author: He Sheng (Mediaman)

Right now is the volunteer filling season of the Chinese college entrance examination. On the network platform, various "college entrance examination volunteers planners" have also been launched to point out for candidates and parents and plan.

But what are these "college entrance examination volunteers"?Recently, CCTV disclosed the "College Entrance Examination Volunteer Planning Research Troubled Image".On the Internet, many institutions have advertised, claiming to be the "college entrance examination volunteer planner" to hold a certificate through the examination, and also declared that "the test is low threshold, low difficulty, and suitable for making money to make money."

These certificates often go through the "one month" training of "three days", which can be easily obtained. Specific to the certificate issuance agency, it is known as the "China Smart Engineering Research Association" and "Chinese Management Science Society" and so onAuthority agency.However, in fact, both the China Smart Engineering Research Association and the Chinese Society of Management have responded to the incident that they have been virtuous, and they have never issued certificates for volunteer planning of the college entrance examination.

In fact, the so -called official "college entrance examination volunteer" has always been a pseudo -proposition.Earlier, the Beijing News reported that the Ministry of Education of China issued a warning that relevant departments have never issued professional qualification certificates such as the "College Entrance Examination Volunteer Planning".The "Volunteer Planning of the College Entrance Examination" has never entered the national vocational qualification catalog.

Therefore, those institutions that promise to get the "College Entrance Examination Volunteer Planning" certificate through the training exam, and the college entrance examination volunteer planning consulting institution that claims to have a professional teacher with a certificate of certification, has all involved false publicity and has been suspected of illegal.Once the trainees have entered the pit, such training institutions will encounter difficulties in refund and rights protection. The situation of repeated complaints such as such research institutions in the market is endless.

Volunteers of the college entrance examination determine the future study and career development of candidates. Candidates and parents attach great importance to the future of fate.How to fill in the college entrance examination volunteer has great practical needs.According to data from survey agencies, in 2022, China's college entrance examination volunteer filling in the market paid is 880 million yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 160 million), and it is expected to reach 950 million yuan in 2023. 88.1%of college entrance examinations are willing to choose the college entrance examination.Volunteer fill in service.

However, because there is a huge "information difference" in reality, the volunteer reporting service of the college entrance examination in a sense has become a rigid need, and the market size is large, so it is mixed with fish and dragons.In view of this, it is necessary to strengthen the standardization and standardization governance of the volunteer of the college entrance examination.

Some time ago, the volunteer AI reporting service of the college entrance examination has aroused the attention of public opinion and aroused the public's reflection on the pros and cons of AI.The chaos of the "Volunteer Planning of the College Entrance Examination" also reminds to strengthen attention to related services and training.

On the one hand, if the demand for the service market is strong, after inspection and demonstration, you can explore the establishment of a "college entrance examination volunteer planner" vocational qualification training standard, open such teachers in the society, issue relevant certificates, promote industry norms developmentEssence

On the other hand, if it is confirmed by investigation, it is not appropriate to perform relevant qualification certifications. Related training institutions and college entrance examination consulting service agencies should be strengthened to punish regulatory reviews of false propaganda and violations.Market Order.

In fact, as far as candidates and parents are concerned, the college entrance examination volunteer fill in consultation, and the paid institution is not the only choice.Many universities have also provided relevant consulting services. Some universities and even "set stalls" on the spot to explain the admissions policies, colleges, professional settings, etc. to candidates and parents face -to -face, and give volunteer filling suggestions.In addition, some local education departments will also focus on organizing free volunteer filling services.

It is necessary to point out that for the volunteers of the college entrance examination, the slogans such as "not waste each point" and "maximum use of scores" by many consulting service agencies are actually a stereotyped utilitarian utilitarianismTo understand misunderstandings, it is inevitable that candidates and parents will be misleading.

In fact, it is good to fill in accurately, but the most important thing is that candidates and parents must know their learning interests, professional advantages, and even future career development and life planning.In short, we must not give this a major decision to their future and fate, and simply hand it over to others, let alone superstitious "planners" that have unknown origin.