Source: Taiwan Zhongshi News Network

Author: Luo Qingsheng

U.S. Treasury Minister Yellen's 4 -day visit to China is over, although she said at a press conference in Beijing that the bilateral talks in the past few days are direct, substantial and effective;Before the departure of Yellen, the mainland announced that the restrictions on semiconductor raw materials have not improved.

For China, Yellen has not stated that it will adjust restrictions on the Chinese science and technology warfare, and even if there will be a new ban in the future, there will be no promise.Both sides have nothing to lose.On the surface, the competitive relationship between the United States and China has not changed because of Yellen's visit to China.

But did you really not change?It may not be in essence, but the atmosphere is obviously different.The United States and China will continue to do what the other party doesn't like, or if the other party doesn't like it, but everyone knows that is.The competition between the two countries will not go in the direction of the war, and at the same time, it will be resolved in issues such as global economy, finance and climate change.

Yellen's visit to China is actually successful and gain.Through the re -establishing connection between communication with China, the United States has made the world understand that US -China relations have stabilized, and global investors and companies welcomes this "stability", because this means that even if the two parties have many differences in the branches, it will not affect the influence will not affectThe overall situation.

Compared with the stiff State State Brillings, Beijing prefers Yellen with a soft attitude.This may be why Yellen's visit to China exceeded the expected.Everyone saw her enthusiasm for shaking hands with the chief of the Chinese Ministry of Finance who welcomed her when she got off the plane. When she saw that she was skilled in using chopsticks when eating Chinese food, she accurately expressed the US position, but she did not have defensive arrogance.Mainland netizens like her, nicknamed "Grandma Yellen".

Is there any inspiration for the interaction of senior officials on both sides of the Pacific Ocean?The Bayeng government emphasized that the United States and China have a guardrail and sometimes cooperative competitive relationships. Even if they are indifferent to China, they still work very hard to seek to establish communication channels.What about the Cai government?

After ending the "mobilization period", the two sides of the strait are no longer hostile but competitive relationships.However, the Cai government intentionally or unintentionally regarded the "enemy" on the other side, so that although the trade between the two sides of the strait was enthusiastic, it would be opposite, and all folk interaction was considered a United Front.Even the primary school choir sang us to sing a song, the "quality" words of "quality", and the middle school textbook called "potato" as "potatoes", etc., all sensitive to jumping accusations.

Cross -strait relations are tight. Although the unified goal of Beijing is derived from Beijing, the Cai government's positioning of cross -strait relations is unknown, refusing to communicate, and even the spontaneous "two -track" of the folk rejection and denying. It cannot be said that there is no need to be responsible.Although Taiwan does not need to bow with humble knees in exchange for peace, it does not have to be a must. Gambling in Beijing to want peace and reunification will not move martial arts, or Taiwan has the United States to support the back.What if it is wrong?

Many experts who observe the relationship between the US and Lutai have felt that the United States has been ambiguous in Taiwan recently. The Tsai government should act carefully. The United States expects that cross -strait relations are "stable", which is consistent with the expectations of most Taiwanese.Taiwan's effective law Bayen government has clearly located both the cross -strait competition and cooperation, and has the relationship between the fence, and seek to re -establish the connection and communication channels.The warmth of Grandma Yelun may be easier to achieve the effect than Brummer's coldness.

(the author is the executive chief of the Taiwan International Strategic Society)