Source: United News Network

Author: Yang Yingchao

Next year's election is likely to produce Taiwan's leaders in the next eight years.The forecast of the two -strait war on both sides of the strait also did not take off within eight years.Therefore, the Taiwanese people should check it out for the cross -strait policy of presidential candidates.

At present, the cross -strait policies of the three parties candidates are all shifted in the main theme of the preparation and avoidance.For the factors of the preparation of Americans, even if they are not popular, they will make a hard push; as for the avoidance of the war, the 1992 consensus is not good in the Taiwanese people.People are here to open the rivers and fish eyes.

On July 4th, Hou Youyi, the candidate of the Kuomintang president, stated that he accepted the 1992 consensus in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of China, opposed the 92 consensus of one country, two systems, and the 1992 consensus with Tsai Ing -wen.The criticisms of the party together are coming.Lai Qingde's campaign office said that Hou had insisted on walking back to Malaysia and locked Taiwan into China without any mainstream public opinion in Taiwan.

As for Ke Wenzhe, when I visited Japan before, it was said that mainland China did not provide a clear definition of the 1992 consensus. If he was elected president, he planned to ask about this definition to mainland China; and mentioned his experience in TaipeiIt did not accept the consensus proposed by mainland China, but mainland China accepted the "family on both sides of the strait" and dialogue.

This time, except for the sourness that it is unclear, it is said that its consistent proposition is "content is more important than title". Between the two sides of the strait, substantial communication should be resumed first.Communicate, first solve this. If everyone has always been attached to the noun, it is difficult to solve the problem.

Lai Ying's statement confuses audiovisual.Green Camp usually criticizes the Ma Ying -jeou government to lock Taiwan into the mainland, but from the perspective of the proportion of exports to land to land (including Hong Kong to Hong Kong), a significant increase is in the period of Bian Cai's ruling period: the 2000s starting from the Bian era, about 2000 in the Ting era.24%, rising to 39%in 2008. After that, Ma ruling maintained about 40%, and in 2020, the Cai government rose to a record high of 43.9%.

As for the current situation, it is a murderous war, so Lai's previous statement has been converted from a pragmatic Taiwan independent worker to a peace -protecting Taiwan; and the United States has also sent people to shuttle many times, hoping to maintain communication channels with the PLA.This status quo must be maintained, it seems that the people of Taiwan and the United States do not understand the situation in Taiwan.

But for Ke, who has occasional polls now, his speech does not seem to understand cross -strait relations.The mainland government has different attitudes towards the Taiguan and the local government.In the past, Chen Ju's mayor of Kaohsiung could also go to Beijing to exchange dialogue without talking about the 1992 consensus. Ke is not the first person; the consensus of 1992 is a creative vague, allowing the two parties to speak each other, and there are steps to go down.As for the mainland State Council and the Taiwan MAC webpage explaining the 1992 consensus, it is enough to know the answer.

Even if you take a step back 10,000 steps, Ke should wait for the definition to the other side after being elected. If this "middle" means the opposite side, the non -contented Key, Ke wants to negotiate to solve it, or if Ke Yan resumes the substantial communication, let's talk about it later.Is this possible?Seeing that the Cai government knows it is impossible.In the past, the Democratic Progressive Party has always advocated that there is no premise on the two sides of the strait, which is what Ke just said.Obviously, Green Camp Bian has been in power for so many years, and the conversation has not begun.After a circle, what should Ke plan to do?What is the position of the 1992 consensus?The people should be curious about Ke's current answer.

Of course, we will be happy to see the mainland in the future of Taiwanese people.But before this dream was realized, Taiwanese should check out who has a way to fight for more than eight years for Taiwan.Democratic politics is a self -contained politics. The result of the next year's election is the choice that gives us more next generation without regret.

The author is associate professor of Ming Chuan University