Source: Taiwan United Daily

Author: Zhao Chunshan

Tip O’Neill, the former Speaker of the House of Representatives, said a famous saying: "All politics is a place."Although I have learned politics, it is not domestic politics, so I am not qualified to talk about elections or interested in it; but next year's presidential election in Taiwan makes me not want to talk, but I have to talk.Because, I confirmed that the election results not only affect the existence of the Kuomintang, but also extend to the peaceful war on both sides of the strait.

The Kuomintang proposed the "three stages of theory", from calling for candidates, integration within the party, to "non -green" union, but it seems that there is a problem in the first stage.It will be a taboo for soldiers before the battle. The Kuomintang should not have such a love and movement. It should consolidate the "internal fortress" as soon as possible.

First of all, I have suggested that Hou Youyi "change his head"; that is, he must seriously understand that former president Lee Teng -hui often quoted during his lifetime that modern Japanese philosopher Nishida said: "Am I mine."That is, there is a higher goal of self -implementation.Hou currently has the dual identity of the mayor and presidential candidate. If he does not learn to "change his face", he will inevitably fall into the dilemma of character conflict.

Mao Zedong said, "Revolution is not a invitation to dinner."Serving people, it is not enough to rely on "small knives".

Secondly, "concept combined with comrades" is of course important.But the discussion must be seen "beef", not to say vernacular.And as Lenin said, using "propaganda" and "encouragement" to simplify complex text to deeply root the hearts of the people.For example, the dispute between the 1992 consensus does not have to write an article on the noun. As long as the former President Ma Ying -jeou's eight -year mainland policy results are listed, it is better to compare the status quo of cross -strait relations after seven years.

Third, I think the three stages exist in independence, and there is a connected relationship between each other.In other words, the second stage of the party cannot be integrated, endangering the "non -green" union of the third stage, and turning "internal contradictions" into "contradictions between the enemy and me".Therefore, I don't think that the Kuomintang wants to use the party discipline to punish comrades in the party and the "non -green" person to contact with the "non -green" person.Do not turn the current "assets" into a "liabilities" in the future.

Finally, according to personal observations, the external environment facing the election of Taiwan next year is relatively stable.China and the United States are the most important external factors affecting Taiwan's political development. The chairman of the United States in Taiwan Rosen Berg said in a round table with the media in Washington that the United States supports Taiwan to hold free and fair elections.Overseas forces intervention; and I have recently visited Lu's impression, and officials involved in Taiwan -related affairs on the other side also held the same position.

After the

"Balloon Incident", the high -level Sino -US high -level dialogue frequently launched a dialogue in order to maintain the normal state of "fighting without breaking".The "Taiwan issue" must be the focus of dialogue between the two parties, but because of their own opinions, the result is as Kissinger said: "Except for the time to the time, there is no other solution.", Resulting in the danger of wiping guns, China and the United States will control the crisis of Taiwan issues.

In the post -epidemic era, security and economy have become the topic of general attention in the international community. At present, the "de -risk, not decoupled" discussion discussed in China and the United States is related to these two major issues.Affected by the geopolitics and geopolitical economy in Taiwan, Taiwan cannot ignore changes in the external situation.

If the two groups of "green and" non -green "duel before election, I hope that each will propose a clear proposition for the people to make the public in response to security and economic issues.Otherwise, the significance of the election can only be reduced to the "storm in the teapot", and a re -assigning game of power can be.

(the author is an honorary professor of the China Institute of China Tamkang University)