Source: Taiwan United Daily

Lianhe Daily News

The four -day visit of the US Finance Minister Yellen in Beijing met with the Chinese State Council Premier Li Qiang, Deputy Prime Minister He Lifeng, Treasury Secretary Liu Kun, and President Yi Gang, and the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Shengsheng PICC, and expected to replace Yi Gang in office.Pan Gongsheng's Pan Gongsheng et al.Yellen admitted at a press conference that although this visit did not break through, the talks with Chinese officials were "effective" and helped the two parties to establish a constructive communication channel.Compared to the coldness of the Secretary of State Brills in the middle of the month, Yellen brought a warm atmosphere this time, which was a lot of opportunities to return to the United States and China relations.

Yellen's trip to Beijing this time is regarded as an observation indicator of the "lower limit" of US -China relations: Ruo Lian Yellen is uncertain, and US -China relations may be difficult to return to spring.The reason is that Yellen is the most popular minister in Beijing in the Bayeng government. She has strongly opposed the "decoupling" with China and believes that it was a disaster. LaterLun's opinion.Although Yellen lacked a specific breakthrough this time, her kindness was right to be friendly by China, and also laid the foundation for the later visit of the American climate, Climate, Climate.

Yellen, who has served as the chairman of the Obama administration, is a rational believers with a free economy. It does not agree that government sanctions are used as diplomatic confrontation tools.She has advocated cancellation of Trump's punitive tariffs on US $ 30 billion in goods, and believes that this will not help reduce the trade deficit and instead worsen the inflation in the United States.However, her claims did not get the high -rise Bayeng government's recognition that most officials still believed that high tariffs could promote the industry in the supply chain to move out of mainland China, so they must be maintained.In any case, Yellen's gentle position won the favor of the Chinese side for her.

When Yellen met with Li Qiang and He Lifeng, Yellen emphasized that the United States did not seek to disconnect with China, and did not seek the struggle with China.compete.Regarding the US -China -China bilateral trade last year, it reached $ 690 billion, a record high, and Yellen believes that this means that there is still sufficient space for investment in diplomatic tensions in two countries.

Yellen's expectation of this trip is not high, and believes that it is mainly to know the leadership team that has just changed.It is worth noting that China also specially arranged for the retired former deputy prime minister Liu He and former president Zhou Xiaochuan Zhou Xiaochuan to eat with her, showing that Beijing officials are willing to actively establish a China -US link through Yellen.Among them, Pan Gongsheng, the director of the State Foreign Exchange and the president of the National Foreign Exchange, met, and caused the most notes. He believed that Yellen might ask him to continue or expand the "purchase of US Treasury bonds".Essentials.

Overall, although Yellen's visit did not see a breakthrough, the atmosphere of each other was warm and the tone was positive.When Yellen arrived in Beijing, Beijing was just raining, and a rainbow appeared in the sky. Officials who took over the aircraft pointed out that the rainbow showed Yellen.When Li Qiang met her, he also used the rainbow as a metaphor to express his goodwill: "It's like a rainy day, just look at only a pool of mud at your feet, and you can see a touch of coloring Xia Xia, and you can see more rainbow. Sino -US relations.That's the same. "In addition, Yellen ate in the non -box area of the small hall in Yunnan, showing a close discussion among mainland netizens on Weibo.

U.S. experts believe that China attaches great importance to Yelun's trip and shows that China is unwilling to decide with the United States; and the Chinese economy is facing sluggish exports and weak investment consumption.Lare.China believes that in the visit to the United States to send high -level cabinets in the United States, it shows that the Bayeng government has recognized that it is unrealistic to "decoupling" with China. Only by contacting each other can we solve the economic and unemployment problems in the United States and even respond to the 2024 election.

Yellen said at a press conference from China, "Believe that the world is big enough to make us prosper and develop. Both countries have the obligation to manage this relationship and find the way to prosper the mainland government around the world."This is to say to China, but also to the United States.Her views are actually closer to global consensus, including Taiwan, and everyone is looking forward to pursuing prosperity in competition, rather than blindly restricting others with national security as a means to satisfy their goals.