On July 2nd, the former deputy minister of the Ministry of Agriculture Qu Dongyu's high vote for the re -election of the Director -General of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).Control the global dining table.

Qu Dongyu is the only candidate. He won 168 votes of 182 votes, which happened to be the auspicious "all the way" that the Chinese loved.When he was elected in 2019, some African and Western media reported that after China exempted a loan of 62 million euros (about $ 92 million) in the West African countries, Cameroon candidates announced their withdrawal;Do not support Qu Dongyu, and may lose China's funds.He finally won 108 votes in 191 votes to defeat French and Georgia candidates.

This time, Qu Dongyu was determined to be elected before the election. Candidates from Iraq and Tajikistan announced the withdrawal of the election in March and April this year.After the re -election of high votes, he said that he would continue to promote the modernization of food and agriculture, making the agricultural food system more efficient, tolerant, more tough, and sustainable.The purpose of the food and agricultural organization is to eliminate hunger. The Latin saying on the logo reads "We want to have bread", but since Zu Dongyu took office in 2019, a large -scale epidemic and war broke out.Continuous increase.

The Food and Agriculture Organization, which was established in 1945, was located in a fascist building in Rome. Italian dictator Mussolini established the African Ministry here in 1937 as the command headquarters invading Ethiopia.At present, the wrestling sword in the United States and China has strived to fight for the support of developing countries. The food and agricultural organization has become a stage for interaction between Beijing and Africa, Central South America, South Asia, and Pacific Islands. At the seven -day ministerial conference, Qu Dongyu performed 56The bilateral meeting.

Successfully raising budget

The German media disclosed on the eve of the election that the food and agricultural organizations are increasingly "Chinese characteristics" under the leadership of Qu Dongyu, and the Chinese people are inserted as important positions and promoted the plan to echo the "Belt and Road".However, Qu Dongyu is still re -election. Representatives of various countries have brought politely at the conference. Panama claims that the grain and agricultural organizations under his leadership have adopted effective climate change to respond to policies;The country has achieved significant achievements.

Qu Dongyu, 59, was very different from Chinese officials.He was lively and lively when he was speeching. Speaking of the ponds in his hometown not only allowed farmers to storage of water and irrigation, but also raising fish. It was a case that solved the problem of agricultural water resources worthy of reference.When he introduced the representative of Slovakia, he kindly talked about the gourmet alcoholic wine he had tasted in the country to get closer to the participants.

Despite the pressure of opposition, Qu Dongyu successfully persuaded most member states to increase the budget of food and agricultural organizations from 2022 to 2023 to US $ 1 billion to US $ 1.05 billion from 2024 to 2025, an increase of 5.6%.This is the first increase in budget for 12 years.

Compared with the harmonious atmosphere of the seminars such as flood governance and water management, representatives of various countries are swords and swords in the venue of the budget.The United States is the largest capital contribution of food and agricultural organizations, accounting for 22%of the total budget. Together with other Western countries, they question the necessity of increasing budgets. They believe that it should be based on effective use of funds, deletion of some expenditures, and zero budget growth.In addition to some African and South American countries looking forward to the improvement of budgets, Russia also took the opportunity to provoke and accuse Western sanctions led by the United States to cause food crisis and inflation. "These countries have money to buy weapons to Ukraine, but they have no money to solve the problem of hunger."Essence

The former Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore's president, Shang Daman, pointed out in the speech to commemorate Frank Lidgett McDougall, a raising food and agricultural organization that since the 1970s, it has made great progress against children's hunger, but look at the future in the future.The problem of hunger for children is unacceptable.He said: "Food is not only about hunger, but also one of the unsafe ecology challenges."

China ’s investment ratio from 2022 to 2023 was 12.006%, and from 2024 to 2025, it will increase to 15.256%, which is the second largest capital investment country in the budget.When Western countries are watching tight loads, Chinese representatives say: "The hunger population is increasing, supporting the increase of budget, food and agricultural organization work plans, and willing to donate additional donations."

The dispute between the budget is a part of the United States and China. The more money also means that it has greater influence on the food and agricultural organizations. China turns over from the southern countries that have been aid in the past.A scholar described: "China's national strength is increasing day by day. If you want to occupy a place at the international conference table, China is huge, just like a fat man squeezed into the table. People who originally had to sit out."

The owner of "Fat" is still the United States

Now, "Fat Man" is the owner of the table.The United States is still the largest capital contribution, and the work plan needs to be discussed and voted by the General State Conference. However, Qu Dongyu, which controls the daily operation of the food and agricultural organization, has one -hand information. When the information is asymmetric, the United States wants to supervise it.

Qu Dongyu said that he will play neutral, professional and honest leaders.Observer pointed out that under his leadership, the food and agricultural organization exudes Chinese characteristics. When the stairwell is hanging in the staircase, when the seven -day conference closing, he gave the VIPs to write the calligraphy of "Shangshan Ruoshui".More importantly, he also said: "It's time to rewrite food security narrative now."

The narrative of grain safety has increased with American characteristics since the 1960s, advocating the green revolution's hybrid wheat and rice output to increase the output, increasing farmers' income and eliminating hunger.However, Dadilva, the director of the last grain and agricultural organization, acknowledged: "The food production system from the Green Revolution depends on the huge external resources, and also gives the environment a high price.Biological diversity continues to degrade ", pointing out that the green revolution needs a large amount of irrigation, fertilization and pesticides, and switched to ecological agriculture.

Now Qu Dongyu should bring Chinese characteristics into the safety narrative of food, and strengthen the relationship with developing countries through the plans such as holding hands, South -South cooperation, and three -party cooperation through food and agricultural organizations, and echo the international layout of Beijing.From the dining table to the origin, China will be more influential in global food security, agricultural chemical technology and big data in the field.

The author is a Taiwanese journalist and a doctor of sociology living in Italy