European immigration policy is at the crossroads of unknown direction.The Dutch government announced that it would fall on July 7 because the Dutch Alliance could not reach an agreement on the restriction of immigration policies and held a general election as soon as November.The French policeman shot the death of North African -American teenagers. At the end of June, it caused riots in many cities. The official deployment of 45,000 police officers to maintain public security. So far, more than 3,600 people are arrested.The relatively enlightened Nordic countries began to review immigration policies and imitate the conservative practices of Poland and Hungary to limit the number of immigrants.The right of right nationalism of the EU countries has risen one after another, and almost all of them are opposed to immigration.

The Conservative Liberal Democratic People's Party, led by the Dutch Prime Minister Lutal, advocates restricting children of war refugees in domestic war, and stipulates that families who apply for shelter have to wait for at least two years to reunite.However, the United Government's Christian Alliance and Liberal Six Six Democratic Party refused to support, resulting in the dissolution of the government.The Netherlands with a population of more than 17 million accepts about 43,000 refugees each year. Last year, it increased to 47,000, and this year may be as high as 70,000.The adjacent Denmark and the Nordic countries have begun to turn, tighten immigration policies and increase the threshold for applying for citizenship.

French riots have announced the EU's loose immigration policy in recent decades.EU opening mainly from immigrants from North Africa and the Middle East, which was originally based on humanitarianism.Some analysts pointed out that there may be a sense of atonement in these areas of predecessors.However, the more realistic reason is that the population structure is aging caused by the decline in European birth rates year by year.The average fertility rate of EU women in 2021 was 1.53, which was lower than the population substitution level.Open immigration, there is no consideration to fill in market labor.

However, the result of the founding of the Great National Gate has led to serious social contradictions.The cause of the French riots is precisely because the police violent enforcement of minority ethnic groups such as North Africa.These immigrants have been ignored by the mainstream for a long time, lacking a skill that integrates into the society, and the crime rate is high. Naturally, the police are "specially taken care of."Even more sensitive is that most of them are Muslims and refuse to accept the secular values of France and the European Union.France's fertility rate is the highest in the European Union and is 1.84, but most of the contributions come from Muslim immigrants.France currently has 5.7 million Muslims. It is expected that the missionary population will reach 17%of the total population in 2050, which is equivalent to the British situation.

The differences in skin color and even belief have been brewing in the EU countries to become a nationalist emotion with increasingly excellent colors.Poland, Hungary, and the newly on power right -wing government have successively described the Great French riots as an alarm clock on the free immigration policy.The German Right -wing Alternative Selection Party opposed to immigrants has gained 19%support in the latest polls in June and is expected to win three state regimes in 2024.Sweden appeared in the joint government composed of right -wing political parties last year.Although the support rate of French President Macron will rise to two percentage points without falling down after the riots, reaching 33%. The polls in May this year show that comparedThe degree of support is 55%.

Immigration policies and political, social and economic contradictions caused by immigration have become a tricky problem for EU countries.Many immigrants have experienced two or three generations of reproduction in EU countries, and they have long been a member of society.However, the differences in ideology and living habits have led to the emotional gap that is not easy to leap.The new generation of illegal immigrants is more difficult to integrate into society.The growth of Bai people's nationalism has constituted a lot of political pressure on the government of the EU.The European Union in February decided to increase the phenomenon of cracking down on illegal immigrants in February.Last year, a total of 330,000 illegal immigrants smuggled to European countries.

For developed society with a decline in birth rates and aging population structure, especially in Asia, including Singapore, how to avoid immigration research into political contradictions that lead to social disturbances. It is also a difficult challenge.Compared with those countries that were originally consisting of single nations, Singapore has accumulated useful experience in handling different ethnic and religious relations.However, we must establish basic mutual trust in groups with different growth backgrounds, ideological consciousness, and living habits, and achieve the best integration effect. There are many jobs to do.Avoid the growth of ectopic populism, and always tests the political wisdom of governments in various countries.