Source: Taiwan United Daily

Lianhe Daily News

The "World News Media Annual Meeting" opened on the first day of the opening of Taipei. The organizer presented the "Golden Book Award" symbolizing the freedom of pressing to the two Iranian female journalists Hamidi and Mohamadi, who was still in prison.They were arrested and imprisoned for the atrocities of Iran's "moral police" in the Amani headscarf incident.

The President of the World Editorial Association Ramos condemned the Iranian government to disregard human rights, suppress the media, and block the freedom of press.She also lamented that due to the uncertainty of business models and the evolution of technology, it is easier for those who are in power to manipulate populist and community media and destroy the credibility of the media.She said that the freedom of speech is still very fragile, and news with quality of production system is more difficult than ever.

Ramos's worries are self -coming.She is from Mexico. In the past 20 years, more than 150 reporters in Mexico have been murdered.The Mexican government is a democratic government, but the democratic system does not represent democratic governance.The government's intentional or unintentional indulgence or active acting, threatened and harmed the life and press freedom of journalists, and weakened the media's supervision forces.

Look at the United States of another democratic government.On the 16th of this month, the Vietnamese secret whistle, Aisbig, died. This was published on June 13 from the New York Times in 1971, which was 52 years.As a military analyst, Esbaig, who gave the US 7000 -page confidential report to the New York Times, caused a stir.The Nixon government ordered the secret part of the New Year, but refused to follow the New Year; the lawsuit hit the Supreme Court and finally won the lawsuit.The lawsuit of the person in the hard bar of the media is the test stone of the first amendment to the United States Constitution, and it has also become a milestone of freedom of speech. It has also touched the court's judgment on the Washington Post in the Watergate Case and continued to open the freedom of speech.Aisbig is the representative of the "whistle" of a democratic country.

But the freedom of the press is not a Avenue of Kangzhuang.After the Cold War, the Soviet Union disintegrated, and some people predicted that the free democracy system would bloom everywhere; people saw the east European liberation, the transformation of mainland China, and the democratic movement in the Middle East and Africa.First, the freedom of speech is in qualitative changes and reverse flow in democratic countries.

The United Nations Secretary -General Gutris said on the May World Press Day that attack on the freedom of press still happened in all corners of the world.Last year, 55 reporters and four media workers were killed online, but they did not die at the battlefield, but were fatally attacked at home or interviews.In centralized or autocracy, the persecution of freedom of news is more frequent.What's even more ironic is that the freedom of press is threatened in democratic countries.Taking the United States as an example, the confrontation of ideology has blurred the freedom of speech, and the trust of Americans' trust in the media has also dropped to a new low.Beixi No. 2's underwater pipeline was blasting. The U.S. government obviously applauded in advance, but deliberately let the fake news spread, attempting to cover up the truth.In addition, the media's mentality in the Russian and Ukraine War also hurts the freedom and rights of the public to pursue the truth.

The qualitative changes and countercurrents of the freedom in free and democratic countries have collapsed the business model of traditional media on the one hand, and the business model of traditional media has collapsed. Fake news and extreme remarks have flowed in the free market of opinions, and they also damage the people's confidence in the media.On the other hand, the person in charge of power uses ideology as a cover attacking news media, not only evading supervision, but also intensifying opposition.

In the long stream of history, the challenges of speech and press freedom have not actually decreased slightly, but the forms are different.The World News Media Annual Conference is held in Taipei, which is helping people to think about the different challenges of the freedom of the press under different systems.

The New York Times Director, Chang Sha Bobeg, also delivered a speech on the International Press Free Day last month saying: "When the freedom of the news is eroded, the erosion of the democratic system itself has also come."Century, this warning reminds us that democracy and freedom are not shouting slogans, but to fight, care, persist, and fight with action.Press freedom is the core and soul of the democratic system. The media must always wake up and inspire themselves.