Hong Kong Tuesday (April 30) has issued yellow.The heavy rain warning signal, at least 10 flights failed to land at least due to bad weather. Among them, the CX341 flight CX341 from Shanghai to Hong Kong failed twice in a row. Once, it rose a kilometer in just two minutes.Some passengers posted a video to show the cabin bumpy, and many passengers screamed at the same time.

According to the Flightradar records quoted by the Hong Kong 01 News, Cathay Pacific flight CX341 was near Hong Kong Airport at 7 pm on Tuesday, and was readyIt rose to about 1310 meters in two minutes, and climbed to about 2164 meters from the ground in six minutes.

After the aircraft climbed again, surrounded the north of Hong Kong Airport and on Tuen Mun, and then flying towards the south of the southeast of Hong Kong.After about three laps, along the western line of Hong Kong, flying over the Hong Kong -Zhuhai -Macao Bridge, returned to the airport to try to land for the second time.

But the second time has not been close to the airport. When it is about 457 meters away from the land near the Hong Kong -Zhuhai -Macao Bridge, he chose to fly again., To the north to Zhuhai, due to insufficient oil, they flew to Shenzhen Baoan Airport to land in the Pearl River Triangle.The flight finally flew to Hong Kong in the early morning.

A number of passengers on the flight shared the shocking pictures at the time on the social platform. The screen showed the bumps of the cabin. Later, it was even more dark. The background came back to a number of passengers at the same time panic and screaming.Some passengers call on everyone to "don't call", soothe other passengers, and passengers shout "Come on! Captain, come on!", "It's okay!"

and passengers posted on the social platform Xiaohongshu.The post entitled "Passengers on the plane are all living and dying". At that time, it was very bumpy at that time."; Another passenger said that he had written a suicide note on his mobile phone at the time," the closest to death. "