(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) After the Hong Kong property market "withdraw", the house transaction volume continued to rise in April, and it rose by 88.9%monthly.A record of new highs in the past three years.

According to the Sing Tao Daily and Zhitong Finance reports, the Milian Property Research Center has comprehensive Hong Kong Land Registration Office information, as of Monday (April 29), Hong Kong's first -hand private buildings and second -hand residential registration volume will be recorded from 8616.March 4186 was significantly higher than 105.8%.

The overall property, including first -hand private buildings, second -hand housing, first -hand public housing, industrial shops, pure parking spaces, etc., a total of 9,470 registration volume is about 88.9%higher than March 5013.New high since July 2021.

Liu Jiahui, chief analyst of the United States, pointed out that the registered data of the Land Registration Office in April reflected the significant increase in residential transactions after "withdrawal", and the monthly increase was significantly larger than the overall property during the same period.At the same time, at the same time, the number of first -hand public housing registrations recorded 205, which was much higher than the 63 starts in March.

Yang Mingyi, a senior co -director of the Central Plains Research Department, believes that after the property market was "withdrawn", developers accelerated the sales of new markets and opened the price to attract buyers and investors to enter the market to stimulate sales.

On February 28 this year, Chen Maobo, the director of the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, published the fiscal budget of the 2024 to 2025 fiscal budget, announcing the revocation of Recruitment of " The management measures of residential property demand.In other words, all residential property transactions do not need to pay additional stamp duty, buyer stamp duty and new residential stamp duty.