The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government plans to set up overseas economic and trade offices in the Saudi Arabian capital.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency and letter reported that Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao met with the Secretary -General of the Gulf Arabic National Cooperation Committee (Haihe Club), the Secretary -General of the Bayi Gulf Arabic National Cooperation Committee (April 25), met.

Li Jiachao said that the Hong Kong Government plans to set up an overseas economic and trade officer in Liye to continue to expand its economic and trade relations with the member states of the sea.

Li Jiachao said that after meeting with Budaiwei when visiting Saudi Arabia in February last year, the two met again in Hong Kong, and further strengthened Hong Kong and Haihe members of the sea in trade, investment, and finance in trade, investment, and finance.Cooperation exchange with technology and other aspects.

Li Jiachao pointed out that the member states of the Haihe Association are important trade and investment partners in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Government actively establishes a close connection with the member states of the Seahei to promote various exchanges.

He said that companies and investors from member states of the Haihe Association make good use of Hong Kong's unique advantages under the "one country, two systems", strategic location as a portal of mainland China, world -class financial infrastructure and rich talentsLibrary, seize the "Belt and Road" initiative and the huge opportunities brought by the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area.

There are six member states, namely Balin, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

The fiscal budget announced by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government in February this year has proposed that the Hong Kong government is considering adding economic and trade offices in the Kuala Lumpur of Lady and Malaysia.

Sources of the Hong Kong Government explained that the Hong Kong Government will set up a package of factors for overseas economic and trade offices, including the importance of local development strategies, and their cultural background and public security.The results of work related to economic and trade relations.

Hong Kong currently has a economic and trade office in London, New York, Los Angeles and other places.