Due to the weak market atmosphere, the transaction was weak, and the net profit of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange fell a year -on -year decline in the second fiscal season.

According to the Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange announced on Wednesday (April 24) announced the first fiscal quarterly performance., S $ 516 million), a year -on -year decrease of 13%, but exceeding market expectations, rising 14%month -on -month.

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange announced that in the first quarter, revenue and other income were 5.201 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 6%, and 7%month -on -month.

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange said that due to geopolitical tensions and macroeconomic fluctuations continued to drag the market emotions, in the first quarter of this year, the average daily turnover of the Hong Kong stock market market was 99.4 billion yuan, which rose 9%from the previous month, but but the month -on -month rose 9%, butFall 22%year -on -year.

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange said that the decline in the main business income is due to the decline in the average daily turnover of the Hong Kong stock market, which reduces the net income of transactions and settlement fees, reduced investment income of the fund and the settlement of the settlement house.EssenceHowever, LME (London Metal Exchange) transactions and settlement fees have increased due to rising transactions and fees.The Hong Kong Stock Exchange completed the acquisition of LME in 2012.

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange Group's derivative product market and the commodity market continued to grow and perform strongly in the first quarter.In the first quarter of this year, the average number of daily contract contracts derivative of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange reached a new quarter high, up 12%and 6%year -on -year and year -on -year.The year -on -year increased by 6%and 31%, respectively.

In addition, the operating expenditure of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in the first quarter of this year increased by 8%year -on -year, mainly due to the increase in employee costs, including increasing the employment hand, salary adjustment, and one -time retirement benefits paid to advanced management.At the same time, the professional expenses of the nickel market incident have decreased, and the reduced part of the charitable donation of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange's Charity Fund has declined.

In terms of new shares, there are 12 new listed companies in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in the first quarter of this year, with a total funding amount of 4.8 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 28%.In the first quarter of this year, new shares covered different types of innovative enterprises and issuers from technology -related industries. As of March 31 this year, a total of 85 applications were applying.

Chen Yiting, chief executive of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Group, said that the global macro environment is weak, but the group's derivative products and commodity business are still strong.Although the stock market has continued to weaken due to the macro market atmosphere, the average daily turnover of this year has been significantly rebounded in March and April this year, showing that investor confidence has recovered.

Chen Yiting also said that the China Securities Association recently announced that many measures to support the development of the Hong Kong capital market will further enhance the attractiveness of the Hong Kong capital market. Although the environment is still full of challenges, it is still optimistic and optimistic about ChinaThe long -term growth trend of the economy is also optimistic about expanding the connection with the capital market in Southeast Asia and the Middle East can bring opportunities.