Hong Kong media reported that Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao will once again lead the group to visit the Asianan country in July.

Sing Tao Daily, Monday (April 22), quoted sources to report that in order to strengthen the relationship with the Asianan country and strive to join the regional Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) for Hong Kong, Li Jiachao will be onIn July, the 30 -person business delegation led a delegation to visit Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.This will be the second time that Li Jiachao has visited the Asianan country since he served as the Chief Executive.

Li Jiachao took office for nearly two years. In addition to visiting mainland China and cities and Beijing many times, he visited overseas three times.Visit the Middle East and visit Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia in July last year.

According to reports, in the past few overseas visit, Li Jiachao led about 30 business delegations to span different fields such as business, financial services, transportation, and innovation technology.like.

It is reported that RCEP is currently the largest free trade agreement in the world. It consists of the Ten Kingdoms of Asia, Mainland China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand.Deducting tariffs to free trade.The Hong Kong Government applied to join RCEP as early as January 2022. It was originally expected to join within 18 months, but no news so far.

Qiu Yinghua, director of the Hong Kong Business and Economic Development Bureau, said in the Legislative Council last week that Hong Kong has sufficient conditions to join RCEP. The Asianan country supports Hong Kong to join, and Hong Kong also strives to fight for the remaining five member states on different occasions.support.

The report quoted a businessman who would visit the Ya'an in the group and said that he did not know the specific itinerary. It is estimated that he would meet with the local government and business leaders.It may be one of the key issues of access.

Li Jiachao led a group to visit Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia in July last year.At that time, some analysts believed that it was to accelerate the addition of RCEP in Hong Kong.Li Jiachao later summarized the above -mentioned visit to Malaysia in Malaysia that the trip has achieved three major goals and five aspects of achievements, including signing 33 cooperation memorandum and agreements with Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia, with the number in the past.